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I hope this beautiful day she hopes we all have time to notice is beautiful, includes time spent checking her room isn't burning to the ground given that obvious fire hazard of the jaunty angled candle about to fall onto the window sill ..oh dreamy victoriana house fire😳 also loved how she had to say that the book she's reading isn't available to normal plebs until January!!!! Gosh!! January?! 😂
That candle angle has to be the worst we have seen yet, from Ruberoy. Does she not realise it's not safe?! She strikes me as the type to be booksmart but dim in all other ways. No common sense.
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Her dream to become a writer, like everything else, seems to be focused on aesthetics and not much else. Didn't she buy an iMac specifically so she could use it for writing, because her laptop wasn't enough apparently? Now she's decided she needs a writing desk for writing by hand too? Is she going to write by hand or type then? And is she going to use her typewriter or do the sensible thing and use the very expensive laptop she owns instead of a vintage form of technology that has been practically extinct for at least 30 years? She's an adult and she's trying and make this into her lifelong career and she already has no clue what she's doing.
We all know the answer is that any kind of writing she manages to produce is going to receive the same treatment as her uni notes and she's going to waste a lot of time copying it from one medium to another just to feel productive.
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If you have passion and read as much as she says she does, you can't be that bad.
I think that's a massive part of the problem: She clearly doesn't enjoy writing (or reading, for that matter) and has no real interest in or talent for it at all.

She looks utterly miserable every moment she shows herself doing it, and there's no desire to improve as a writer or tell any story that's not just about herself. She's just wants praise for crapping out first draft drivel, and she's desperately clinging to writing because it's the closest thing to her fake genius bookworm persona, instead of finding something she actually enjoys spending her time doing.

She announced that she was doing Camp Nanowrimo last month. That would've given her everything she apparently wants - an excuse to write, 30 days of structure and a month's worth of steady vlog content. But she bailed on it immediately after initially trying to cheat at it, then made a month of sad posts of her dingy windowsill instead.

I honestly have no idea what she actually enjoys in life because there's certainly no genuine joy on display in anything she does in her videos. Removing herself from the internet would definitely be the best thing she could possibly do for herself and her audience.
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She's probably afraid to throw out much of her old things because of her fear of growing up that's never gone away. Her room hasn't changed much from when she was 14, she's just accumulated more. 'Travel pencil case for going out and about', she's truly out of touch with reality.
The only way she's parting with that primary school desk is if their house burns down due to her stupidity with the candles.
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I would love to be Ruby's dead fly on the windowsill and watch Ruby playing chess with her dad. It's clear that, just like the piano in one of her dusty hallways, that board is just for show: “direction seems meaningless when you're taking about a square”. What? Ruby clearly has never uttered the words checkmate in a single game of chess if she thinks the purpose is for the pieces to wander around the board cloud-bathing. I would JANUINELY love to see a time-lapse video of one of their games - from her writing it sounds absolutely hilarious.

Direction “depends on how you look at it”. You have to kill the king Ruby. Just focus on that direction! I know you don't like to get close to boys, but I promise you won't have to if you use something other than a pawn.
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A video about Pre-Autumn??? In the middle of August??? During yet another heatwave in the UK??? Sure okay Ruby.
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She seems nice, and a her video is a lot more watchable than Ruby's, but have you noticed how many of these studytubers/vloggers seem really privileged and middle-class? That's not a dig at anyone. I just think it's noticeable. (Yes, I am making an assumption about this person's life lol).

Ruby's insta stories - she just can't help herself.

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In fairness, she did post about 5 books that weren't kids' stories so maybe I'm being overly harsh.
I don’t want to roast this girl bc she’s young but jfc that is waaay more than middle class. Work experience at the uncles marketing firm, and her accent is somehow even posher than the way Ruby speaks.
But yeah I think this is the case with every influencer tbh, being wealthy and middle class affords you so many privileges when it comes to influencing, it means you can afford good filming equipment, you can afford to dress yourself up to film, you’ll generally be able to film in your nice big house and go to fancy tea tasting sessions… I can’t think of any working class influencers tbh bc most people don’t want to watch a vlog filmed on an estate off an android phone, they want to see Ruby Granger fucking about in her big mansion in Surrey.
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It'll never happen and there's no real grounds for it, but I'd still absolutely love if Warner Bros. fired up their lawyers and filed a legal injunction to stop her profiting off the Harry Potter franchise and using the Granger name.
I'm not a fan of Harry Potter but from what I remember in the movies, Hermione's casual style wasn't dark academia at all lol. Especially in her teen years, she was always wearing jeans and a jacket with sneakers. So whatever Ruby has gathered from the "Granger" persona is literally just the character as an 11-year-old wearing a school uniform.
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I think that's the fresh reaction she's been getting on TikTok where she's quite new and most people haven't been exposed to her insanity and the reaction seems to be mostly confusion and much-deserved mockery. There's an awful lot of people in her comments wondering what the free-range frolicking fuck she's doing or saying since she just comes off completely deranged.

The latest dramatic, bobble-headed "acks-saahpt" reading on there is my new favourite serving of stupidity. Between her incoherent fake accent, the pretentious and overwritten source material, and the fact that she's decided to pull a completely out-of-context quote and then abruptly end the video mid-sentence, it's almost complete nonsense and nobody seems to have any clue what the hell she was babbling about.

