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If Ruby got into Oxford, I think we would know immediately. I don't think she could contain herself and refrain from announcing it to the entire world. She has no friends. Who else is she going to celebrate than herself looking in a mirror? Looking at herself in a camera, of course. I took her recent haul as more of a continued approach to learning how to write and pretend she is living in Oxford. Because she is just not Oxford material at all.
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Mmm delicious, tepid chocolate!

Her mother is a fucking imbecile for not thinking of this genius and simple method of protecting your taste buds against hot beverages. Erimentha should prepare a presentation about it.
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View attachment 1966478View attachment 1966479View attachment 1966480

Not to play the devil's advocate, but we all know that Ruby has never had an original thought in her life and this also is a thing other youtubers and people generally do. This home café thing is done mainly by korean youtubers, I think. Along with fake chalkboard menus and funny setups. It's true that Ruby doesn't match the quality of these home café vlogs, but I find it actually pretty sweet. My mom also makes me make the coffee when I'm with my parents.
So yeah, it's half assed, but it is kind of a trend.
Home Cafe is just an expression for where they make visually pleasing beverages and snacks to enjoy themselves or with friends at home though. I watch some of these videos along with other Korean 'silent vlogs' and not once have I seen a single person acting like they are taking an order from their parents or pretending to be an actual waitress. It includes cooking/barista content, not owning up to acting like an 8 year old. 😂

Edit: I just saw that @paulpercy666 also said the same thing, sorry haha.
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Rubys writing gives that episode of friends where Joey writers that letter using a thesaurus and is like "they have full sized aortic pumps. Love, baby kangaroo Tribianni
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1. One essay published on a non-peer reviewed publication.
It's an amateurish collection of disconnected thoughts and borrowed ideas, which won't do her much good if anyone at Oxford reads it.

2. The AMMILY DICKENSON MUSEUM "job", which might look impressive at a glance, but if they actually look into any of it, won't do her any favours. She's painted it as a full-time social media strategy consultancy for her time there, but one look at their social media will reveal what bullshit that was - she just posted a few poor-quality, self-promoting videos on a pretty much dead TikTok channel.

3. The school "job". I feel like this will screw her over the most. Any admissions staff will be very good at spotting entries on a CV that're purely there for padding to tick a box. All they have to do is notice that she's working at the same private school she attended as a student, that one (or more) of her academic references are her high school teachers from that school, and that her tenure there is very short and incredibly last-minute. It won't cast it in the best light and it'll make her look incredibly sheltered.

This might make her look a bit more impressive than last year if they're only glancing at her CV, but if they actually scrutinise any of it even slightly, she's screwed.
It's an academic application and English lit is not a vocational degree, they don't care if you come across as 'sheltered' or if you haven't had a real job before. Lots of people who do masters/phds have never worked a day in their lives (especially in subjects like English where most students are wealthy - most working class undergrad English students don't have the privilege of forking out to do a masters in a subject with so few career prospects).
They care that you have a good undergraduate transcript, letters of recommendation, decent writing skills and potential to succeed. Ruby was more than capable of cobbling together essays made up of other peoples ideas to convince Exeter lecturers to give her firsts, so there's really no reason why she wouldn't also convince Oxford to let her in. Her little side projects she's done over her gap yah are only filler to bulk up her application and for her to show she has an interest.
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It's quite reassuring to know that no matter how dumb someone thinks they are, all they have to do is look at Ruby and know they're at least smarter than someone. Ruby's shown improvement at something by getting consistently stupider with every video and has unwittingly done something kind by boosting the self esteem of others. Hell has truly frozen over.

"Thaahr are FOIVE things oiy want tyoo inclyood in moiy noyt ryootine which WILL make me fyeel moiy basst the naxxt dyay.

1. Clyean Spyace.
2. Tahrning Off Scryeens Aarhly
3. Practicing Gyud Slyeep Hoygene.
4. Planning Moiy Day the Noight Baffwore.

