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Jade’s comment. I can’t. I just can’t.

Sure. It’s fabulous, Jade. You’re basically friends with a future winner of the Nobel prize for literature. How are they all so goddamn delirious?
And that's exactly why Ruby posts nonsensical drivel in her Instagram echo chamber. She has no interest in improving as a writer, she's not going to share her writing somewhere where she'd risk getting actual critical feedback. She just wants blind praise and to be told that her writing is the profound work of genius that she thinks it is.
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English lit degree holder fails to understand the meaning of secret 👍🏽View attachment 1491673
She also failed to understand the meaning of "spring". I think you meant "sprig of lavender", Rubert.

Her stalking her desolate wasteland of a garden barefoot in an old nightie snatching unwashed fruit from the trees and eating it no matter what dirt, bugs and bacteria might be all over it. Syo ass-tattic!

Okay so. At first I thought the video was nice, at least the beginning with the drone shots. and some nature footage. But why does she these sudden cuts? loud machine whisking dough, cut. Crunching feet. sudden cut. I would lay some soothing music over the loud noise of the machine.
and why is she wearing a thick jumper in the garden center and while baking?
again, sudden cutting during the voice over.
Despite her vast wealth and her relying on filmmaking as her primary source of income, she's never bothered to invest in a dedicated microphone and windshield and she's never once improved at the technical aspects of making videos in 7+ years. It's an almost impressive level of incompetence. Most people will naturally improve at practical things even unknowingly when doing them consistently over long periods of time, but Ruby's never gotten better in any way.

I love that Ruby recorded a bunch of fake birdsong to put over her video as ambient score, but instead of doing so with proper equipment, she just recorded the audio with an iPhone while leaning out her bedroom window. There's wind rustling everywhere and the constant sound of her bumping and brushing against the mic or the sounds of nearby banging. She also gives up on this entirely after the opening montage and the rest is just a crunching, clattering cacophony of awful noise. Ruby's also too stupid to realise that you can just buy royalty-free ambient score packs like that and it'll sound infinitely better.

Visually, she's just as inept. After nearly a decade of making and consuming video content, she still doesn't understand how basic framing and composition works, so we get lengthy shots like this:



Ruby set up the camera, didn't bother to check whether she was centred in frame, clearly visible and not obscured by random trees, didn't bother getting a second take, etc. This was good enough for Ruby, who never stops talking about the aesthetics of things and how much of a struggle being a perfectionist is.

Speaking of technical stupidity...


Ruby has entered the modern era! 4K video! Not sure why that K isn't capitalised like it should be, but a new era of increased pixel resolution has begun! We can now recoil in horror at the filth and squalor of Ruby's room and spot all the random incriminating shit she left showing on her computer screen in 4 times the pixel resolution!


Oh. Well. Never mind. Ruby just saw "4K" in a lot of other autumnal nature videos on YouTube and decided to shove it into her title with no idea what it meant.

"My FRAND Andrea -- a FRAND from Nyorway..."


"Seasons aren't a linear thing. You dyon't johst soddenly SWITCH."

Self-proclaimed genius who once said she understood the universe on a molecular level fails to understand the difference between seasons and weather.


Thanks to Ruby's mummy filming with a drone camera, we can see over the neighbour's fence. Their garden is well maintained, their furniture in good condition. There's also no makeshift drug den shanty town. It's a stark difference to Ruby's family, who only make sure the front yard is neat and presentable and let the rear of the house turn into an apocalyptic shithole. It's also enlightening: Despite Ruby's narcissistic superiority complex and her constant middle-class elitism and entitlement, I get the distinct impression that her neighbours probably see her family as the scummy problem neighbours lowering the value of their property.

This is an entire video in which Ruby tries desperately to imitate the verbose nature-fetishizing poetry she's been skimming through lately. What insight does Ruby have to bring to the table?

Well, Ruby is writing entire journal entries to try to prove that she really does use her Ponkin' Produrlitree Nyotebock. This day's entry centres around Ruby's latest ornithological discovery: Birds don't talk like human beings.


Someone get David Attenborough on the phone, he might need to know about the shocking revelation that birds communicate through sounds...


Pretend germaphobe writhes all over the dirty ground, her tea perched in the dirt to collect whatever stray soil and debris wasn't already in the cup when she made it, all while filling a notebook with Forrest Gumpian observations about the world around her.

