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Chatty Member
The other thing about socialising is I wonder if she's more high profile now than she was when she started Exeter? Or perhaps more controversial. I can imagine that would cause a lot of anxiety when attending socials
I did wonder about briefly this as well. She did mention that she was recognised when she was first starting Exeter and she found it a bit strange. I don't know if she would have many of her peers know who she is in Oxford, perhaps more of the first-year undergraduates than the postgraduates.
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Sorry, but that is a bit misleading! There are non-UK Tattlers in the thread and we shouldn’t give inaccurate information about how things work here, just as a general thing. I’m not at all trying to say you shouldn’t share your own experience - which is totally rubbish, no disagreement from me there. As I said, Rubert is in an unusual and very privileged position given that she can easily fund herself through an entire doctoral degree if she wants to.

But there absolutely is funding both at masters and PhD level. Yes, it’s very competitive! But is that really such a bad thing? Should the taxpayer pay for indefinite numbers of graduate students to complete humanities degrees at masters and PhD level? You can certainly argue that there should be more funded places, and it’s absolutely legitimate to be disappointed that you personally weren’t given one. But there will always be some people who don’t get the funding, like there are people who don’t get any given job.
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as someone from the west of scotland it’s equal parts irritating and insanely amusing seeing her try to romanticise the krispy kreme shop in glasgow central station🤣
Haha it's hilarious! I used to live in Glasgow and literally no one else would be that excited over the Krispy Kreme in the station 😂😂
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I'm sorry if it's kind of off topic, I'm just curious. In my country you have write a thesis and present and defend it in front of a committee to get any kind of degree, both in the end of your BA and MA studies. Is it different in the UK? Can she get an MA degree without writing a thesis? 😮
Speaking from my experience of English Lit in the UK, you write a MA dissertation that works in a similar way to your undergraduate dissertation but is longer and obviously requires more rigorous research and a deeper level of writing and analysis. My UG dissertation was 10,000 words, both of my MA/MLitt dissertations were 15,000. There's no thesis defence necessary, it's essentially an extended essay. Then your PhD thesis is examined through a Viva defence, where you essentially have a formal discussion with your supervisors, internal and external examiners explaining and defending your research.
I know, I didn't want to be too mean because she can't help looking young but...I feel like they'd eat her alive. Some of mine were older than me and it was terrifying, and I don't look young like she does haha
She's had all that experience in a school, remember :p
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Ruby never explicitly brought up her having neurodivergence but I do know she has brought up therapy (though that could be for a myriad of different reasons) she also claims she was bullied in high school but it was most likely just her being isolated for being “weird” or a know it all. I’m autistic myself, however I’ve noticed that she reminds me of other autistic women I’ve met (including myself) who are often seldom diagnosed compared to their male peers.
I do think she’s definitely autistic, but I believe she’s kind of traipsing through life where she doesn’t really know / understand what is “different” about her, all she knows is that she’s “not the same” and uses it as a personality trait.
Off topic
sorry I know this is so off topic - haven't been on this thread for ages - I hope this isn't too personal a question. I'm 20 and I've been suspected for autism for many years, my parents suspected it in childhood but didn't take me to get assessed because it wasn't affecting my education. I was referred to CAMHS as a teenager for OCD type traits and was referred for an ASD assessment after my mental health assessor noticed traits, however a glitch in the system made me lose my spot and I've aged out of pediatric services anyway. I got referred again in uni but haven't heard anything back in a year and a half. Do you think it's worth it to get a diagnosis as an adult woman? I thought it'd be useful both for peace of mind and so that I could address it in therapy. I just feel a bit self conscious because I know it's somewhat "trendy" at the minute what with TikTok and I don't want to seem like a faker.
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Tbh, I feel a little bit jealous of her ... She seems to have so many opportunities, travelling, attending prestigious schools and universitys (I mean, Exeter is quite good, too?), having time to write books...
Honestly tho, she seems to be harsh with herself, not wanting to make any mistakes etc
I think this might be the reason, why she hardly thinks for herself? And prefers to use AI and learn things by heart
I really hope she enjoys her time at Oxford, but personally, I cannot imagine that.
Studying without a deeper reason behind is quite boring, in my opinion. She will hardly find a job and I do not think that she has an intrinsic motivation, too?
I think you’re exactly right. She seems like someone who has anxiety and doesn’t really believe in herself despite the front - because that’s what it is IMO - just a front that hides a lot of insecurities.
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I think you’ve missed my point somewhat. I didn’t say that I personally judged those unis by her - I’m far older than she is, so that wouldn’t even make sense - my point was that I don’t think she as a character does much for the reputation of those unis as being stuffy and full of posh people, which whether you like it or not, is definitely what many young people in state schools think about Oxbridge. That’s why I’m surprised that her kind of content is popular, because to me people like her were people I wanted to avoid when choosing unis, and she embodies all the traits that would be off putting to your average ‘normal’ student
I didn’t miss your point; I inferred from your earlier comments on the thread that you’re older than Ruby. The post you made that I was replying to perpetuated the stereotype that we are talking about - I’m saying it’s a false one. I didn’t mean you literally chose not to apply because of Ruby; apologies for the confusion!
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On Ruby's insta story she is in Cambridge with her VARY BESTESTESTEST FRAND and um...thats not the Isaac Newton tree Ruby...Thats at Woolsthorpe Manor, not Cambridge city centre