It's the same shit she's always done and whatever she's doing clearly doesn't do her any good.

Nothing makes life feel more like a prison than regimenting your day with predictable, restrictive timetables. It certainly doesn't help that most of the shit Ruby's claiming she does is lies. These are word for word the same lies she's always tells.


She claims she loves/NYEEDS to plan each day the night before, and yet she never plans anything. She claims to use a variety of planners (all of which she makes money from and none of which she actually uses) and yet her life is always shown to be a disorganised mess.

This is yet another excuse to show off her dying planner company to try to shift the warehouse stock they have left and wring a bit more cash out of her failed, low-effort vanity project before the remaining planners are shredded. It has the added benefit of making her look productive to the undiscerning eye, but yet again, she's unable to show that she consistently uses her planner for more than a day or two. Because she doesn't.

Recently on TikTok, she showed a "full flickthrough" of the planner and she'd filled in two pages since last year. Here she just recycles old footage from back when the planner first launched. It's a planner page she's shown several times before because she's used these products so little that there's only a few completed pages to pull from and they get shown ad nauseum. She's never used these outside of ads.


She prattles on about how she likes her room to be tidy because it makes her head feel clearer. This is the same shit she comes out with in most vlogs and routine videos and yet she's shown that she constantly lives in a state of squalor. Dirty dishes and mugs littering her room, clutter strewn everywhere, bedding unchanged for months, dust, dirt and grime everywhere, fly corpses all over her desk and windowsill.

She clearly has no qualms about sitting in filth and clutter. But saying this shit all the time makes her appear neat and clean, and including a sped-up montage of her putting away a few things or just aimlessly pacing the room makes her appear busy, even if nothing's happening.


On the topic of sleep hygiene, Ruby claims it's a great idea to craft a sloppy-as-fuck throw cover for your monitor even when it's off. "This will signifoy that oiy'm...nyo longer WAAHRkING?" Ruby has never "wahhrked" at this computer (or at all), so I'm unclear why this would be a concern. Besides that, look at those pre-made sheets draping down from the top of the windows. They're called curtains, Ruby, and if you close them in front of your monitor, you'll no longer be able to see your monitor.

But, again, it's more lies. This makes it appear that Ruby is so possessed with the pure, uncontrollable urge to work herself to the bone that the mere sight of a powered-down monitor will force her to jump out of bed, sit down and put in an 11 hour shift at an imaginary remote job. This is someone who has a panic attack at the mere thought of doing 3 hours low-effort work every 3 days, she has no trouble avoiding work and responsibility and there's no danger of her rushing to do more.

It's also an excuse for her to show her arts and crafts...umm..."skills" again, and add two steps to her fake routine where one would do. SOCH MOLTITAHHSKING, SYOO TALONTAD!

After offering up the usual lies about how she'll prepare her new night routine, she says she's going to show the routine in action.

It's riddled with continuity errors. She says she's off to take her contacts out, even though she just showed she was wearing glasses. A RAMMADY KYOMBYOOCHA can spontaneously vanishes and then reappears on her windowsill. Ironically, she claims she was "wahhkring" on "additting", even as she proves that she puts no effort or attention into editing and just blindly slaps together random footage without checking any of it.



And yet her planner looks suspiciously pristine considering it's JANUINELY been YEEZED AVVERY DYAY. Even her fans and friends have mentioned that these things fall apart within days. She just grabbed an unused one from the pile and added a page of new/fake entries on for this ad. And she's already admitted that a designer created these for her, so the backtracking and constant lies about how she designed it awwl harrsalf is just embarrassing.

Ruby, the company's dead. You can stop the lies now. They won't help you make any money. It's too late.

1099377_14461342502419_rId5 copy.png

Ad declarations are noticeably absent, even though influencers are supposed to properly declare ads even for their own merch. There are undeclared ads for Ramadee Kyombucha, Plonky Purditree and Casetify on prominent display in this video with zero declarations.