She rambles incoherently about the impermanence of all things because the seasons change, and if she were smarter I'd assume this were one big laboured metaphor for the rapid fading of her youth, but she's just a dumbass.

"Oiy think byoootee is found in bravity. In toiyme constraints and limits and stopwatches. The seasons are beeyootifol nyot becozz they comm, but becozz they leave."

Meanwhile, Ruby's out here trying to make Autumn last the whole year and her childhood last a lifetime. Ruby also apparently can't tell the difference between the natural signposts of time, like seasonal changes or a year going by, and self-imposed time restrictions, like forcing yourself to do something in a 1 hour time window for no reason at all when - if you're Ruby - you have a wide-open schedule of time in which to do it.

She presents most of this video as though it were a single day, even adding title cards to supposedly separate the footage into distinct days.


Only, as usual, there's about a dozen outfit changes in the first "day" of footage. Remember, time is beautiful because it's linear and fleeting, unless you're Ruby and then time is happening all at once in all directions. Time is meaningless in the haunted, dilapidated Bones Manor.

Her actual writing - creating the books she keeps claiming she's writing AWHL THE TOIYME and will apparently catapult her to the top of all bestseller lists - clearly isn't going well at all. She's refusing to show any of it. She said she was doing Camp Nanowrimo last month and instantly gave up.

'Lottie Parton and the Autumnal Abduction' is out on submission, and it must be pure silence or endless rejection from publishers, because she's burrowing deeper into her world of childish fantasy trying to recapture her youth (her go-to coping mechanism whenever she's threatened with having to face adulthood or is reminded that she's not a gifted child genius) and desperately sharing all this pretentious poetry drivel to her echo chamber of fans to get the blind praise and gratification she wants.

There's also a HEE-YOOGE family reunion with all the people she hasn't seen in yaaahrs, and Martha's nowhere to be seen.
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I must tell you, watching this video when it's still 27°C at night (and 10°C more during the day these past days), with the distinct smell of nearby forests on fire since WEEKS, it has been an experience for sure. And I consider myself lucky enough to live in one of the coldest places in France right now, still far from the fires but in the warmth of the night, you can still smell them and when you suffer from asthma like I do... Well, let's say I've known better summers.

Ruby saying it's pre-Autumn isn't even tone deaf at this point, it's straight up delusional.
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If she’s 22 and painting biscuits for an ig post (without being an artist/putting out art content) safe to say she needs get a job. What a gap year
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About the whole reading on Vesuvius thing, it also really irritated me that the comments were full of people saying 'omg this makes me want to go and read in italy'. A country that has tons of interesting things to see and do and you want to go there to read a book that you could literally read anywhere?
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also i think it’s good to point out that people’s names should be treated differently than other words, at least in my opinion. anglicising someone’s name, especially if they don’t want you to, is just rude. however with other words i think it’s fine. the english language has soooo many loan words. it would be impossible to pronounce all of them how they were originally intended in their language. i also think it comes off as pretentious (reminds me of those tiktoks making fun of how people speak after doing a semester abroad lol). language is socially constructed and changes over time, which is a good thing. the pronunciation of ambience in french is valid for french, but a different pronunciation has been constructed in english and i think that’s perfectly fine.
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I like that jumper too.

But I also read whilst I brush my teeth. - I’ve been lurking here since Easter and I’ve finally plucked up the courage to get that off my chest!
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I'm really sad that I missed the whole annoying french accent debate because I would have been so there for it. I do want to give my opinion but I think at this point it streched way too far and it's irrelevant to the trend but I am studying linguistic and this specific whole pronounciation and words and "correct" language debate with french is a very important subject to my heart so please ignore this if you don't care.

