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Chatty Member
A twin pic of her and her Mums placenta 😂😂😂CRYING LAUGHING

She has no mates, no grasp on reality and no idea what real life is about. That poor baby is about to get dumped for her sick mother’s illness. It’s tragic.
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VIP Member
Soooooo big headed 😩😩 … Please change the record, it’s boring!
You wouldn't be able to tell by how muscly my arms and back are!!!! LOL...... Get outta here. No one cares. With every brag comes a 😂. She thinks it makes it ok. The biggest Look at Meeeee ever
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Chatty Member
What in the hell happened to her for her to be so totally messed up I wonder? She’s the worst I’ve ever seen on Instagram. Way worse than the filtered freaks we so often see. I think because she pretends to be so happy, care free & well, when she clearly isn’t, is what unnerves me so much.
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VIP Member
She honestly treats her Instagram stories like a private family only Whatsapp group! Who in the actual f*CK cares about her baby pics? What grown adult has that many pics of themselves as a baby on their phone?? No one else in the world cares about that shit besides her parents. And seeing how she has been this pregnancy, I bet even mummy is sick and tired of that narcissist twat!!! She is all me me me me ME!


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VIP Member
I've reported her to ASA quite a few times over undisclosed ads. I'm not sure what good it does though.

Yup, she's a glorified saleswoman who tries to flog animal health products.
Her job is as fake as she is.

Hey we only have another 6.5 months left of her pregnancy nonsense 🥱
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VIP Member
God, the last thing I was concerned about going in to labour was whether my partner would starve 🙄🤣 let the man fend for himself I.e. get a god dam takeaway 🤣
I was..... however I left him some money and the number for tgg gg e takeaway 😂😂😂 couldn’t trust him not to burn the house down. Be buggered was I doing this 😂😂
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VIP Member
She is definitely buying likes, there's no way you can lose that many followers & gain more likes than ever.
She's definitely at it!
Did you see her crying troll again today 🙄
Please someone tell her about this thread 🤭
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Chatty Member
"Fought cancer" my auntie arse!! She had a non cancerous lump removed!! God she over emphasises and overreacts everything!! I've never known anyone to cry as much as her over anything!! It must be like living with an emotional ticking time bomb!!

Yeah I remember when she yelled at him, if I'd have been him, there would have been a Scott shaped hole in the door!! He can't run now she's up the duff!!

Remember when she did that photo shoot to show some fuck boy what he was missing!! That's another level of no respect for yourself!!
Is that what that cringe underwear shoot was about? That was next level shameful. 😂
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VIP Member
Ron hasn't posted in days. She put a story up saying she's had a really hard time lately and all of a sudden her follower count jumps up by 300 in a few hours.
Someone been buying followers? 🤔

She buys followers to make herself feel better. Jesus Christ.😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
I knew of her through competing, she had a decent following on Twitter and used to compete in the WBFF. She also claimed it was rigged as she consistently never placed. But she was sponsored by Reflex which was a pretty decent supplement company at the time and she claimed to have the fastest growing “booty” in the U.K.

I didn’t realise she was from the wirral until I seen her at total fitness, smiled at her and got snarled at haha!
Fastest growing booty in the UK? 😂😂😂😂 I’ve heard it all now!!
She’s the champion of snarling. I defo know that much too!
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Chatty Member
Looks like Scott broke curfew!! Roxy Mussolini ain't happy!!

That pregnancy body post is a load of BOLLOCKS!!
Roxy Mussolini 😂😂😂
When my fella goes out with his mates I insist they get an apartment in town so I don’t have to be arsed about what time he got home & be woken up. I like my sleep & the bed to myself.

And defo absolute bollocks about living her body. She’s spent the whole pregnancy banging on about her body before we she was preggo. She was sobbing in the shower 4 weeks ago FFS
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VIP Member
Headbands and skinny jeans are so 2019! He's not the brightest bulb in the box is he?

That baby's bedroom looks unbelievably soulless! Grey, why would you make your babies room grey? It looks like a bloody room in a submarine!

She's advertising safe exercise in pregnancy in that bloody yellow bikini!! She's vapid!
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Chatty Member
She’s actually laughable. Evvverrrything is for show. Go on Roxy - remind us again you’re going to be a Mum. Your constant clutching of your stomach isn’t enough for us to remember.
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VIP Member
Here she goes again. Sure posts a lot when she doesn't want people commenting on her body. And never loved her body before. The boob squeeze and pushup. The over contorted body. Followers dropping every day. It will only get worse as time goes on. Remember when she used to say her IBS bloat made her look 9 months pregnant? She will really be sobbing in the shower when she gets that big and everyone in the shops asking if she's got twins.

Lots of lonely, on the sofa storiess last night. Bet Scott is finding every possible way to get away from her. I can't imagine being around that hormonal narcissist crank right now 😂😂


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Scott's a miserable fuck isn't he? Or is the company he keeps making him that way? 🤔
Scottie now knows he’s 5th place down one place from fourth……1st: Ron 2nd: Ron’s ego and the gym 3rd: mummy Wyn 4th: Bea 5th: (at a push) Scott 6th: (close call between 5th) lip filler and Botox
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VIP Member
I hope they are lactose intolerant and scream the place down🤣
My first thought too hahahahah 😂😂😂

Longest pregnancy ever and just wait until the “postpartum rehab” posts 😴
I can already hear the dramatic post partum/ every mum needs mum time/ mental health posts. She'll dump the kid at mummy's everyday for HOURS because she NEEDS her gym time for mental health reasons.🙄 That baby will never come first. Ever. Selfish vile cunt.
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