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Chatty Member
What do we reckons gone on then? Has he just been on a bender & she’s ramping it up as the loneliest time of her life when in reality that’s the future when you have kids. If one of you wants to go out, the other has to pick up the slack. That’s life. That’s parenthood 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I’m going for a walk down the prom soon. I’m praying to baby Jesus I don’t bump into the self obsessed misso getting her steps in 🙄
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Here she goes again 😴 … Maybe I’m more sensitive because I’m pregnant but it’s almost an insult when she’s basically saying if you’re not doing this you’ll end up with a “mamma butt” - not all of us have time to spend hours in the gym 🤣 I’m in decent shape at 25 weeks with 2nd baby and exercise 2/3 times a week and walk everyday after work but clearly I’m not up to roxys acceptable standards 🙏
That's her in a nutshell, she's the best and shame everyone else!! You have your pregnancy the way you want, nice and relaxed x

No one is up to her standards or obsession. She likes to make out she's over her "bulimia" but in fact she's just transferred her obsession to the gym.

She's got nothing in her life other than the gym, SM and possibly Scott. She leads an exceptionally dull life, it's plain to see. I wouldn't swap my life for hers in anyway.

Imagine living that way, where you go the gym and constantly post your life on SM for likes! That's seriously sad.

She's now booked another photo shoot!!🤦🏻‍♀️ Remember remember she hates her reflection!!! God that's another load of pics for Insta!! Prick!!
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Is that what that cringe underwear shoot was about? That was next level shameful. 😂
Yep!! She clearly has issues......

Oh god I must have missed that.
How embarrassing for her, more mature women would keep their dignity intact and just move on.
Any excuse to show herself half naked though.
Oh I completely agree. I'd have been like c'est la vie dickhead! Block, block, block.. not let's pay for pictures to show him what he's missing.... a crank, that's what he's missing! 🤣
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Haha I'm 8 minutes in and dying. She is the biggest lying cunt. She honestly believes that NO WOMAN EVER has worked out whilst pregnant. She literally calls herself amazing. Just about everything thus far I've heard has contradicted what she has said before. And her bragging on about her training, just to have LIFE SAVING SURGERY and blood transfusions....quite entertaining really. Link to interview....

The cunt sure loves talking about herself.

She needs to learn another word for amazing. A vet surgeon should have a stronger vocabulary tbh 🥴 🤡
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Photo moaning about her baby again, but at least she can use it as an excuse to get her tits out!! 🤮Seriously someone take the phone off this women, she shouldn't be in charge of a box never mind a baby!!

She was told to relax before BJ came, as she'd be knackered once baby was here, but she just snapped everyone's head off, reality is hitting very hard now! This is what having a baby is. I wonder how much she's cried?

She's painting Amazing baby daddy to be doing as little as possible, but that's probably just her spin on the fact that she wants him doing everything.

See Ron, having a baby isn't all photoshoots and cute insta outfits. It's bloody hard.
has she really been taking photos with a filter and saving them to her phone to post🥴
also perhaps if she cut out the caffeine, the baby might sleep…. She also needs to be careful with the pumping as she’s going to cause her baby a nightmare if she goes into oversupply, particularly if the baby isn’t taking it via bottle. They’ll both end up in tears 😑
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I'd forgotten about this girl! I used to follow her about 4 or 5 years ago when she was big into Crossfit and used to pretend she was a she still pretending she is? I think she was actually a rep for some sort of animal product. Still a knob by the sounds of it.
Yup still pretending & still a knob. She has a degree in veterinary science I believe, but she isn't a vet, she is a key account manager at an animal health company.
I could have a degree in law, but it doesn't make me a lawyer 🥴
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That is the saddest nursery I've ever seen. Her entire apartment is grey. Bland. Lifeless. Cold. No personality. Just like Ron. That room should be about the baby, not her own ugly boring taste.

Didn't she say the baby's head was sitting in her pelvis at like 34 weeks??😂 Yet now the docs say not coming any time soon. She hasn't a goddamn clue has she 🤣🤣


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She looks like a man in that black and white pic. Strong jaw line and heavy makeup. Like a bad ******. Dead in the eyes, not one bit of motherly love there. I swear she tried to copy the Kylie Jenner pic, but of course not let the ugly ginger troll share any spotlight with her and ruin it. She desperately wants to be instafamous and relevant but no one cares.

Underwear. Dead eyes. No smiles. Black nail polish. It's the farthest I've seen from a expectant mother photo shoot. Once again she thought about nothing except, look at me and my arse and huge tits in underwear. Don't worry, I'll pop this dumb baby out and be back to CrossFit in 10 weeks!!! She makes my skin crawl. BTW she started pregnancy around 49k, down to 45.9. Watching follower count drop every couple days makes me smile 🤣🤣🤣
I was coming here to say this! Think we should start calling her? Ron 🤣

She shows absolutely no emotion in any picture she stakes about his baby, her eyes say it all.

She never has an original thought always has to copy someone hence the likeness to the Kylie photo, yet as I thought, she wouldn't have the actual dad involved in the photo. This was just to fluff her ego! (Could they have photoshopped her arse anymore?) the photographer hasn't uploaded the pics to her Insta page! That will be doing Rons head in! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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The only hope here is that Scott has some kind of sense of humour #SaveScott
He must have some type of sense of humour to be rocking the 80's curtains hairstyle!!

There is going to be a Scott shaped hole in the front door at some point I'm certain of that.

Something deffo went down when Scott was out! She's still harping on about it! 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


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Deffo had fillers. Not against them at all but don’t have them and say it’s allll natural. What happened to the boob job she was deffo getting?
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Chatty Member
I craved cigarettes (I’ve never smoked in my life) and in my last week treated myself to a ciggie 😂 - yes it knocked me sick and I almost vommed, but the point is, I let myself relax for a fucking minute and gave in to the craving.

And I ate ALLLLL the sweets right the way through too because all I wanted was sugar.

She’s a fucking dick that clearly in some kind of weird denial about her eating disorder. 🙄
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