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Anyone else find it creepy how much information she shares? We know Rons full name, birthday, basically where she lives (And by stories and things, someone could easily pinpoint where), gym she uses, car etc. Truckers name and birthdate. Little BJ first, middle, last name, hospital, birthdate, time of birth. At least keep your baby's info private. She's more concerned with the amount of likes than sharing info to 40k followers and God knows who some of them could be. Remember when she flipped out about that fake account and wanting to keep her life private and baby safe??? Doesn't seem like she cares, as long as the likes and attention keep coming. She tagged in a 3 week old baby's account. What the actual fuck.
hahaha I had forgotten about that real roxy account. Seems its still up. I thought she had it taken care of 🤡

She must REEEEALLY look like shit to not be posting 100s of selfies 😂
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Did she just call her week old baby a crank?
She is fucking vile.
The difference in the pics of her with BJ & Ra with BJ, Ra looks maternal, genuinely happy & affectionate were as Ron looks like the cold, unapproachable, stone faced cunt she always is.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!! Who in gods name writes that about your baby? She absolutely disgusts me.

She's actually thought that and then thought "oh I'm putting that online" someone take that bloody phone off her and more importantly give the baby to someone who gives a shit about her because Ron has all the maternal instincts of a tub of protein powder. Vile vile women.
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I can’t imagine her breastfeeding because that will interrupt with her rigid schedule and the world revolving around her. Although I could see her expressing just for the fact that it burns calories and it’s obvious that’s what her main aim will be after she gives birth so she can post more side by side photos saying how she has bounced back. Saddo.
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I have to stop myself from writing on posts & telling her to STFU. We all know tits grow during pregnancy, yet she harps on like she's the only woman to ever have a baby or watch their body change.
I wish she'd just give it a rest!
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Stop going on about your tits ffs, no one cares. You're 13 weeks not 33!!

She thinks she is the only woman out there who has ever being pregnant.
When any one replies about her tits she will bite their bloody head off! She irritates the life out of me.

She’s really rude too, never says thanks if you answer one of her many questions. I can’t be bothered anymore.

That baby will be photographed more than any royal baby in the history of time.🤯🤣
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She’ll shit herself when she actually has to breast feed. I exclusively breast fed for 12 months. It removes so many of your freedoms & is extremely tough on your mind & body. She doesn’t realise she’ll be squirting milk all over the squat rack when she’s back 5 minutes after the baby is born. She’s in for a shock.

Also does it weird anyone else out that she’s always banging on about breast feeding - but in the next breath sexualising her ‘ever growing boobs’ to an audience that she knows are largely perverts? She’s a proper freak
I give her 3 weeks max. All that self sacrifice for another? Rox? No way.

She thinks she can get maternal instincts from reading books 🤣

Remember when she used to shame all of us? I can't believe people don't read!!!! Or go to the gym 4 hours a day.... We'll see how she is doing 6 months from now. 😂😂
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Who does this with their medication?
I take 21 tablets a day, do my followers know this? Nope. Because I don't plaster my private shit on social media for every one to see.
It's called having a private life, yet these instahuns show every fucking detail of their life and then cry troll when anyone dares to have an opinion on it.

She never stops complaining about that poor baby, she is either cluster feeding or not sleeping or not going in her chair etc etc.

Here's a thought...Put your phone away, eat some calories, fill your babies belly up, put her in her chair & stop moaning.
BJ doesn't have to be asleep to be put down.
She is making a rod for her own back, she will never get back to the gym if BJ needs rocking to sleep all day long.
What a shame 😂
She's such a miserable fuck. She's not remotely interested in doing the right thing by BJ she just wants to get skinny again. If she's not going to eat the right food so she can breast feed adequately put her on formula.

She's always moaning about something, the medication, BJ, Scott, the 1000 litres of blood she lost, no sleep! I agree she needs to put her phone down and eat some proper food, not the skinny syrup shit.

Why does she always have to be in any birthday photos of her friend or family? I think she thinks it's her birthday by proxy, so sticks her pics up too you know "look how hot I am" Any excuse for the boring dumb fuck to show some cross leg, stick her ass out photos!!
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Chatty Member
She is fuming because she couldn't use the disabled toilets.
You aren't disabled though are you you entitled, spoilt cunt. The clue is in the name 😤
I'm so fucking close to letting rip at her, although it would fall on deaf ears as she sees no issues with how she behaves.

She said there is was no toilet paper in the baby change…. Surely you have a baby wipe in your baby change bag you dumb f*ck? She just wanted to get her minge out and have a moan - because she loves to moan for attention doesn’t she 😵💫
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God she gets on my tits and not in a good way.

Like she would pay any attention to Scott if he told her not to sleep in a certain position.

10 lb my auntie arse!! I'm waiting on this baby to come out at 7lb 3oz haha
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She has such low likes, comments and interactions. You know it is making her crazy. Her narcissistic self can't handle not being the center of attention. So out came the bikini pics yesterday. Right on schedule. And she STILL dropped followers!🤣 Boring, predictable, same thing day after day. And she thinks that baby will just go along on their adventures, like sticking a doll in a knapsack. She is honestly in for a very rude awakening. She'll post like all is great, but we know her life is tragic 😂


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So why not edit it if it was meant to be a close up of BJ?
Nah, cos she fucking knew what she was doing, vain cunt that she is.
She is so wanting the sleaze brigades praise on how amazing she looks 🥱

This woman will never change & sadly that little girl will never have any privacy, I'd definitely not want 40k pervs seeing my baby girl that is for sure.


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The newest bj post has twice as many likes as previous ones. Click on who liked it and half are Arabic accounts that are private 🤔🤔😂😂

At least she spent a little extra for the fake followers / fake likes package deal!
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Trying to get some company or place to gift her one or loan her one for free. It's such an obvious move. She is so transparent. She will do or try anything she reads in a book as long as someone gifts it to her. Wish these companies realised what a cold snarly c*NT she actually is.
She's got all these grand plans.... that are going to be shot to shit once the first contraction hits! She's doesn't strike me as someone who'd be able to deal with what's about to come! She's a wuss, god help Scott in that birthing room,
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As predicted she's constantly crying 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Jesus suck it up buttercup, this is motherhood get on with it. She wanted a baby, or did she just think she had too?

She was supposed to zoom in on B, but mistakenly (Cough Cough) zoomed in on herself and still posted it? God she's such an attention seeker, she's like a spoilt brat wanting constant attention.

She's actually created an Insta account for the baby? What a joke of a parent she is, that's truly mind numbingly pathetic. Something is clearly missing in her life to have such a need to document everything on SM as she does.

I wonder if her friend is going to get an apology now she admits she is also going to be late now? Of is she still going to be an insufferable cunt and act like her shit don't stink?

She's not had many visitors has she.......
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She hates the cringe baby reveal. She clearly doesn’t realise that you can actually find out your babies sex and SHOCKER not reveal it to the world on your Insta story!! !! Hard I know for someone so obsessive but it can be done!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ She’s a female Narcissus!!
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I’ve always felt dead sorry for her, as I can’t comprehend her feeling the need to keep up appearances and post so much on social media at her age. I mean even lying about her qualifications/career is so scary!

I’m 36 weeks pregnant and I’m finding her totally insufferable.. I do worry about when it actually gets tough for her and she realises bio-oil doesn’t stop stretch marks!
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