She goes through a big production of pretending to clean her room. It's full of the exact same lies - word for word - that she uses in all these videos. "Moiy room was ayy STYATE!" "Oiy dyon't knyow what oiy was dyoing fwore it tyoo gat loike this." "A toydee spyace myakes a toydee moind."

Now, when you actually look at what she's doing in this sped-up footage, she's clearly showing herself taking out old luggage and school bags and random shit from her wardrobe and randomly emptying them onto her bed. She's intentionally creating a very visible mess so that she has something to quickly tidy up. She thinks that speeding up footage will disguise this, and people will simply be flummoxed and impressed by the wild flurry of movement that JANUINELY proves that Ruby is VARRY BUSY.

"This yonhly tyook me...TAN minutes? Whan yeeshally it yonhly tyakes me loike thryee." Bullshit. Utter bullshit.

Meanwhile her bed sheets have been unchanged for god knows how many months, dust permeates every inch of the room, the floor hasn't been hoovered in years and not a single surface has been properly and thoroughly cleaned since her family bought this house. That's the stuff that should be getting cleaned.

Ruby doesn't give a shit how filthy she or her living space are. This is all just a show for the camera to add an extra activity to this video to look busy, but Ruby clearly thought everyone was too stupid to see what she was doing or realise what a slob this makes her look like.

Coincidentally, a few days after Tattle was discussing how shocking Ruby's personal hygiene is and how infrequently she seems to shower, Ruby's suddenly trying to prove that YASS, she DYOES have a showwah AVVERY NOYT and washes haahr haaaihr avver OTHA NOYT!


She proves this by wandering into their dank and gloomy shower room, then turns on the shower while fully clothed again. This is normal. This is what humans do. We're all just a society of never-nudes, showering fully clothed.

It's clearly denial and lies from someone desperate to disprove her critics. If she showers every night, I'm highly confused how her hands have the same dirt, ink and filth on them consistently for days in so many of her videos and posts.


"Honnastly, oiy think skincaahr is myostly a placebo affact."

And there it is. Just when you think Ruby's plumbed the depths of stupidity and hit bedrock, she manages to dig deeper and find some new idiotic bullshit to say.

This profoundly dim-witted moron, who spent 8 and a half minutes offering up ideas like covering a monitor with a blanket to trick yourself into forgetting it's there as highly effective and useful advice, thinks that cleaning your skin is the placebo.

The skin is a major part of the anatomy. Keeping it clean and healthy is pretty fucking important to prevent all manner of issues. Ruby claims to understand science on a molecular level because she took science at A-level. She also claims to be an AXTREME JARMAPHYOBE when it suits her, despite all evidence to the contrary. And yet here she's saying "Eh, cleaning your skin and body is all a scam! It's a trick of the moind! It's johst what Big Skincare wants yoo tyoo dyoo!"

It's hard to tell because Ruby's completely inept and the footage is mostly out of focus, but Ruby's "skyincyaaahhr ryooteen" seems to consist of putting about 6 different products which all serve the same purpose only on her face and calling it a day.


She pretends that she reads for an hour every night after going to bed just after 9pm. She proves this by robotically sitting bolt upright on her bed and flipping through a few pages. She claims Babel is one of the FOIVE BASST BOHKS she's AVVER RAD. She offers no further information. It's clearly lies - Ruby never reads. Her fingernails still look dirty, too.

She then makes a point to apologise that the next part - turning off her light and going to sleep - will be performative because she'll continue to read for a long time after. Note that she unnecessarily breaks the fourth wall to point out something staged in her video, but only because the (also fake) reality makes her look more productive. "Oiy'm pretanding tyoo slyeep, boht ackshually oiy will read fwore syoo, syoo long, JANUINELY!"

Meanwhile all the other fake shit, staged nonsense and lies go unmentioned, because her pointing out that she faked things to look busier and more organised than she is does her no favours.