*correct me if im wrong of course, but I went on a school trip to see it years ago and it wasnt in Cambridge.
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She should be more careful about her safety. Wearing stuff with the name of the specific hotel in it and posting the video online is incredibly careless. If you can Google it and find out where she is, ill-intentioned people and stalkers can do it as well

I'm guessing she uploaded that after leaving the place, probably back at home now.
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Since she unlocked another personality trait. NPC LARP.

Like a Sim, when they graduate university, they can get a trait.

Ruberty watched one Gilmore Girls episode and then decided she wants coffee as a personality.
Yeah don't come at me but you can't equally be both a real tea person and a real coffee person I think :LOL: I mean I have coffee in the day and tea in the evening, but if you love tea so much you have a tea station I'm not buying you're a constant coffee drinker- it's so something she's putting on

There's a bird and blend in Oxford? No footage of that yet haha
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She never was, or at least hasn't been for a very long time. It's just another fake identity trait for her to wave around because it makes her feel superior (and having a pretend dietary restriction is a handy smokescreen for her ED).

She buys leather bags, buys wool clothes, regularly eats dairy products, honey, etc. She's been getting caught on camera doing it for years now because, like everything she lies about, she's really bad at covering her tracks.

It wouldn't be a big deal if she just said, "I mostly live a vegan lifestyle but there's times when I don't." But instead she has to constantly shout that all of her food and activities are VEEEEGAN because she wants people to believe she's the most vegan vegan who ever veganed.
I knew she’d been caught eating non-vegan food regularly but, as you said, she was shit at covering her tracks and would still claim to be vegan.

It’s definitely a good thing she’s no longer even pretending as it’s a common way for people with ED tendencies to cut out food groups and restrict their food intake so I’m happy she’s dropped it.

It’s absolutely impossible for anyone to live completely vegan anyway so the sooner the label is dropped, the better.
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She's actually doing her PhD through Yale right now and living London while she writes and doing research in Oxford's archives sometimes. She's done some interesting videos talking about how she's organising/corralling all her research too. One of the few study tubers who I think actually uses Notion to improve her work output rather than as waste of time busy-work.

If you go back in her videos though you'll see her Oxford content from her Masters. (CW: She had a vile experience there - assault I believe? Anyway, she talks about it a bit. ).
Sorry for the off topic, but was wondering if you had any of her videos that show how she uses Notion? Just starting my PhD and I'm trying to work out how to actually use all these tools well, rather than just for the sake of having them
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OT I know but this constant AI and automation is really killing content, even news and articles are written with it these days! How can Ruby call herself a writer and love it so much, it’s killing writers’ careers as they’re replaced by a cheaper machine :(
Do you know what news stories are written using AI? Just wondering because I'm a newspaper journalist and we'd never do that but I can see magazines using it for online articles about topics such as how to prepare your home for autumn, etc - basically anything that doesn't involve an interview. As someone said above, it gets stuff wrong and I find it can't add analysis which is the human element to writing an article. I agree the idea of replacing writers with it is scary though!
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