French is VERY elitist. Both historically and in politics nowadays. There is something, the "Academy of the french language", which like isn't a thing with any other language as far as I'm aware of. They are a bunch of old, rich white men who decide what should and what shouldn't be part of the french language. They recently, for example, banned all english gaming related words from you know "official french" or whatever (I'm pretty sure it was the gaming related words I'm too lazy to check).
Because of them there's reforms every now and then, they just like... Change the rules of the language. Like a whole bunch of them. I was begining high school last time it happened, teachers had to go listen to seminars about it and then students were never taught what the new rules were you just had to like, learn it by yourself ig. And a lot of them are really dumb and arbitrary. Also french has massive germanic influences and it's very stupid to not acknowledge that and stop any new english influence that is happening organically. Anyways.
So yeah, that's for the now. One very important fact is that international and official written french is Paris french. If you hear it on tv or if you learn it in school, it will be the Paris french. Because of those elitists white guys who think they are superior to everyone.
Fact is, for centuries, french has been spoken in many, many countries, mainly because of colonisation. It's spoken in Haiti, Algeria, the Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Senegal, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada... And as for all languages, there are dialects. You can't escape the dialect, whoever you are, whatever you speak, unless you live in like a city and the only people speaking your language in the world are the population of this city. Everyone is speaking a dialect that's how language works, it evolves and develop differently in different areas.
So you know, so is the case with metropolitean France. The thing is, their dialect is the one we find in dictionaries and the one taught in school and shown in movies and blablabla. Which give some french people (I love french people btw but Parisians have to be the most universally hated demographic on the planet and there's reasons for that) a HUGE sense of superiority. I feel very free to speak about that because I experience it pretty much everyday, I live in Montreal and french people will come live here and make the rent go up like crazy because it's still way cheaper than in their hometown and shit talk and make fun of our culture and the way we talk like nonstop. I've heard multiple times that my accent is gross, ugly, not classy, the list goes on...
A japanese lady at my job high fived me bc I asked her "how are you" in japanese. People from France will correct me about the way I speak my native language.
Something that doesn't help, Ig, is that the country is called "France" and the language "french". But there are a variety of dialects spoken within France too. Funnily enough, at some point in history, old white men decided that Francient (ancestor of french as you probably guessed) was just going to be spoken like... Everywhere in France. It actually took centuries to catch on. Brittons were speaking brittonic (and also suffering greatly from oppression from the frenchies, the word "plouc" is like a slur invented for them lmao), southern France was speaking mainly occitan and provençal I believe, and yeah it was all progressively erased. That's why they have those massive accents in different regions of France. Like for real, there's a part of Quebec, they literally removed a letter from their speech at some point to deny the King, they have a really big accent, there's like a thousand kms between Montreal and there and the difference is still less shocking then between southern France and Paris, and France is almost three times smaller than Quebec.
It's because the "everyone in France speaks french" is fairly recent. And "correct" french is spoken by a very small minority of french speakers who like to think they are the only french speakers in the whole world.

I wanna say tho, again as someone in linguistics, for anyone here who has faced criticism because of the way they speak a foreign language.

1. You're doing great. If you're getting understood, that's the important part, the accent doesn't matter at all and putting too much pressure on yourself about it will slow you down a lot.
2. If you're not getting understood... You'll get there eventually. And anyone making you feel bad about it is a huge asshole who probably never had to learn a language themselves.
3. Frenchies are overcritical and also, objectively, so fuckin bad at learning languages. Like so bad. Their accent is massive, and like, never goes away, no matter how good they get at the language. I think I saw that girl write that she says foreign words correctly and no you don't. Anyone who has ever heard a french person speak a foreign language knows you don't. But that's ok. Because it really, really doesn't matter.

We're here to make fun of Ruby. Not sound like her ;).
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I’m partly joking when I say that - but only partly. During university, she would regularly read Sparknotes synopses (and c/p these in her Notion) before reading the actual works she was supposed to be reading for her classes, and emphasized reading critical essays so as to have talking points for seminars. So my guess is, she probably just skims a lot of the books she claims to read. Even with her leisure reading, she seldom has anything original to say - she’ll quote the back blurb or a review, and when recommending books, she frequently says things like ”it’s a short book” or ”this edition is beautiful”, or even ”everyone should read his book” (no reason given). She’ll skim parts of five books during a ”readathon” but she’s so focused on consuming a quantity or writing that she has no time to reflect on it, talk about it or really process it in any way before moving on to the next book.
I think she is not entirely honest about her reading speed. She pretends that she reads really quickly because that’s her ‘thing’ to show high intelligence, and she’ll say she’s ‘read’ a book when actually she’s still reading it. That then trips her up when she tries to speak about the book and it’s clear there are big chunks of it she doesn’t know - like when she talked about eating peaches when reading CMBYN, and she pretended she didn’t see the link even though this was apparently her second or third read through.

