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Well guys she's off for a ski trip with her family. Must be nice to book a holiday anytime anywhere.
Ruby: "I'm syo, syo poor. Januinely nyot sure how oiy'll survoive the winter."
Also Ruby: (Goes on 6 luxury holidays in a year.)
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Ruby coming through for me, not going to lie.

I am definitely going to steal Ruby's cafe idea to do in the afternoons with my four-year-old child who is learning to read. I suspect this will go much like it does with Ruby and Mummy Granger. A babyccino will be selected (not sure if cafes in all countries do these and we will talk about who was nice at school that day.

My four-year-old child already makes wrapping paper using brown paper and paint but I wonder what other inspiration for kindergarten activities Ruby's future videos may provide.
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lol "feeling like a vegan marshmallow" - note: a vegan. not just a plain old marshmallow. vegan!
(not sure if wearing something white in the snow is a good choice?!)
(View attachment 2011158
Yeah normally it's advised to wear bright colors on the snow so that other skiers can see you easily lol. You don't want someone else to crash into you while you ski. Unless Ruby feels like experiencing the Italian healthcare system
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At my old school there were a few stay at home mums who volunteered at the school to come in over lunch and run sports clubs or listen to certain children read. It’s giving the same vibes.
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As someone with chronically dry and atopic-prone skin, when I heard her say that "skincare is just placebo" I guffawed.

I can't believe she said that when her entire channel is a placebo for herself wanting to look kind and intelligent.

The screenshot of her sitting upright in her twin bed, thumbing at some pages with extremely dirty and disgusting nails, makes me laugh as well. She can't even fake her performance and her personality well enough.

The supposed comeback at my commenting she never showers after she exercises haha. If she showers EVERY DAY why isn't that evident in her OTHER ROUTINE videos? She's so dumb and insufferable.
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Chatty Member
So in her latest Tiktok she left the house to go to work at 10am today, I have to say this is a very odd time to go to work because surely she should be going in much earlier than this, but the fact that she keeps going to work later in the day tells me that she can't be doing that much work in the school for her to be going at this time. Does anyone else find this odd.
she is teaching (or whatever) parttime so depending on when her ... whatever she does starts, 10 o'clock isn't that odd, I guess.

btw I got a call earlier. I have a new job!! Starting in April, fulltime. It will be sooooo strange to work 40h a week after such a long time. And I have to leave the house. :cry: while my husband can stay home to work. will he miss me during the day?
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The fact that she is going skiing during school term tells me that she might not be working at the school anymore because if she was working at the school she would have arranged this ski trip during half term. Plus I have noticed that she has been more active on Instagram lately and when she was working at the school she was less active on social media in general, so I think she has finished her teaching job as she hasn't made any references to it lately and in her videos she hasn't mentioned anything about doing some prep work for the students.
If she’s no longer working there, she won’t have ”finished” it, she’ll have quit it. She was hired for the whole term. Either someone laid down the law re. keeping private when a student commented on her social media, OR (and I’m inclined to think this is the case) she gave it up, either because it was giving her anxiety or because she got into Oxford and figured she could drop the pretense.
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gossip guy pointed out that Ruby couldn't possibly have got changed and done all that running before hand unless she either cut class or was wearing her PE kit under her clothes "like some kind of spoilt, narcissistic Clark Kent". My vote is for the second. Or else she's overstating her running accomplishments...

There was yet another dig in this chapter at "her peers" when Ruby sneeringly described hearing their "meaningless talk of weekend plans and television shows." The same Ruby who said it was bullying to make fun of someone's love of books.
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She has commenced the year with confusing timelines about the books she has read thus far for 2023. She has made a video about reading the favourite books of the Bronte sisters. One of these was The Pilgrims Progress and she called it 'boring' and said she would give it '1 star.' She also said that she felt bad for the Bronte sisters for having such a basic and boring book on their list of favourite books.

She's still living at home. Still filming herself wandering around the surrounding empty fields. She's looking pretty lost tbh and its no surprise that her latest video is about 'embracing boredom'.

Being bored seems to be a theme. We all await any news of her Masters application to Oxford. Her latest request to her followers was for recommendations for a book similar to Atonement, because she has already allegedly read it several times and wants something new. Like I said, boredom seems to be the theme. Along with the usual candles, lazy attempts at sewing and a very messy beetroot latte; the making of which may murder your eardrums if you watch while wearing headphones.
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Given that Ruby is so keen to be a writer (apparently the entire purpose of her gap year) is anyone else a bit surprised that she has not given any sign of entering any writing competitions? Like those for short stories etc. I imagine they can be amazing for raising your profile and for your CV if approaching publishers. There are even some competitions exclusively for young writers (under 25 yr old) and The Bath Novel Awards has a special category for children's books that would have been perfect for her Lottie Parton book.
She has entered a bunch of competitions and submitted writing to various magazines. Some of the entry pages were seen in vlogs, etc. She even attended one of the writing competition awards shows she submitted to, apparently expecting to win, but didn't even get a runner up mention. Unsurprisingly she seems to have stopped after that.

She seemingly hasn't had any success, which isn't surprising given the quality of writing she's shown. Her writing is hilariously bad. Her stories are derivative at best, plagiarised at worst and she's not remotely interested in improving.

