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She looked really pretty in the bun though! I think shorter hair and put up would suit her a lot better, but obviously that's her choice how she chooses to style it
Looking at her latest insta story (where she’s drinking tea and then turns her head in a “how I am just looking at something random” kinda way allowing to show her hair Styled in a high bun) I really can’t help but think that not only does Ruby reads the thread but is also somehow really trying to apply any comments made here?! Like maybe it’s cabin fever and me just slowly loosing it after so many months cooped up inside with little to do but work and read tattle life, but man, it’s not the first time we’ve noticed this little coincidences....and honestly some part of me wants to be wrong because this is also kind of sad if it’s true?!
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For anyone who saw my previous post about Ruby's pictures on her wall, please don't take this as me accusing her of having bad intentions or interests. I really don't think that Ruby is someone who would cause harm, but I had just been wondering if anyone else is also put off by how far she has taken this character of herself. I used to enjoy Ruby's content, but I think that after a while I began to see that she really is stuck in this persona and it seems that she has actually regressed to a point where she is no longer relatable and actually becomes concerning. I really thought that as she got older she'd be more open to embracing more social issues and being more in touch with her audience, but after the holocaust ad post and her recent dress-up videos and room tours, it just seems that she's attempting to mask her privilege with her image of a naive girl who doesn't know any better. I think this is the case for a lot of YouTubers. For example, Jade masks her own privilege through a very skewed image of spirituality (the whole casual magic thing).
I get what you mean re: regression. For me it’s apparent she’s in her 20s but the idolisation of childish outfits and childish literature with no indication (in her content) that she has any interests in growing up, which does cause some concern for me. Will she still be fetishising skipping though a field every day when she is older? It’s all a bit much. I understand liking to wear pinafore dress a la 1960s, or rereading the occasional childhood favourite novel, but practically every video the past few months has given me the impression that her striving for an ‘aesthetic’ has become an obsessive pursuit. Being Hermione in Book 1, reading many many YA books this past year, skipping around in the garden getting Mummy to film her, wearing pigtails and boaters etc etc. Being giddy about the show Matilda. Altogether, it’s a bit much. I guess it’s like when some people REALLY get into a new hobby and they get all the gear, join all the groups, talk about it all the time that it takes over and becomes them... It’s possible to enjoy the pinafore dress aesthetic as a woman but style it up appropriately for work; it possible to keep your school boater hat in a cupboard for posterity and memories without wearing it in lookbooks as an actual item of your current wardrobe. It’s possible to indulge in rereading Harry Potter as an adult without every thing you do being done in reference to it. Etc etc. I think Ruby needs to broaden her horizons, acknowledge her privilege and mistakes and grow up. She’s due to graduate next year and she still strikes me as a 13 year old girl.

I just feel Ruby seems scared to grow up. I can imagine there may be many reasons why, but it’s not healthy.
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Well, if it's true, let's put this thread to good use.

Ruby, to dress vintage and get your style across the way you want it to, less is more. And better fitting is more. Fashion is a whole science basically and just because it's "girly" doesn't make it any less important. There are so many great, down-to-earth fashion channels out there giving lifesaving advice on how to style the basics, like Ashley from Bestdressed. Trust me, it's worth it!
Ruby and Ashley represent two ends of the same fashion spectrum for me (wannabe vintage mass-produced sweatshop pieces randomly thrown together) and they both look terrible. If Ruby starts frolicking around in the fields in outfits like these I'm officially going to retire from the internet. Enough is enough!

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-05 um 15.58.25.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-05 um 15.58.43.png
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Well to bad she only took the hairstyle advice and not the one about her cringy “acting”🤦🏼‍♀️
All of her monologues begin in the exact same way that is her walking towards the camera raising her eyebrows 😆
View attachment 420494

Also, delusional much🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
View attachment 420492
Can someone tell Ruby that showing your forehead, frowning your eyebrows and having a judgemental tone is not acting?
It's always the same thing no matter who she impersonates ffs
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Yeh I kind of just don't get her channel. Like if she was 11 or 12 the victorian video she made would be quite good. But shes a fully grown 20 year old woman so I cant help mentally comparing it to other properly researched and edited videos about the victorians made by other 20 year olds and hers seems so ridiculously childish?

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I think my mom would kill me if I posted a video on the Internet for thousands of people to see where our house is visible and not perfectly clean in some way. Like one time I was having a Zoom call with some uni friends to discuss a project (so a completely informal occasion with like three people) and she told me off because a pile of clean plates was visible behind me on a counter. Ruby's house looks way messier and dirtier than that and she has no problem showing it to her whole fanbase smh
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Ruby and her family strike me as kind of the stereotypical snobbish and rude British tourists. Like the kind that get super annoyed if the locals don't speak perfect English. I might be totally wrong, they may be delightful and considerate people when travelling abroad, but that's my impression. It might be interesting in that sense to know what they voted regarding Brexit lmao
Her dad’s a tax avoider.... you can safely assume who and what he votes for 😂
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You can enjoy learning about something without dressing up and acting it out. Ruby frequently does romanticised acting videos on her channel and I can't see anything changing in this one. These horrible comments on her Instagram really highlight the immaturity and ignorance of her fans, and I find it quite disturbing that she hasn't stepped in considering how often she talks about anti-bullying campaigns. 'How do we know Ruby is wealthy?' - it's obvious from her home, the companies she is able to shop at, her job, the fact she's a landlord. It's evident Ruby has no experience of actually having to worry about money.