She's been obsessed with the idea of night routines as part of her performative productivity persona for years and yet she's always moaned about being too tired, too "strassed" about every little thing, having no attention span, being unable to focus on any single thing for more than 15 minutes (and yet claims to be able to study or read or write for hours interrupted, because she's lying about doing those).

She can't finish a sentence without her brain short-circuiting, she's shown before that her spatial awareness and basic mental faculties are shot to shit. None of this night routine nonsense will help because it's not the cause of or solution to any of her problems.

Eating full, nutritious meals, getting a full rest when the body needs it instead of setting early alarms when there's nothing to be up for, and actually practicing good personal hygiene would go a long way to doing Ruby some good and would be better things to encourage. Instead it's just more of this completely fake, strictly regimented toxic productivity bullshit.
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Also I dont know what do you think but I feel like it is a little bit rude to ask someone else to watch your cake. It totally fine if you need to do something necessary/urgent like using bathroom, clean something that spilled, care for young children etc. But going for a run??? I mean you habe all the time in the world, respect other peoples time as well even if theyre mom, dad or siblings theyre not our servant elves...
If it were someone else Id assume the offer of help came from the family but knowing Rubys selfishness, I think its the other way around
It's just a weird thing to do to put a cake in the oven and then leave the house. It would be so easy to burn it. You don't have to stay in the kitchen and look at it the whole time lol but at least I'd stay in a room nearby where I can check on it occasionally and smell it.
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Chatty Member
Judging by her latest Instagram story, she's learning Latin prepositions and verbs. I'm guessing this is another ephemeral dark macademia interest. She only cares about shoehorning random Latin phrases in casual conversations to show how smart she is.
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"Ruby, can't help but notice you're several hours late for work, is everything okay?"
"Yahh, syo sowry, oiy...was wahhrking on planning a YEECHEEB vidyeeyow."
"A what-now?"
"A YEECHEEB vidyeeyow. Oiy've been potting it off fwore ages naow."
"Umm...what the heck is Yee-cheeb? Is that a medical thing?"
"Nyooo, Yeecheeb! Yoo knyow, it's an internat platfworm whaahr yeeu cheese videeyows to watch and than yeeu watch tham."
"And this...Yeecheeb was important enough to skip the first three hours of your shift for?"
"Oh yas, Yeecheeb is moiy wahhrk, and this is moiy traditional job, syo Yeecheeb always takes prassedant, syo oiyy johst did that and thannn had a quick cwoffee and thann oiyy lafft.."
"...It's becoming very clear, very quickly that many mistakes were made in hiring you to work in the English department."

View attachment 1947278

She "works" a 3 hour day. This is not a job, this is the school doing community outreach to give a local hermit a reason to leave their dusty home for a few hours.
I swear her working hours are getting shorter as before she was leaving the house at 9am and now she is leaving at 10am. So she is working 3 days a week and possibly 3 each day which totals 9 hours.
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Message to Ruby if you're lurking and things I would say to you if you were my daughter. Firstly, playing waitress at your age is just odd. It isn't somehow kind & cute? Really Ruby it's not. As for those banoffe biscuits.. I can't. They, too, Ruby, are a no. I mean they look like 'cooking' children do at nursery school. If you're still here Ruby. Please read, absorb and take this as a serious intention to be kind to you. It really is time to grow up. You are actually making a bit of a fool of yourself. You need to leave childhood notions behind. The world of work beyond your old school won't indulge this nonsense. You'll find your work colleagues less than amenable to your nonsense and you'll find yourself isolated or even ridiculed. You can't live life cosplaying. To get on in life you have to grow up. Neither Mental Health difficulties nor an introverted personality are get out of jail free cards when it comes to adulting. I assume you want more for yourself than staying with your parents forever? Maybe a career with prospects? Maybe a life partner? Maybe a family? Maybe a home of your own that you live in, manage and make decisions about? Maybe new friends introducing you to different, interesting & challenging ideas & conversations? Maybe good and robust relationships with old friends? Maybe true liking and respect from others? Maybe opportunities to live abroad? Well, you aren't going to get any of these things through a Masters alone - no matter what institution awards it. In the end noone cares much about your degree or really in the end what institution awarded it. Honestly, they don't. Life is tough Ruby and you need to use the next few years more wisely to toughen up so you can navigate it successfully and reach your potentional. If you don't your academic success is more rather than less likely to come to nought. You need to start seeking self worth from within. Looking for teens through social media comments for this is unhealthy. I believe social media has, in the past, brought you good & positive things. I see it has become an unhealthy place for you. Even if you end up making no money make the wise choice to step away and find out who you are.
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Yeah, I said before we should prepare ourselves that she's going to get accepted. The main reason is that they don't actually have to speak with Ruby, i.e. an interview, to make the decision. Trying to memorise her way into Oxford as an undergrad caused her to bomb the interview.

