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VIP Member
"Oiy johst wanted tyoo rip off sommone alse's oiydeas based on moiy nyeu JANUINE lovv of Wass Handington - HONNASTLY moiy favoratt diracktorr.

Oiy lovv awhl of his films, like The Regal Tinnypawns, Beetle Pocket, Oiy Love Dogs and The Fantabulous Sir Badger. But most aspashiouly, my varry myost favourat Wils Mandleston myoovie is Roshmwoar, which is like Matilda but with a boy, syo not as gud as Matilda but still varry gud.

Oiy JANUINELY watched all of these films boht moiy thwaots on tham are proyvit, syo please ask nyo farrther qwasschons. Boiy popular demahnd, oiy will gyo back tyoo making moiy yooshual contant of wrinkled clyothes oiy gwot for free in ondeclared ads fwaor Misspah Teena."

View attachment 1991296

Looks like it's still the case. Ruby would never survive.

But it would not shock me at all if Ruby and/or her parents just rented another home in Oxford that she has no intention of living in and did everything possible to get around this. She couldn't stay in Exeter for a full week, and that was a familiar place with her BASST FRAND, she'll break down immediately at Oxford.
I guess it depends on how much she wants to fulfil her dream of studying at Oxford. If she wants it that badly that she has reapplied, then maybe she should get over herself and live on campus. Surely living in the college itself might be an option?
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VIP Member
Ooooh I see! That clears things up for me, thank you. I always assumed it was through UCAS and so the application transcript would be visible through that.
No, Postgrad application info will be input into the uni records systems manually rather than via bulk upload from UCAS. Ruby’s UG and PG applications should all be visible in her record in the Oxford system
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Well-known member
I still can't believe she wrote and self published an entire book to pat her own back for being a condescending, arrogant, insufferable, hateful little shit.
It's the online popular fake bookworm version of the self insert OC in fanfictions I guess? Except she made money of it.
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Chatty Member
8 to 10 weeks after the deadline, so probably March (the dl was January 5th, if I remember correctly).

I’ve resigned myself to the inevitability of her getting in. It’ll make for entertaining content, though. She’s going to unravel at the speed of light.

I had a dream last night where I had been an exchange student and staying with the Boneseses for 6 months, and then it was time to start packing to go home, but I had amassed 600 books (very few of which I had read) and was frantically searching for boxes to pack them into. I also told Ruby at some point I knew she was a good person at heart but, quote, ”you really have to work on yourself” 😂
Lol your dream sounds like the kind I have if I fall asleep with YT on autoplay and it makes its way on to Booktube 🤣 You gave her good advice tho🤣

Meh, i don't mind if she gets into Oxford. But I just don't see it happening for some reason. If she does, yeah Im sure we'll get some entertaining content. If she doesn't, I wonder if she will tell us...
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Well-known member
What video is this? I’m pretty new to the Ruby-verse and am slowly making my way through her videos on study breaks. I want to watch this one on my next one in an hour or so.
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i really want to read erimentha parks book to know exactly what's written in it, and also i feel like i would have great fun reading it, but they don't sell it here and i could not find epub for zero money anywhere on the internet... that sucks, because i am definitely not going to order it with international shipping lol.
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Chatty Member
There probably wasn't enough snow. In March there wouldn't be much of it in a normal year but this year and last year have been particularly dry and warm.
yeah northern Italy was hit pretty hard by the climate change. I've heard there were floods this winter or something? at last summer so hot and dry.
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Well-known member
If she were seen doing that in the US they would make her remove them, then remove her from the waiting room and tell her to go somewhere else. She thinks she can just deface things or do whatever she wants. We don't want your scummy notes in our books, magazines or anywhere else. You are a nobody who is breaking laws. I wish someone would just slap some sense into her.
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Chatty Member
She also claims to be marking a tonne of essays, but that just seems like bullshit she's added on to make her "job" seem more important. I'd be flabbergasted if the school trusted someone with no qualifications, training or understanding of English who'd been there for 5 seconds to grade everyone's essays.

Also she's been talking about this Quizlets thing for years and I've never known anyone else to actually use it. Is that an actual thing used in schools or is this just Ruby trying to act like she's revolutionising the learning process with her usual pointless, outdated crap? Or does she just think flash cards are called Quizlets because of her withered raisin brain?

View attachment 1947735

One hundred planner giveaway...and three classes will apparently win and split those between them...

I see she's about as good at math as she is English.
Wasn't it originally 90 planners?
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She made a cafe menu (6:20 timestamp) in her newest video :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:...that's something I would've done when I was 8 with my family...not 22

But who knows maybe this will lead Ruby to a job at Starbucks...though she would probably quit once she realized it wasn't all just pretend and she'd actually have to work
I've just watched it, oh my god it's so cringy 😭
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VIP Member
I am surprised she is going for her Masters since she hasn't got a clue as to what she wants to do as a career. I mean, she said she wants to be an author, but you need talent for that, not a Master's Degree, and she has already found out getting a book published by an actual prestigious company is not going to be handed to her on a silver platter. I hate the idea that she might take up a space at any university that someone else might desire and benefit from, whereas she is just doing it for the fun of it. Another aesthetic lifestyle to vlog about. It is a lot of hard work and she admitted she did not enjoy her university experience and does not enjoy researching things. She has no interest in mingling with her peers or her betters (which is basically everyone), though I know she craves Oxford and being a student again. At some point, the schooling ends and life begins, and the longer she delays adulting, the more screwed up she is going to be. Lately she hasn't said a word about her so-called job nor does it seem like she is doing her morning "routine" of reading philosophy. She never sticks with anything. An Oxford degree would be so wasted on her.
The thing is, she doesn’t even need a career. Her parents are clearly willing to support her at least to some extent. Say she does move into the house she bought, she can still continue with YouTube and the stationary brand and I think she could support herself honestly.
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Active member
True, but in those cases people are fully aware that it's fiction. Ruby didn't make it super clear from what I can see. Perhaps this is something I'm sensitive to because I have personal experience. It's certainly not one of the worst things Ruby has ever done, but we're talking about a person that manages to mess up in every single thing she posts 😂
That's fair enough, I understand your point:)
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Well-known member
I think that Ruby's gestures are kind of artificial? Idk I'm Italian so moving your hands as you speak is normal for me (I do it even when I'm talking on the phone or talking to myself lol) but you can tell when someone does it all the time vs when someone is doing it to put on a performance. You see it with actors and other Youtubers as well.
Everything in her looks artificial tbh, someone said she was doing the same gesture as another youtuber. I can relate for the hands even when on the phone x)
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VIP Member
just catching up on the thread and - am i being thick or does the 'rainy and chatty vlog' not exist now? like i can't find it, has she changed the title name or taken it down?
I have just checked and it is still on her YouTube channel with the title that you have included in your post.
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I wonder if she's mentioning the dental stuff so she has an excuse to start developing a lisp 🤔 or so she can point to that when people ask why she pronounces things so weird.
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Well-known member
Well those are some interesting reads. Are we talking 'novels' with illustrations or text only?
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