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Well-known member
I've reported it. She is just obsessed with posting on Insta, nothing is off the table. She doesn't care about anyone else. She documented her eating disorder, her brothers!! Her mum and dads financial set up.

She doesn't give a rats ass as long as she's got something to post and getting engagement. She must be hell to live with, with the level of attention she needs.
It’s been removed from insta 👏🏻
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Transformation Tuesday?
More like 'Don't forget how hot I was' 'Don't forget how awesome my body was before I conceived' 'Hang on in there guys I'll be back showing off my tits & arse soon enough'
She HATES not getting the attention she once did, that's why she keeps posting them.

Bore off Roxy, we have seen your pics a billion times, why do you need the attention off sleazy men? What is your life missing to do this all the time?
Now there’s a comparison to her brother side by side 🤣🤣 I’ve never known anything like it! I never see a photo of my brother & think oooooh don’t we look similar let me get that on Instagram!
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New member
You wouldn’t touch her fella with a barge pole it you knew what snake he was. Do wonder if she knows his past
Oohhhhh tell! He does look like a sleeze! No amount of baking is hiding that, he thinks he’s all Daniel Craig, more like Craigslist!! She had put post up saying when they met he was a total knob and she blocked him loads!! I think she just wants to be in a relationship so she won’t be bothered.
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VIP Member
Spot on. I was thinking pretty much the same thing. Who humiliates a friend like that on social media? If you know their time keeping is a bit hit and miss, just accept that about them or offer to pick them? I'm forever late, like literally and my friends would never post that about me.

She gets a kick out of belittling people. It doesn't matter who it is. I'd hate to have her in my life, if I was Ra i'd have cut her loose years ago.

Wait until she's going out of the door and the baby throws up or poo's then she'll start to realise.

She's an absolute nasty cunt.
And poos in the all white outfits for the next three months 🤣🤣🤣
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It's over sharing to the extreme telling sleazy men that you're giving yourself a perineal massage.
Does she think it's sexy?
Thing is with Roxy, she shares all this shit but would kick off if a guy said anything about it to her.

She really is a gigantic bellend!
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New member
I'm cringing for her doing that dance at the end 🥴

Be fit and work out by all means, be proud of your achievements, but calm down with the constant attention seeking ffs, you're 32 years old, act your age!

Oh and STFU about Vegans, you're obsessed with them, give it a rest hun!!!
I did cringe I have to say. What was that rubbish with her posting her credit file score!! FFS grow up and keep somethings to yourself! She’s in her 30’s but If I was her mum I’d be getting a grip of her, stop living your life through insta, it’s called “ a private life” for a reason!!
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Christ just look at that mess. It's like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. Tacky af. By the looks of it, Scott is growing his hair out long in the back to make up for that receding hairline. I guess my hair would fall out too living with that sociopath. Brace yourselves for pics of celebrity hot bald men with beards that she'll claim is the best since her man will be a baldy. She is such a sad excuse of a human.


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VIP Member
She really needs to get a fucking grip. All she does is cry, hysterically or otherwise. She must be so draining to live with. If I was her mum, I'd have to slap some sense into her.

I thought she read every book on birth, babies & hormones. She must have missed those hormone chapters, as she was too busy reading how to rub her perineum raw!! What a dick.

The "Real" Account 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nail on head


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Well-known member
Another day, another Roxy post of her abs. Oh and she’s posted another pic from her competing days 🙄🙄🙄
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VIP Member
Haha I'm 8 minutes in and dying. She is the biggest lying cunt. She honestly believes that NO WOMAN EVER has worked out whilst pregnant. She literally calls herself amazing. Just about everything thus far I've heard has contradicted what she has said before. And her bragging on about her training, just to have LIFE SAVING SURGERY and blood transfusions....quite entertaining really. Link to interview....



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Anticipating the bullshit arrival grid post… she’s probably at a photoshoot now with the baby and trucker Scott is up a mountain.
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VIP Member
Just fuck off already!
I've never known anyone who craves attention as much as her. She can't go a day without needing validation.
My daughter is the same age as Roxy & I swear I'd ground her if she acted like this narcissist 😂😂😂


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Well-known member
I can’t imagine her breastfeeding because that will interrupt with her rigid schedule and the world revolving around her. Although I could see her expressing just for the fact that it burns calories and it’s obvious that’s what her main aim will be after she gives birth so she can post more side by side photos saying how she has bounced back. Saddo.
Oh jeez…I hadn’t thought about this. Her love of side by side photos will be in full force 🙄🥴
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Her lips look horrendous. And isnt it amazing how she has no freckles and then in the last videos she does 🤔 #filterqueen

Oh hey, did you know she had a 6 pack before? Honestly any chance she can get to brag, she does.
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VIP Member
Firstly - anyone know anything about buying likes on ig? The last probably 20 workout posts have had less than 200 likes (which I showed previously on this thread) and now suddenly her newest one has 1k? Doesn't that seem odd? Her follower count has dropped hundreds the last few days but likes are up. I wonder if she googled herself and found her way here.

Second - she just made a story a week ago saying she hasn't been getting any heartburn and posted a baby pic of herself. (It's actually also on this thread making fun of baby pic narcissism) But today she posts a story talking about her massive heartburn!!! Which one is it you lying cunt!

Third - she is sly about how she words her posts. She hints about baby showers but the one she went to was NOT FOR HER.

The energy she puts into ig is mind blowing. Who cares? We all know she has to make up for the fact that her life is in utter shambles.
He last post she's actually cut her pregnant tummy out to make it look like she's modelling the bra and has massive tits! Could you be bothered with this level of fake obsession!

Shes currently a 36E apparently (like we need to know this) Wait until Easter when they are like spaniels ears!🤦🏻‍♀️

She's going to miss her bump aaawwwww what a load of bollocks! She's gone on more about missing her abs, than she has about this baby.

She is extreme high level self obsessed and demanding. She would drain the life out of me, no wonder Scott walks off or is in his truck but he's stuck with her now 🤯

Did she used to or still have a mate called Melissa?
I vaguely remember that name.
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VIP Member
So she's pregnant.... if you hadn't heard! 🙄 She won't eat steak, soft cheese, take hot baths or drink a sip of wine but she's eating those crap Skinny Syrups by the bucket full!! She's a joke!
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