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Well-known member
When you write it out, labelling this a “study” video is pretty ridiculous:

Friday/Sunday (showed writing her to do list for Friday twice - then told us it was Sunday):
Reads for pleasure, works on her novel (by hand?!), declutters her computer, makes coffee, writes a to-do list, works on her novel again, makes pancakes, eats pancakes, films a TikTok, types out her handwritten novel notes, finally starts “studying” (actually just using AI to summarise an essay) at 1pm, bakes a pie, reads 4-5 essays (they must have been very short!), has dinner with her parents/their friends, then she “can’t remember” what she did in the evening.

Reads for pleasure, works on her novel, makes coffee, works on her novel again, makes tea, around midday she finally starts studying but after 30mins she isn’t focussed (because she’s hungry) so makes lunch, comes back and has finished her mini essay, does research for a speech she’s giving, gets changed, reads for pleasure, goes for a walk, films a look book video, comes back to do some critical reading, reads a set text (it’s 300 pages so who knows how much of it she read), makes dinner for her family. Then she comes back to the camera (implying it is the same day and she’s apparently been editing this video) and then packs for her family holiday. Found it funny that her lisp returned for the packing segment.

You know, when she was doing her A-levels I don't remember her giving us a breakdown of each task (I could be wrong). I wonder how much of her 12-hour study days were actually spent studying or just doing random tasks that looked like studying.
Would it though?
Idk it depends on the type of editor and how much Ruby is willing to yield. A line editor is going to go line by line and fix grammar, syntax, and weird phrasing. A story editor will actually make suggestions on things like plot, character development, world-building, etc. A story editor probably would have stopped her first book from ever seeing the light of day because Ruby would have realized it was basically a daydream of what she wished her own life was like
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At least this girl you're talking about seems to be really gifted, truly passionate and hard working, unlike Ruby who's pretending to be. The problem with her isn't being unable to do something else than academia, it's that adding to the fact she's not even good academia speaking. If Ruby at least admited not being that good, shared her struggles and worked on it efficiently, trying new ways and advices, that could be a good content, one with who the watchers can grow. Her channel is just constant auto congratulation.
I dunno. I don't think anyone gets onto a Masters course at Oxbridge without having some kind of talent or aptitude, right? No matter how many times they try.
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New member
Ruby’s new favourite shoes that have been featuring in every single recent post are timberlands which are, of course, not vegan 🙄
I'll gladly take anything that's not that old brown monstrosity she keeps wearing everywhere.
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Honestly I think you've highlighted the very problem many of us perceive Rube Tube to have & that is her inability to critically evaluate, analyse, consider, draw analogy or contrast through her own learning. The reason I believe this is difficult is because she parrot learns and doesn't actually really have a core instict to investigate her own thoughts, feelings and views. I think this in turn is because her academic journey has been about getting an answer right. This means she turns to already known and documented information. Sadly I think academic systems, at least to undergraduate level and at least here in the UK, can lend themselves to those who have a good memory. I'm not sure how she'll cope at MST level? I think her nemesis, if she some how grifts her was through her masters, will be PhD or DPhil. I don't see her having the degree of original thought to get through that. Just my thoughts. Time will tell.
I think this has to do with how radically different the US / UK education systems are. I never understood why so many people freaked out about A Levels and GCSE until I realized it was a sort of “life or death” thing where in the US if we fuck up in High School we have Community College / other opportunities that don’t rely solely around tests to further our education
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wait I haven't really seen a lot of posts here lately but why do we think that Ruby doesn't read at all? I assumed that writing your university dissertation and getting a decent first would require at least some reading, surely she can't copy paste from Blankley *I hope I spelled her name correctly*
Not as in not reading at all, but reading way less or just skimming over the books she claims to have read
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Believe me, @quartzen - it’s not as sh*t as it used to be… The concoctions they served several years back had to be tasted to be believed :sick: The increase in popularity of veganism has forced them to up their game a bit. She’s lucky in her timing!
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VIP Member
Can "BLOOKS!?" please feature somewhere in the next thread title?
Someone please explain this to me, I swear I’ve listened to that bit four or five times and I can’t help myself, I zone out as soon as she starts talking about whatever it is and wake up when she says BLOOKS. I THINK THAT’S QUOIT FUNNY.
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Well-known member
Serious question - should we make an off topic thread to continue discussion of academic funding? Evidently there are a range of views on this and it must be boring af for those who are only here for our little Rube the Tube.

@judgejohndeed I’m not claiming funding is copious! That would indeed be quite silly. The question is, how many masters and PhD places is it reasonable for taxpayers to fund? I have an unusual perspective on this as someone who has been deeply embedded in academia but has also now left - I’m certainly not against funding for arts and humanities, by no means (especially having benefited myself and having so many friends who have done so, that would be quite hypocritical). But I think we also have to be realistic about what that funding is for. We can’t fund people at graduate level (in arts/humanities) just because they want to continue studying.

I’m well aware this is going to be an unpopular perspective, especially with anyone who has not been given funding (which I realise is not your position) or who is still within that world and fighting for grants, trying to get students funded, etc, but I’m unsure what the solution would be. If there are X funded places and Y students applying, and Y is considerably greater than X, there will always be many disappointed students at the end of the process.
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Wish we had a Tattler on her course.
I wonder if anyone knows about her online presence?!
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She made so many basic factual errors about Oxford in that video. I’m not going to correct them all because (1) I don’t want to help her and (2) I know a few people on the thread find it boring, haha. So I’ll just say that I can’t believe she admitted on camera - and included in the video! - not knowing she couldn’t borrow books from the library. And secondly, lmao at her buying and wearing that touristy Oxford lanyard. Girl, just no, it’s so cringe - there’s a reason why they sell those in the souvenir shops…
Can you put them on the other thread we created for off topic stuff/funding discussions? I haven’t given the name so she can’t find it 😂
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Sorry if it's already been covered, but what's her new degree going to be in? I can't imagine getting onto a course and then having to do this level of practice/revision before you even start it. Am I missing something (I 'only' did a taught BSc and MSc).
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I think it’s weird she went there if she’s sooo gifted anyway? I mean it’s fine, but there’s another local private school that’s for very academic girls, has very competitive entrance and is like 90% Oxbridge
If it’s the school I‘m thinking of, I’m not sure she would have got in and I really doubt she‘d have coped with it if she did. The family also strike me as the sort that want their girls to have the same education and that other school would not have suited Martha at all, even assuming she would have passed the entrance exams.
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Re; Ruby not going to the Pizza evening. Her excuse is rather transparently pathetic. Tired?? How exactly is she tired? She didn't come from a busy hectic job, she's not busy parenting or caring for someone, she didn't exactly travel from the outer Hebrides to get to Oxford, her mother drove her, both parents (presumably) helped her pack & unpack & she isn't ill or elderly so why exactly is she tired?
I do believe her about being tired - she is ill after all. Restrictive eating disorders make you tired all the time, even when you're not doing anything at all, so even the extra stress of packing, unpacking, moving about, going for a food shop, etc. definitely can be exhausting, even if it may seem like she didn't do anything to someone who has never had/doesn't have an ED (or other conditions that make you have no energy).
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@hart301 wow that sounds very confusing. I have to say my guilty pleasure is watching American college decision videos on Youtube even though most of the time I have no idea what's going on! Us getting 5 uni choices (or videos like Ruby's reactions to her first year uni grades) is so anticlimactic in comparison.
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