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VIP Member
I wish I could shout from the rooftops to all these people to dispute the freaking charges with their bank and claim their refunds. Not only will they get their money back, but the endless chargebacks will hurt the pumpkin productivity company as a whole.
great idea but to be honest chargebacks don't always work.. I opened one once and never got my money back...
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Well-known member
That is really shitty about the cousin. I can understand accidentally forgetting in normal every day speech, but fully writing their deadname in a story caption and leaving it up for 7 hours is kinda sus and it almost makes it seem like she’s purposely done it tbh.
I have a non binary sibling who changed their name and if I did that to them in front of 100k followers, they’d be pretty upset
what story was this and when was it posted? do we know if the cousin had already outed themself as trans? and would you mind sharing a photo if you have one?

oh no i redownloaded insta out of curiosity, this is soo bad!


New member
Where is this evidence that Ellen is trans? Unless this is you or someone you know personally. there's no sign whatsoever of this family member on Rubys' socials? So not clear where this advice has come from...
Uhm from her cousins insta? I don’t know them personally

A new account? I’ve been here for a while, I just more of a reader :)


VIP Member
Sorry I mixed the video you mentioned with her new video... I use her videos as background sound while working this morning. Maybe it jumped onto this old one when the new one ended and I didn't realized.
lol I frequently have her videos on as background noise on my iPad while I’m doing other stuff, and my device has this weird glitch where it will jump to the next video in random spots, so I can relate… most of the time I can’t even tell the video has changed tbh.


VIP Member
wait what? the actress? in skins cassie's the one with ED, hers is more disordered eating due to depression, side effect not main issue

anywho, had a look at the 2017 video, she posted it on the 3rd/4th of January and Ruby not being on time is on point. She mentions a certain Margot in that video too, maybe she's the one she gifted cups to?
Sorry, never seen Skins, got the actresses mixed up. I do think that Effy's character had an ED?


Well-known member
They’ve posted multiple coming out videos on their public tiktok account (not gonna @ it but ruby follows it) and they identify as he/they. They seem to be incredibly open about it tbh which is why it’s surprising that Ruby posted that story imo.
Either way, probably best to put the discussion to bed now anyway, I feel like as soon as a gender identity starts getting discussed on a thread it only goes downhill from there lol
What is Ruby's tiktok account? I search but the only result seems to be a fan account
Come on she claims in the comment's she's so hard up she only owns two pairs of trousers
Idk if I’m just interpreting this wrong but it doesn’t say she only has 2 pairs just that the other ones she owns are in the wash :LOL: So then she has to wear white ones which are not ideal.

sorry if this is wrong, English isn’t my first language!


Active member
It's Ruby's real account she frequently posts her own pictures there.
Has she ever posted it on one of her official accounts?
I mean it'd prove that it's legit.
But yeah even if she hasn't, it could still be a personal account.....
Anyway, Thank you very much!
I believe you, i know you guys are The Experts / spy agents lol.
I find it so odd that all of a sudden she removed her vegan account from her bio. Do you guys think it's possible that she's slowly moving away from veganism? It sounds a bit far fetched but maybe she really wants to recover from her ED in 2022 and decided to go "all in".
Have she said she’s got an ED? I have noticed she looks really skinny now tbh


Please could someone give a brief overview about the suggestion that Ruby stole charity money? I don’t really want to go through her videos to find it. I wonder if anyone has received their planner yet?


New member
Yeah, I feel like we can't possibly know if this Elijah is her cousin or not, let's not jumpnto conclusions
Ruby has posted a video about gallentines day with her cousin calling them Ellen a couple years back, she used to tag their account in insta posts. This person posts photos of themselves and so that’s how we do know it’s the cousin :)


Chatty Member
Also it's worth remembering that for her escape room project, the actual assignment wasn't as simplistic and laughable as throwing together an Instagram page for an escape room.

The assignment was to conceptualise a way to reintroduce Dickens to a modern audience in a relatable and relevant way. It's still not the most challenging project for a third year uni course, but there's scope for students to come up with something substantial and impressive to showcase original, creative thought in context of the things they've learned across the module.

Ruby chose to go with a project idea that failed to meet the assignment criteria in almost every way and was delivered in the most lazy and incompetent way possible.

And she cheated, too. She made social media the focus of her project to sloppily advertise a new business, and then begged her fans to follow it. She weaponised her social media following to try to give herself a grade advantage.

Why would you ask people to follow a social media page designed only for a uni assignment? She clearly intended to go to her tutor and use that as proof that her business idea attracted a young audience. Only...none of them would've followed that page if Ruby - someone with a prominent social media following - hadn't asked them to. And the contents had no bearing on them following it - they would've followed whatever it was just because Ruby asked.

She hasn't revealed what she got for that project, but if it's a passing grade, that's as damning an indictment of Exeter's grading integrity as any.
I missed this, what is this about?


Active member
I posted a screenshot of her cousin's profile, but it's not here anymore??? Wasn't it allowed? Did I break any rule?