She just wants/expects instant success, accolades and the kind of income that only 1% of published writers see, all for crapping out recycled YA bullying stories about a gifted girl being tormented for being the smartest child who ever lived, or AMMILY DICKINSUN ripoff poetry about the weather and seagulls. It's not going to happen.
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I'm sorry but does anyone actually believe that she read 17 books in January because I certainly don't and if she does then she must read them really quickly and not absorb anything about what the book is about etc. This is because when I read a book I tend to read them more slowly so that I can gain valuable knowledge, increases my ability to emphasize with the characters, helps to increase my vocabulary, helps to improve my analytical skills, and teaches me about facts that I didn't previously know.
I do this time, but only because like 90% of them were middle grade books that even someone of her competency level could finish in a day. Usually I don’t think there’s anything wrong with adults enjoying books for younger readers, books are books, but when you make braggy youtube videos like she does every month about how you read soooo many books because you’re just so scholarly, it ends up being quite laughable that the majority of them are for kids.
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Ruby gives us tips again to be extra kind today. Thanks to her we learn that leaving "motivational stickynotes" in random magazines in waiting rooms is just as kind as donations to earthquake victims.

Once again, I'm lost for words.
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they could never be compared to the small, beady optics of a rodent"
Small, beady optics 😭 Someone please tell Ruby it's fine to use the normal word to describe somethng. You don't always have to reach for its weird synonym.

Beth clutches my wrist and forces my hand down upon the 100 percent recycled paper
Why does it matter that the paper is 100% recycled? Is she really trying to convince us that submerging an assignment is less ethical if the paper's recycled? Are we about to arrest Beth for crimes against paper?

A girl called Ally says that Ruby thinks she is better than everyone and that is why another girl called June doesn't hang around with her anymore
It's because June isn't one of her top 5 favourite months. Bye bye June, you inferior month.
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The difference I see here between what you describe and what Ruby is doing, is that you are continuing hobbies and interests from your own childhood, rather than just doing childish things. If Ruby had said "when I was a child I used to play pretend cafe for my family every weekend, we were reminiscing and I decided to do it again today for nostalgia and giggles", that would be far less weird. (Still concerning taken with the wider picture of Ruby's behaviors but I'm just looking at it on it's own for a moment.)
Lots of people go back to things from their childhood when they seek comfort, like watching your favorite kids' movie, making yourself a silly meal, reading a book you loved, etc. That's totally normal. If all you were doing were these things, while not engaging in any new or more adult hobbies and interests, that would maybe point to some issues. Ruby goes a step beyond that, in that she engages in these childish things which seem to not even be from her actual childhood.
Yeah, and it's not just that all her waking life is playing games of childish make-believe, it's that she's shown herself how actively debilitating her fixation with childhood is.

Nostalgia is an amazing thing and there's nothing wrong with revisiting things from your childhood or embracing your inner child in moderation. But she's at the point where she's starved herself in a misguided attempt to look like a child (and just looks withered and elderly now). She said she has panic attacks when going out to socialise with adults. She says she went to therapy because she was terrified of being alone in the house, declared herself cured after a few sessions and then spent the years since shackled to her parents, with daddy tracking her on GPS and mummy never more than a room away.

She refused to learn to drive, to move into the house she owns or to make new friends who weren't either related to her or children of her parents' friends, so 95% of her social interactions are either with mummy and daddy there, or with children she's befriended online, which is beyond weird in itself.

She's cocooned herself in her bedroom trying to recapture her youth with her child's bed, her child's desk, her multiple murals of children on the walls while she dresses like a child and does childish things, telling childish lies about how precocious she was when she was TWALVE. Even her classroom "job" seems like a desperate attempt to relive her school days. And none of it is doing her any good. She doesn't seem to genuinely enjoy anything that she does and her physical and mental health have been progressively withering away for years.

This gap year should've been a time for her to cut the cord, learn to grow up and be more independent. Instead she's just regressed further into childhood and now she's completely unequipped for adulthood and her life is in a pathetic state - more childish bullshit isn't going to do her any good.
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DOES ANYONE HAVE THE LINK TO THIS? My mates and I used to quote this all of the time in sixth form, I need to see it again for old time's sake I beg

Credit to @Griftwood for digging this up in one of the old threads.

"HOW DAER YOU. You've gyot tyoo acksapt people as they are and yooo've gyot tyo be as koind as you possibly can. We can live harmoniously but ONLY if we eradicate bollying!"

Says the person who spent years demonising people who wear makeup, drink alcohol, go to parties or watch TV - the person who would go on to swindle various charities, run various scams and devote a huge part of her content to trying to pass her toxic productivity habits and eating disorder onto other people. The irony.

Write "STAND OP" and scribble a book on your wrist. Enjoy the hilarity of Ruby only showing concern for another person when she's also named Ruby. Take a shot any time she spontaneously changes outfits if you want to be in a coma this weekend.
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has anyone seen @/lady_of_the_mercians tiktok video responding to being called the “ruby granger of history”? it’s an excellent takedown of her videos. i also saw her in ruby’s comments questioning her on miss patina but of course there was no response lol
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Chatty Member
I distinctly remember pestering my mum, when I was about 6 years old, asking her what her favourite colour was. She said she didn’t have one and I thought she was out of her mind. Now I understand how she felt having an irritating child relentlessly asking about “favourites” 😭
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the comment thread that her student was in got quite extensive lol. lots of people questioning her teaching “qualifications”
Yeah, that was the only noteworthy thing I saw on there.

The comment from the student vanished not long after and the rest of it stayed for a while, but there was still lots of conversation about what qualifications Ruby needs or doesn't need as a teaching assistant.

She's been purposefully weird and vague about saying what she does, so I'm guessing Ruby doesn't like it being confirmed that she's not actually a teacher and probably deleted it all in hopes her fans would forget and continue to speculate.
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