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VIP Member
As ever, her going to Waterstones and touching things while wearing a mask, and worrying about Covid, seems to be more a product of her own cognitive dissonance than a sensory need to touch things.
I think she'd also happily not bother wearing a mask if it weren't still a requirement in a lot of shops, etc. When she went to London, she whipped her mask straight off the instant she was off the train, despite being in a crowded station surrounded by people. She doesn't care at all.
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For some reason im triggered that she still hasn't updated her macbook since last october. Next week macOS Monterey will be out and she will be 2 versions behind it 😱 (I need to get a life ik)
Tbh it doesn’t matter, MacBooks last ages and it’s not like she’s a tech buff who love it either
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Judging by Martha's recent Instagram livestream, she apparently wasn't made aware of the family trip to Devon until after the fact and didn't get invited.

Which seems par for the course - all family events are planned around Ruby, and her parents will happily drive hundreds of miles to chauffeur her around, but Martha has to get the train by herself to and from uni and is mostly an afterthought to her parents.
It doesn't do Ruby any favours - it seems like Martha is better off without that sort of coddling.

Not that it wouldn't still make Martha feel like an afterthought. I wonder if it hurts her feelings, while at the same time being relieved she doesn't get that sort of attention.
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Active member
I also wonder whether Oxford already had the information page about admissions interviews back when Ruby applied? Because that page is really clear about what is expected of candidates there: A tutor is quoted as saying that they want to "see candidates think, not merely parrot information".

Then it says that "Depending on what is relevant for the course you are applying for, you may be given a text, a poem, a graph, or an object, and then asked to answer questions and comment on it" and that the interviews are mainly "about applying skills that you already have to a new scenario, text, or problem, so we want to see how you set about it".

There's also a whole paragraph about how it's not a big deal if you don't know the answer to something and how you shouldn't sweat it and just try to talk about possible ideas because interviewers don't expect you to know the right answer to every question.

So I guess this information wasn't publicly available when Ruby applied? Or else it was but she just completely ignored it.
I think she must have known and was advised well but chose to ignore it and instead do it her way - memorize every piece of literature she can get her hands on because the interview question must be one of those, right? Why use your brain when you can just focus on memorizing and reciting everything that was ever written? lol
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This advert for the school that Ruby went too is so pretentious, the girls in it are like little Ruby clones. These fuckers are setting up franchises of Ruby's 😂
Dear Lord. Was this advert the inspiration for that video she did where she was just walking about looking like a serial killer for the first few minutes?

Does anyone know the one I mean, or is this just a nightmare I had?
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Why do Ruby's legs always look scarily thin in her own pictures/videos? Is this some weird editing or mode on her phone? She doesn't look /that/ skinny when she's tagged on pictures with her family (like the surfing pictures from the summer) or in her youtube videos. I feel like she does it on purpose so that people comment about it. There was one comment already about how thin she was now but it's been deleted.
What happened to the super thick tights she was so privileged to buy
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Not that it makes much of a difference but I don't think Ruby went to private school. I swear I saw somewhere that she went to an all girls grammar school feel free to correct me though.
No she went to a day school (private school with no boarding option) I won’t post what it is, but I’m very familiar with it given the job I used to do and they turn a lot of girls out like ruby
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Satisfying Click

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Did she leave any work for the other people in her project group...
Yeah, I do wonder when Ruby gets such high marks for participation in her assessments, it's whether she's hogging the class. I guess a good tutor would nip it in the bud to let others have a say, one would hope anyway
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Can someone explain to me what is this dissertation she's been so stressed about and why it's so important?
From what I understand, it's like a project you do at the end of your bachelor degree or smt, that's worth a lot.
It's your big research project that shows off your interest in a subject in your area. Generally it's around 10k words, so it's a very long essay that shows off how well you know the topic.
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Well-known member
I know that Ruby was talking about Masters not too long ago, but I wonder if she changed her mind on doing one now that she's admitted disliking going to university. Could she do a Masters from home, or are all classes back to in-person in the UK? I could only see her pursuing higher education if she can do it from home.

