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New here, hello!, but I was just wondering why she doesn't try to get back to her schooldays in the sense that she could maybe work at some school (preferably her own old school, because that appears to be the stuff of magic to her) as a teacher or matron or whatever, or at some other boarding school? Trying to think like Ruby does, difficult but still, this would actually make sense... She could pretend to be a schoolgirl for ever...
Or, would this require too much real life planning and adulting?
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Oh I agree Rubee doing a creative writing project as her dissertation would be a disaster- isn’t her creative writing module she did in first year the only module she hasn’t averaged a 1st on? But I’m not convinced Rubee herself realises that. It’s National novel writing month this month- I wouldn’t put it past her to try to churn out an entire middle grade Christmas Victorian orphan extravaganza by December. When I did my dissertation, competitive early finishing was a huge thing.
She's definitely won't have realised it herself, even though she has ample experience failing at it in different ways.

She tried NaNoWriMo last year and didn't complete it (and, unsurprisingly, didn't know how to pronounce it, either, even though it's pretty self-explanatory). Predictably, it was a Dark Macademia novel and the only sample she showed was a paragraph with obvious punctuation errors in which a character (presumably a grown-up Erimentha) berated another for not finishing their mundane chores quick enough and being competitive about it. Undoubtedly this try-hard fuckwit would've been the hero of her story.

But NaNoWriMo is completely at odds with her rigid schedule of pointless busywork, so she was scheduling 30-45 minute slots per day and maxed out at 31,000 words for the month.

If she took as long as she needed to hit the daily word count, she'd have to skip an hour of writing her eleventh to-do list of the day and would undoubtedly cry about how stressed and overworked she is in several letters home to her mother.

It's another reason why creative writing would be a disaster for her, and she's just not suited for doing it academically or professionally. With a regular dissertation, she can at least incorporate that into her compulsive need to do a new thing every 15-60 minutes to give herself the placebo effect of multi-tasking productivity, and flit between writing, critical reading/research, etc.
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Any school that employed someone like Ruby in either a teaching and/or a pastoral role would be massively irresponsible. She lacks maturity and life experience, and simply would not be able to cope when faced with the kinds of challenging situations that working with young people can throw at you. You can’t ‘romanticise’ your way out of a situation where a child discloses abuse to you, you can’t suggest ‘making a list’ or ‘use Notion’ when a young person comes to you struggling with school work. It’s utterly bizarre to me that anyone would suggest that Ruby work into schools so that she can hold on to her own fantasies of still being at school - that would be incredibly dangerous for anyone for whom she would have responsibility. She’d be employed to do a job, not faff around as some kind of therapy for herself. She’d be better off staying in education, at least she can afford it and she wouldn’t be putting anyone other than herself at risk.
The local prep school where I live created a ‘well-being lead’ role who would do the PSHE lessons, yoga, meditation (this is what you do when you pay for your education 😂) but employed somebody who has a severe ED and looks severely underweight to do it. I’m sure she’s great at the job but I was astounded that impressionable kids were being taught by somebody who looked so ill.

I do think that teaching can be very romanticised. In a state school you’re ‘saving kids’ in poverty from a bad education, or in private schools you’re just living the Anne of green gables life. But I’ve seen so many tiktoks by teachers doing the ‘POV - you’ve told your teacher you’re self harming/have an ED/being abused’ etc where they talk at the camera - personally I find them v cringe but people really can romanticise anything.
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I’m dying watching this many no no no outfits...that corduroy jacket did not match anything it was worn with !? why do people think they can make these outfit videos 😅
Also the monochrome that’s like navy, brown, grey and cream 😅 ded.
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Ripley Rose Kat

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This video was recommended to me and I am shook at how different she looked and sounded. She seemed so much healthier, physically and mentally. Obviously her face is fuller but she also spoke a lot more freely and casually, still posh, but without that affected Emma Watson thing. Now she sounds more like she did in the old 'Hermione' video she's reacting to.
Omg, she's like a completely different person here!
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I think her political views are very close to my own family’s political views. My mum’s family is very posh, but without a whole lot of money, and they’re very snobbish. They still vote either social liberal or leftist parties. People who vote right wing are definitely looked down upon. The biggest difference between our families is probably the lack of money (My family isn’t poor, just average), so we aren’t completely shut of off normal life. Oh and I’m Dutch, so private schools are not a thing at all here
I think the money make a huge difference tho! That's what politics is all about, after all. I don't know what the parties are in England. But I'm pretty sure Ruby's parents are right wingers. "Socially on the left but fiscally on the right" type of people. Wich means you are on the right lmao. People associate right wing with conservatives nowadays, and that's absolutely not what it means. We are pretty sure her dad does tax evasion right?
I don't know anything about her parents. But they give me huge vibes of people who would give money to charity but vote against a party that want to end poverty (somehow) if it means they have to give up their mansion and privilege.
The fact she went to a private school alone. And people go to private school for all reasons, my bf went to a private school because his parents are immigrants and they came to Canada to give him the best life possible, I get that (still don't agree but I get it).
But if you're rich. And believe that your kids deserve "better" education because you are rich. I find that very despicable.
I live in the french part of Canada, and Canada was first colonized (horribly yes, I'm not talking about that part) by the french, then the english. And french is the official language here. But people from english descent have HUGE (literally the priciest house in all Canada is in the english district of my province, also, one of Trudeau's minister own it lmao) generational wealth. And they have their own private school in english for primary and secondary school. Somehow they often avoid making their kids learn french. When it's the law, immigrant's kids have to learn french, it's mandatory, but english peoples's kids often avoid it because it's fine if one of the parent can speak french, we somehow assume they'll learn it at home.
And idk about where you guys live, but here, there is very little founding for the education system, teachers are always on strike, many, many schools are bordeline disgusting, kids with disabilities get little to no help if they get diagnosed at all...
Anyways. I really don't like people like Ruby, who always talk about how education is a gift and all that shit. Because it doesn't fuckin have to be Ruby, and some countries (like Germany, as you said) already have free education, it's not like a crazy socialist dream.
Why doesn't she talk about how it should be accessible to everybody instead of "such a great gift". That's fuckin annoyin.
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Poll time! Is Roobee returning home once and for all or is she begrudgingly visiting Marfa in Sheffield after reading too much on here and deciding to prove us all wrong?
Hmmm... hard to say. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she's heading home though.