I also think that sometimes she pretends she’s read a book when she’s actually watched the film of the book - to me, that comes across so much in her book-looks where she’ll clearly be copying something she’s seen in a film, and not the book.
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To me the whole pronunciation debate just sounds like those sterile discussions I see sometimes online about whether American English is inferior to British English.
It doesn't matter. Like, at all lol. There isn't even anything to discuss about it really. They're just different and neither is better than the other. And the same goes for this pronunciation thing. Good for you if you roll your r's when pronouncing tortilla in English. There's no reason to be a snob if other people don't do it tho because it's the more natural thing to do and it doesn't affect communication at all
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Has anyone else noticed Ruby hasn't updated the description of her youtube channel in like two years?

'My name is Ruby and I'm a 20 year old university student..'

My name is Ruby and I'm a 22 year old university graduate who thinks I can write, still living in my parent's massive house with no real plans' would be a more honest description
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Funny how everyone is allowed to have an opinion except me. 🧐 I get criticised for my own opinions yet everyone else's opinions are being accepted? So much for freedom of speech and having an own opinion. 😂
Freedom of speech = being able to express your opinions without fear of censorship or persecution from the government for doing so.

Freedom of speech ≠ being able to express your opinions on a gossip site and not have people disagree with you.

People disagree with my opinions on here all the time, it’s really not that deep and all part of having a debate. You came on here and said some overplayed, classist nonsense and you weren’t even able to defend it, so yeah you’ve gotta expect people to criticise that really lmfao 😂.
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She's looking forward to "camping with online friends", which I hope is a lie, because all her online friends are children.
I really, really hope these 'online friends' are all her own age and not minors, because if you're a minor, going camping with an older person you met online is a recipe for disaster and as a 22 year old Ruby really should know better.
Also, I was sure she wouldn't last long with that dining chair she brought in to replace her armchair lol
I don't know why she doesn't buy an office chair that won't hurt her back. It's not like she can't afford it.
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I agree with what both of you are saying, but I think she does make herself believe she always reads the whole thing, like by reading it at a very fast pace by missing out large chunks, but by reading at least some sentences on each page. Combine that with online summaries, and there you have the feeling you're not missing out on anything.
I just don't see herself as someone who deliberatively lies to her viewers to such an extent. She's too naive to do that, I think she would feel bad about that so she prefers convincing herself that she actually reads everything.
I feel like the one thing she’s really succeeded at is making everyone think she’s a lot more naive and innocent than she actually is. If it’s not intentional, then at the very least she’s very, very used to lying to herself.
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Ruby writing ‘I am lucky to be here, alive and breathing’ is such a sad thing to see as it sounds like she’s trying to convince herself of that. I really do wish she’d get offline and get the help she can easily afford.
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It was sweet, but I noticed that Ruby again emphasized how they didn't go to university without acknowledging her other privileges (giant house, generational wealth, etc). To be fair, it's totally valid that they'd be proud and try on her gown, but Ruby makes it sound as though she had to overcome all of these obstacles when in reality she's much more privileged than most people with university-educated parents.
So many of the StudyTubers do this and it really grinds my gears. For supposedly intelligent people they have such naïve views of wealth and privilege. They always seem to be looking for a way to join some marginalised group when they’re nothing if the sort.
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Chatty Member
so she's now got her typing desk and also a handwriting desk...could she not just idk move the iMac whenever she wants to write and have the vintage desk in another room (like the 'snug') or something? She's going to be smacking into the chair every time she opens her bedroom door
Also she just invented a new word "antiques and vintages and things like that"
"I always fall in love with things from Europe" omg I haven't watched the news today as been on a train for most of it but I wasn't aware the UK had changed continents
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She has so much stuff. When she was taking out her favourite sealing wax supplies and stickers and whatnot, my inner Marie Kondo was screaming to just toss the rest of it - she’s never going to get around to using it all so why not just keep the crap you love best and let the rest go?

Also the number of times she says ”out and about” in this video, apart from having the makings of a good drinking game, tells me she doesn’t actually ever go out.

The candle setup with the paper decorations on the wall is an even worse fire hazard than her windowsill. If she starts a fire right by the door and gets stuck inside, RIP Roomba. Can’t believe her mother is filming all this for her and saying nothing.
Her mother is probably acting like this:

I don’t think her parents realise she’s got issues. They seem to enable her.
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Oh god she just drivels on and on and fucking ON with that smug fucking smile on her face and I’ve yet to hear a single original take on any of these books. Also someone let her know that sports bra straps are very much not a good look with mummy’s old flowery dress.
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