I personally think that she'll pull through and finish her last year, or at least I hope she does. I know what it feels like to drop out and it's not a good feeling at all.
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Acknowledging privilege has become a ‘thing’ that a lot of people online do without having any understanding of what it actually means - it’s like when people apologise because they’ve been told they should, and not because they have any genuine understanding of what they did wrong and why their actions may have hurt someone. In some ways, I wish that people like Ruby wouldn’t bother with this whole ‘I know I’m really, really lucky to do/buy/visit/have whatever but …’ schtick because all this does is make it really, really obvious that they don’t understand what privilege is. It’s not just about being able to buy the the stuff, Ruby, it’s about having a big home (and a cottage …) to store it in and parents with vehicles that can drag it up and down the motorway for you, it’s being able to hoard stuff and call it ‘aesthetic’ and make a career out of that without the kind of judgement that a person of a different colour, class or size might face. Cosplaying poverty by pretending that you can’t buy all of the books you want isn’t you showing that you understand privilege, it’s just patronising.
How should she acknowledge these things? Without putting emphasis on them in a show-off way? Genuine questions, I'm thinking about it but can't quite find a solution
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New member
Yes, months before the pandemic she was putting the anorexia books on her Goodreads, calling attention to the books in her videos, filming herself eating only half a bagel, and memorably filmed herself going out to dinner with her family and, when they ordered dessert, she made a point of asking for a side of vegetables instead. It was like how a non-anorexic might (wrongly) imagine someone with anorexia would act. And very reminiscent of how Ruby/Erimentha (again wrongly) thought people would recognize her as a child prodigy if she memorized lots of stuff, always put her hand up in class like first year Hermione, reminded the teacher to set homework, and sneered at those who were interested in tv and make-up.

The trouble is that after flirting with anorexia for a year or two, she really does seem to have developed an ED.
personally, as messed up as this will sound (and which now, years later, i realize), when i was around the age of 12-13 i was "wannarexic" (wanting to be anorexic, as the coined internet term well describes). i did things that ruby has done. i read books about it, i learned about it, tried restricting (but was bad at it) and my daily life revolved around anorexia.
myself, i would say i did it more for the fact that i was insecure about my body and admired the way anorexic girls looked, but i can definitely see how someone like ruby might actually admire their absolute organization and determination instead, and want to be like them.
luckily, i was able to snap out of it after about 9 months, and never got to actually developing an ed (i now have a good relationship with food), but if someone pursues this want long enough (as ruby might??) they can surely develop an actual ed, imo.
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VIP Member
lmao these people are truly living in a different world. Imagine having gone to school with all those facilities, even a nice indoor pool and perfect-looking science labs, it's a different level of privilege. Makes me feel sorry for myself having gone to a crusty village school with bits falling off the asbestos-filled 60s buildings, dictionaries being thrown at teachers, and always being told to use everything 'sparingly' 😂

also love that they picked what's probably the only 3 minority ethnic girls in the school to do the ad, so inclusive x
was the asbestos classrooms a universal comprehensive experience then, my maths block was shut down in year 8 because they found some lmao
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If it was my child and they were coming home every weekend I’d give them an ultimatum. Come home one weekend a month, because you’ll never settle if you’re running home every weekend, or transfer to a college that’s closer and live at home full time, if that’s option.

I couldn’t deal with the constant back and forth. Being in the US and near no good colleges, if my kids decide to go, they will have to move away and they wouldn’t really have the chance to come home often at all. They’ll have to settle in or come home.

Coming home this often won’t hurt anyone but unless her parents are patient saints, it must be a little… irritating. And she’ll never get any less homesick.
She shows so many signs of a person who is emotionally stunted. She can't bare to be away from home, and honestly that's partly down to her parents fault.

I kinda feel bad for her in this respect, she obviously has the drive to go and do things, but not the confidence.

No wonder Martha turned out so different, Ruby was the first attempt , to work out all the parenting.

Mother and Father Bones probably pay for her therapy as a "sorry for fucking you up mentally" I mean that's really the only way I can see her needing therapy, and for the obvious anorexia and ED she has.

Once she graduates she is going to just fade into obscurity, if not before going back to uni all over again.

I've gone from finding Ruby funny to watch, to feeling angry at her, to just feeling sad for her.

We are entering her final years of this I reckon, we are in the endgame folks.
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