Anyone recognise the train upholstery? Might be a clue as to the train company and where she might be going.
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This advert for the school that Ruby went too is so pretentious, the girls in it are like little Ruby clones. These fuckers are setting up franchises of Ruby's 😂
wow, we don't even have toilet papers in our school...
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I think she must have known and was advised well but chose to ignore it and instead do it her way - memorize every piece of literature she can get her hands on because the interview question must be one of those, right? Why use your brain when you can just focus on memorizing and reciting everything that was ever written? lol
That would be just like Ruby too, thinking she knows everything already, so why sweat it. Why think in a different way to how she's always done it.

I've only just watched her newest video and it's actually quite scary to see someone talking themselves further into an insular state of mind. "We live in an extroverted society unfortunately" - I'm someone who likes their own company (in healthy doses) but the thought of a society that wasn't extroverted?? Terrifying. What would be the point in being alive?
Introverts make great company too but IMO a healthy society has a good mixture of both.
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I think I might have gotten crazy from watching her videos, please help ...

When she shows what she wears in a week at university, the room does not seem to change at all? The light, the bed, the pencil on the desk ...

Do you think she filmed this "week" in one day? I am confused....
I think it's definitely just all filmed at a random time, not like every morning for a week!
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I mean, we are still very much in a pandemic and being double vaccinated is no guarantee of protection. Both of my grandparents, my uncle and my aunt are double vaccinated with pfizer and they’ve all currently got covid.
However, I agree with you, at the end of the day Ruby isn’t breaking any rules and she wears a mask in more places than most UK influencers so I don’t really see the need to pull her up for touching books.
So sorry to hear about your relatives, that's really bad luck that four of them have it.
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She's really paving her way to taking a year out of uni, isn't she (btw how did we get to not enjoying University?? I thought she was so happy to be back and so grateful for her education)
wow the effort that someone goes through to just have a conversation with themselves
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Yeah same in France pretty much, at least in my experience. Only differences is that people only do this if their uni is not far from home obviously and also I've noticed it was only during the first two years mostly. At least that was the case in my group of friends, for some reason in our third year we started to go home far less often, probably because we were more matured I don't know. Also it wasn't really an issue socially, cause the biggest parties and social events are always on Thursday nights, and I think this is precisely why theyre not on fridays, because it's very common to go back home on the weekends over here.
It's pretty much the same in Italy, unless someone like goes to uni in Milan and their home is in Sicily, in which case you obviously cannot fly home every weekend lol
But yeah as you said it's more of a first year of uni thing. My uni is about 1h and a half away from my hometown by train, so in my first year I went home almost every weekend or every two weeks at most (both to see my family and to see my boyfriend who was also a uni student at another university). Now I'm in my 4th year total (1st year of my Master's degree) and my boyfriend lives with me so I don't visit home that often anymore.
We also have "uni Thursdays/Wednesdays" like you mentioned lol those are the designated days for uni students to party, bars will give you student discounts and everything
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This just came up on my Twitter and I couldn’t help but think Ruby would absolutely die if she saw this or if any of these paintings could possibly be included in the “women reading” calendar 😂 It’s stuff like this that do make me kind of realise just how sheltered she seems though, most people her age can just see “ha that’s funny but also it’s just boobs we move on” Ruby would probably try and report the image, get it censored or taken down and need a week off social media to recover her sanity (obviously this is all just general assumption from what she’s put out concerning other topics on social media)


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She changed her tune reeeallly quickly from "I want to go home less" to "I want to normalise home sickness, there's nothing wrong with going home"
is she trying to copy the format of people like Matt d'avella (sp?). the title format reminds me of his videos.
she must be having such a huge identity crisis
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