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I’m glad others don’t understand what she was reading either, I thought it was just me being thick.
Tbh it sounded like she just fancied practicing her stupid dramatic Hermione Granger reading voice, she gave absolutely no context to this random passage and the video cuts off at the end mid-sentence (presumably she messed up and decided to crop it lol).
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No early years teachers around to give her a pat on the back, so she's had to do it herself.

I can't. This is just too funny. 😂
The concerning part for me is how long she’s spent setting this up. As with her “slow living” shots of walks through the field, where she must spend 50% of her time turning back to fetch her camera. It’s all a performance, and social media is only perpetuating that. As is this gap year, where she doesn’t have university/other students to try and ground her in reality.

I say this, because her mum was clearly the one who took this photo. Who filmed her desk tour. Who is likely giving her the praise for her artwork, taking on that “teacher” role. I worry how much her parents are enabling her, when the real concerns about Ruby’s mental health/eating began during that 2020 lockdown.
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Ruby: "I AWLWHEYS enjoy wroiyting and it NAVVER feels like work."

Also Ruby:
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Shocking twist: I actually quite like her jumper.

Not shocking twist: She paired it with "kyoooo-lots" and brown boots and I'm like, what the fuck are you even doing? None of this shit remotely goes together.
Ruby, it's fucking July.
I get that you're in England but a sweater? Seriously?
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I know we make fun of Ruby but my god do I actually just feel sorry for her now. It's like watching someone lose touch with reality really really slowly and I can't look away lol
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I'm curious to know what Ruby's parents think of her staying home to do essentially nothing for a year. My brother is a year old than her and just finished a master's. He lives at home and doesn't have a job but my parents keep asking him about future plans, is he looking for jobs etc, they definitely wouldn't accept it if he said he wanted to wait a year before looking for anything. Although I suppose it's a bit different because a) Ruby gets youtube income, b) her book will be published no matter how good it is because of her influencer status and c) money isn't as much of a concern for the Grangers. Answered my own question I guess😂
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I thought it was nice (this girl actually seems to do stuff with actual friends, work on her writing, and Roobee was just a brief mention in a busy day - like actually busy, not just busywork busy).

The she said she was listening to Soff-John Stevens 😾😾😾 and it all went down the drain.
Seeing her imitate Ruby and her entire weird, fake Emma Watson vocal style down to a tee is really sad considering this girl seems to have far more going on in life and is undoubtedly much smarter. Hope she ditches Ruby like a bad habit and does her own thing.

The brief mention of Ruby did confirm one thing though: Ruby lied her ass off/massively embellished about going to the Bard 'n' Bland "event" with "foive frands". This girl took her best friend (who didn't know Ruby) and mentions that at the event, she met Ruby and two of her friends. So that's five people total, and Ruby's just inviting child viewers and claiming their best friends/chaperones as her own.
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I'm lost for words at this outfit. It's been sweltering all week. How is she not collapsing in a puddle of sweat?
Those clothes are likely to be polyester based if they are from Miss Patina, which, layered up even on a cooler day would cause anyone to sweat. How is she not boiling? 🤯

Yes I qualified this year after spending many years studying I currently work in a retirement home specialising in dementia

I thought it was well known on here along with my beautiful two small humans
And glitter! (Was that you? Glitter everywhere?)

Edit to add:

She’s even crouching like a child in her stories 😬


Looks like they are collaborating on an OR-TOMMIN-ULLL COLLACTION then….

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i still can't believe she's taken a year out to be a WRITOR and she's using her time to paint biscuits and make an edwardian desk setup
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Boo hoo, it didn’t upload in time so she’s posting it tomorrow at 5 instead. Why plan ahead when you can just postpone things, schedule schmedule. excuse the black box, I’ve been forced to resort to Netflix since Rootabaga is not delivering

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"As a 22 year old woman whyoo lyooks 76 and wishes she wahhr 11, moiy ideal audience is between the ages of 11-12.5 yaahrs old. Syo as you can see, I can't uplyoad a video at 5 pee amm, as that would premiere after their bedtoiyme, and after moiyne, tyoo! I wouldn't be able tyoo angage with the wohnderful and acksquisite farrst comments of moiy fans if it uplyoaded after 5 pee amm, because that whan mummy tucks me in and reads me 'The Little Conservative Who Could (Cut Funding to Schools and Libraries)' which is a beeyoootifol story."

She has got to be joking with this

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The other day she claimed two of her favourite films were 'The Children Act' "because it explores the division between child and adult" (it's a legal drama which Ruby claimed was a Dark Academia movie/book, because she either hasn't watched/read it, doesn't know what Dark Academia is, or both) and 'Room' - a movie about being imprisoned in child's bedroom. Oh, and Little Women. If it's about or mentions children in the title, Ruby's all over it.

She has to be well aware that she's gone off the deep end with her obsession with childhood. She's back to trying to find literature that legitimises her childhood regression and creepy fixations rather than address and deal with them. She needs massive amounts of therapy and to move out and get a job.
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