I also find the fact that she doesn't attract many viewers her own age a bit strange? Most other study tubers seem to have a lot of university age followers, and Ruby's been uploading videos for so long that you'd think her followers would have stuck around but they all seem to be very young and impressionable, idolising Ruby to an unhealthy degree.
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Is it the norm in uk to keep photos in the bathroom?
I would definitely find it disconcerting to have a bath with pictures of myself as a child watching on! I certainly have never had photos in my bathroom, but I don’t really know whether that’s representative of the uk more generally
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Ruby is encouraging this attitude by prioritizing quantity over quality. Half of the quota is made up of short books, poetry, children's books and rereads.
Also her audience is mostly made up of young kids. Like if you're 12, reading The Secret Garden might sound perfectly reasonable to you, because you are the target reader for that book, and it might not be obvious that for 20-year-old Ruby it's a very easy read that would probably take her like an afternoon to finish.
I remember when I was 10, my best friend and I both borrowed The Fellowship of the Ring from the school library and were implicitly racing each other to see who could finish first (this was before the films came out btw). Some days I'd even skip 10s of pages just to get ahead of her, only to find out she'd done the same thing! Neither of us enjoyed the book, as we were too concerned with quantity over digesting the actual story.

For Ruby, big numbers = amazing, but that doesn't account for the actual learning/enjoyment.
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I think she was definitely reading here when we were commenting on her not wanting to read about romance and stuff and suddenly she went full on sex, prostitution, child abuse and who knows what else as if she was trying to prove us wrong lol. I bet she will reread Anne from Green Gables again instead of actually trying to read these either way.
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A lot of people on TikTok do - can only assume that they're so stuck in the bubble of privilege that they think it's cool and dangerous? It's the whole appeal of the 'gangster lifestyle' with the difference of having a support system and ready money to fund the habit...
Out of all of the people at uni I knew who took drugs, the only ones I knew who were very public about it were privileged Martha types. I think there also has to be an element of privilege there to assume that you can post about it publicly and not have to worry about the image of yourself that you're putting online. We know that the family is very wealthy and that Ruby and Martha have never had to go out and get a standard job, I don't know if it would even occur to Martha that this might effect her job prospects in the future as employment isn't really a thing she's ever had to worry about.
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Hi, new to the thread! Last year I noticed Ruby finally maturing, like going to therapy and dressing like an adult. However, since she has gone home all I see is childish outfits and she also carries herself more like a child than she did a year back. In a youtube comment thread me (an ex anorexic of nine years) and some others discussed Ruby's noticeable eating disorder/ eating problems. I think it has gotten worse, which is why her posture is childlike. Am I also the only one that thinks Ruby is possibly subconsciously stuggling with her gender? She seems to really be over compensating with femininity.
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The real question is, why’s she in the adults bit? Not sure how old she is here but in my area (not quite the Home Counties but a posh shire if you will) anybody under 17 goes to the kids a and e to get dealt with quicker
Erimentha going somewhere that’s meant for *gasp* ordinary children? How very dare you ...
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It is a little weird from an outside perspective that the scale does not actually go up to 100%.
The UK marking system is really weird tbh, its especially confusing for international students when they get 70 and assume its a bad grade when it's the highest grade boundary you can get.

On another note, I've noticed that Ruby talks a LOT about 80+ grades being publishable, like she puts way too much thought into it. Maybe that's why shes upset when even when she gets a 70 something, because she thinks that means it's 'not publishable' and therefore not good enough. Like you're an undergraduate student, not everything you write needs to be of publishing quality. I'm a postgraduate student and I don't think any of the shit I write is good enough to be published...
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I agree. Has anyone seen this? It's so weird how she talks to her
Hiya long time lurker and fan of the book reviews 😌

I was actually surprised to see Ruby looking a lot less little girly on the mums account bar one selfie where rubes is sporting the everlasting boater - I even spied a pair of Nike Air Force ones in a pic this summer!! Take it to the runway!

wondering if the ramping up of the little girly act might be either coping with pandemic anxiety or an attempt to play to her historic fan base (or maybe a bit of both)? It does seem to be escalating with each spon con blunder which would certainly give me anxiety (I’d never sleep again)
Also I did notice that when she first moved to uni she seemed to grow up loads, ditched the friendly shire horse fringe, dabbled in makeup, more mature attitude. Wonder if she lost followers/engagement and had to frantically dust off the boater and her best frolicking shoes to try and claw it back. A shame! I was rooting for you ruby, we were all rooting for you!
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Fuck me, she shouldn’t even be doing it, they’re too rich to get any student finance which means either her dad can afford to just pay for everything outright which means he’s easier earning ALOT or they didn’t provide any information to them, I don’t give a shit what route she goes down, she knows nothing about being working class, she’s not even middle class. The poster is absolutely right. The girl too money off a charity, the persona is slipping, if she does do it, she’ll be like Jade is currently, dragged by half her audience and arselicked by half. If she had some sense she wouldn’t do it but there’s no stopping Ruby is there
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