But provided they don't actually look into her background and watch any of her youtube videos (or read her ghastly novel), Ruby looks very good on paper. We know from her firsts at Exeter that even though she takes critical feedback extremely badly and seldom seems to accept it, when it comes to her academics she is both willing and able to "play the game" by implementing it. And she will have probably had someone look over her application to fix any problems, as well as learned from her previous applications. This is almost certainly her third attempt at getting into Oxford and her second attempt at getting in for her masters. She had it the applications on her to do list last year, and then we didn't hear anything until she said she was taking a gap year. Knowing how obsessed she is with Oxford, there's no way she didn't apply last year because that would be giving up a chance. As we've seen with Jack, there's only so many times she can keep reapplying. She'll have learned from Jack's mistakes too.

So she's applying with excellent marks; likely excellent references from those tutors who gave her firsts; an application that will have been carefully crafted, ruthlessly edited, and proofread (unlike her novels); and although it will matter less to Oxford tutors, claims to have run a successful youtube and stationery business. The trip to America was also likely with the application in mind.

The annoying thing is that she'll take this as vindication that the tutors made a mistake and didn't recognize her brilliance during the undergrad interviews, or just put it down to her nerves like she explained away her lower-than-expected A level grades. Nothing to do with her appalling preparation, though! I wonder how many of her impressionable teenage followers failed to get in because they followed her dreadful advice.
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I agree with your entire post but want to touch on your point of hard work. Ruby (and her family) strike me as the kind of people that would blame the poor for being poor...that poor people just don't try/work hard enough.

MEANWHILE Ruby is just the perfect example of a lazy rich person. Rich people love to criticize the poor for not doing x y & z but then you look at someone like Ruby and think "well what the hell is she doing?" and the answer is nothing. She has all the opportunities in the world and she does fuck all. She can't work hard because she doesn't even work...3 days a week for 3 hours a day at your old school is not work...its a hobby or some weird pretend school fantasy Ruby can't let go of. Yeah she went to uni and graduated and while that does take work you have hundreds of thousands of other young adults who graduated just like Ruby but also worked part/full time, took care of their families, had a social life, had a partner, traveled, volunteered, bettered themselves, did relevant job experience, the list goes on and on.

My point is that Ruby is a lazy rich person who puts on this front of being so hardworking and so intelligent when she just isn't. I would love to see her work a 40 hour work week, pay rent/mortgage, buy groceries, cook, clean and maintain a house without her parents help/presence. She would crumble and that fact that she would fail is pathetic.
Her mum's the same way: Presents herself as a hard-working parent juggling a job and raising kids, when her kids are adults and her "job" is calling into her friend's radio show which runs for 2 hours every two weeks.
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It's still beyond hilarious to me that not only did Ruby (allegedly) proofread and edit this before publishing it, she was still editing it 2 years after release and that was the best she could do.
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