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I’ve also just had a thought, isn’t it seriously bad forethought on Ruby’s part to put this video up right as she’s (supposedly assuming she finishes uni this year) starting to look for employment? Even if she does an MA etc how is an employer going to think of your candidate uploaded something like that in the last say three years? It really shows just how bad her reactions to any slightest inconvenience to her plan/idea/mindset really it, her crying at her first mark she could pass off as total honesty and even self reflection on her big fish /small pond transition into uni but here she is 4 years later showing how little she’s developed - what as soon as she’s slightly demystified with her job and company is she going to start regretting all of her choices and run home to her parents? Even if she just thinks she could have done a bit better at a task or in a meeting, even if no one directly says something to her, is she going to start having a crisis in her own head like in this video, then god forbid anyone actually have to give her constructive criticism (she’s already shown in her grade reaction videos long last her first one that she’ll get defensive over the tiniest comment not in her favour but faux obedience to the “teacher” and say of course she’ll take it on board) That whole video is going to cause some major red flags for employers in the future
I bet those of us who are currently working get picked up and snipped at and hovered over by bosses who always find something to criticise, and yes it’s annoying but we get on with it because it’s our job. I can’t see Ruby doing my admin job and coping with the comments I get from annoying coworkers etc.
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For some reason im triggered that she still hasn't updated her macbook since last october. Next week macOS Monterey will be out and she will be 2 versions behind it 😱 (I need to get a life ik)
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She'd still struggle, because she didn't choose a science subject and grading in humanities is subjective. You'd think for someone so obsessed with getting A*/100%/firsts, she'd go for an area where she can actually achieve those scores with rote memorization.
Yeah I always wondered why she didn’t take a more sciencey career route tbh as she isn’t very creative. I think the reason is because she seems to lack logic and critical thinking skills, and once you get past school it’s not so much about memorization at all.
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'Not being able to choose' a drink so having both at the same time is an ED thing, right?

If you can't decide between two hot drinks, I feel the typical response would be to choose one for now and one for later that day. Having two hot drinks at once means one is likely to go cold.
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There is something unrelated (from awhile ago) I always wanted to say here. I used to work in a library. It is extremely damaging for the books to stick post-it notes on the pages. I thought Ruby's dumb post-it note campaign was horrifying for that reason. As student workers we tried to find books with notes and remove them but sometimes it was just too busy to flip through every book (it was a giant uni library).

Never ever put anything adhesive in a library book. Even those little arrows or tabs, if you can avoid using them. If you can't, remove them as soon as you are done with the book.
I have also been told this when repairing books, never to use sellotap(sp?) but to use magic tape because the adhesive in sellotape is damaging particularly when it aged. This is unrelated really but interesting because I did not know that!
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I feel like I need to make myself an entire bag of microwave popcorn out of sheer spite 😣
also, enter bicycle - I feel like the turnaround is actually fast enough to be coincidence, but who the hell knows any more?
edit: great advertising for THE NOTEBOOK with the Rhodia in the first scene, Roobee!
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Chatty Member
Agreed. If Blakeney wanted to live alone, she would have moved into a studio flat. She clearly wanted a social scene in the house, but she can't get that consistently if Ruby isn't there. During my degree, I was planning to move in with just 1 of my friends, but backed out when my friend announced that they would be doing a semester abroad and I'd therefore have to live by myself for 4 months+ in a house that we had only reserved thinking that both of us would live there full-time (it was in a rough-ish, lonely area and I wouldn't have felt safe living alone there).
Tbf I do know a lot of people who end up sharing because they couldn't afford to live alone. Living in one room is pretty grim and I spent so much of my 20s with at least one housemate, basically because a one bedroom house was out of my price range 😂 so Blakeney may have been in that situation. I think you're right though that she seems like a pretty social person and she obviously likes Ruby enough to want to live with her, so it must be disappointing to her that Ruby isn't even living properly at the student house.
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I mean if she actually handwashed all of her clothes I would question her sanity. There's a reason most of our grandmothers collectively ditched handwashing and bought a washing machine as soon as they could
Oh, for sure. But that's even less reason for her to lie about it, because nobody's going to judge her for using a washing machine (even though she clearly doesn’t do that either).

Yet she still claimed to hand-wash everything, partly because she always lies about doing things that fits her mishmash vintage "aesthetic" and partly because she just happened to get gifted some expensive laundry soap that she needed to pretend to use.
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Ruby's constant urge to mark up books and stick post it notes all over them triggers me to no end 😂
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Chatty Member
The silent shouting at the screen was creepy, like a jump scare in a horror movie!
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Surely she wouldn’t drop out of Uni at this stage? I’m really struggling through to get my dissertation finished but the thought of dropping out now hasn’t even entered my head! Fair enough after first year, but only with a couple of months to go? Surely not!
Yes yes, but also the world has abundant beauty and joy, and her job is to experience it, not to appear a certain way to others 🙄😂

Wouldn’t put anything past our Roobee at this point. She’ll drop out if she wants to, AND make it out to sound like anyone telling her maybe she should’ve stuck it out is just a mean old bully.
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Why would she pose in front of her fireplace? We can barely see the clothes? If you want to show your black pants don't use something black as your background!
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I am even more late for this, but for "culotte", there's not really a way to write it for english speakers. I thought about it a lot and I didn't find any way to write the french "u" phonetic in english. It's a bit like the end of "q" (ueue?).
If anyone's familiar with the phonetic alphabet, it looks like this: [kylɔt]
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It's so Ruby to fumble words like that and considering how unbelievably doting her own parents have always been, it's unlikely she'd know anything about people whose parents actually haven't been there for much of our lives and don't see them as the apple of their eye - including the great many who grow up barely knowing or not even knowing one of their parents. Yet another tone deaf post
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Chatty Member
I had a different interpretation - I thought she meant that absence from someone makes you realise whether you really love them. But her words are so garbled, who knows 😂
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Personally, seeing her last few Instagram stories just makes the difference from how obviously miserable she's been looking these past few weeks all the more glaring. I really do feel like she's feeling trapped by this niche she's carved out for herself online and there's no other way but to try to convince herself how much she loves her uni lifestyle and how grateful she is for it by constantly repeating how it's "SO, SO interesting and SO rewarding"... I might be completely wrong, these are just the vibes I'm getting from her recent postings
I agree with this, it feels like she keeps painting herself into a corner with this persona that she must perform constantly. It would do her a world of good to take a long break from "Ruby Granger", focus on herself and her actual life, and not this ridiculous half arsed aesthetics chaos.
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But this is why she started YouTube, she has made £££ off it, why would she slump it with the riff raff?! Plus she owns her own home which a tenant has been in so she hasn’t had to pay anything for that
Again, true. Guess it's just hard for me to imagine people actually live like this and don't have to work
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Do you think originally Ruby wasn’t invited but then because she was home they felt like they couldn’t leave her at home and not not invite her? Hence why Martha isn’t there either
Idk, the girl sitting next to Ruby is (I believe) Ruby's cousin, I don't see why she'd be invited and not Ruby and Martha
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