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She has created this chaos. Hasn't fixed the sleep problem. Then the car story is a video and she plays baby lullaby music for her car nap! Wtf. She is at the complete mercy of BJ. It's pathetic. And Ron, not all mums look like bridge trolls. If you made her sleep a priority for even ONE week, life would be much different. Ron is like a stubborn, know- it- all, 13 year old child.


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Ron is an actual fucking freak

She has 100% opened and stuck these to her own head for a photo

Is she that desperate for ' content ' and out of ideas?
That’s exactly what I thought!!!

I just don’t get the thought process to do this? Why would you even think to do this? And then post it on SM blaming your 2 year old?

It’s utterly odd behaviour. I couldn’t imagine being this addicted to SM that you have to fabricate shit like this 🤷🏻‍♀️
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It’s quite embarrassing that she thinks hummus is middle class 😬 and she’s clearly impressed by it as she’s mentioned it a few times 😂 All toddler and weaning books have a recipe for it, it’s not a flex Ron.
It's hardly as if it was Waitrose organic hummous 🤣 Hers probably cost like £1 from Tesco.

I buy 90% of my fruit and veg organic, much of it sourced from a local farm. If you want to brand specific foods 'middle class', those would be the ones, not a plastic-contained £1 worth of tinned chickpeas with tahini.

Being planet-conscious is middle class, and she is anything but...
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So this time last year she posted this (March 2023) she was in 2-3 but 4-5 in Primark. This year, A YEAR LATER she’s in 3-4… Jesus wept, someone sign Einstein up for a Nobel prize and a clap please 😂😂😂


She might be being truthful but it's hardly something worth to post about. Different brands do sizing differently. That is true for adult clothing too. It doesn't mean she is huge for her age. In fact, it doesn't really mean anything unless you properly weigh her and look at her height. She should have had her 2 year assessment soon, I wonder if she's had it.

That will show, not only whether BJ is taller than the average but also how delayed or advanced she is with milestones. I'm sure if she gets anything remotely good to boast about she will tell us... Or maybe that's why we havent heard a thing :D
I totally agree with the brands and different sizing, but my little one has been 98%tile since she was born and has never fitted into 4-5 year old clothing at 1 year old. She chats so much shit 😂

I don’t understand why she tries to make out everything is unique, when it really isn’t and she constantly puts her in clothes that drown her, she looks silly. It’s like she’s pushing a weird narrative.
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You know what I just thought. Ron can't cope with being a mum, cos she can't be the best. She can't push and train and do everything else she normally does and win, then show off the results. All the insignificant things, she is all over and thinks she excels at.
Training, dieting, selfies, "crazy" night out pics, influencing, making everyone jealous, being the best child that mummy win has, being the skinniest pregnant woman on Instagram.
But look at all the real things that matter.
-Not married
-Now with a previously married dope of a boyfriend that doesn't give a shit about her and from the evidence we've seen, is probably cheating
-Her career-although she's quick to point out she's in a higher tax bracket, she hates that job. I don't care how many farm selfies she takes or how many cow pics she takes with ❤ emojis, she is all about showing off. There is no way on gods earth that she wants to drive hundreds of miles to stay in bargain basement hotels and then put her wellies and waterproofs on to traipse around a freezing cold farm up to her knees in stinking shit. If she had married someone on a decent salary, I'd guarantee that she'd take a lower paid, more glamorous job. Something where she was dressed up and in full makeup all day so she could post a million selfies from a glamorous city. If she did love her job, why would she lie and say she was a veterinary surgeon?
-In her late 30's and has JUST bought her first house. Considering she's on so much money (or so she says), she should really have a much nicer house than the one she's bought.
-She is awful at being a mother. She cannot cope AT ALL. She cries constantly and it's gone way past the stage for post natal depression. She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. Motherhood doesn't come naturally at all to her. She wanted a baby for the Insta selfies-she doesn't seem to realise that being a mother is 24/7 and involves hard work and sacrifices.

She's always had to be number 1. Always. At any sport she tries, being the best sibling, being the best slut in school that gets more boys, having the best arse etc etc. Now she can't cope with being number 2. BJ will be stealing her limelight and she can't cope. Mummy Win wants Ron to come round so she can see BJ, not Ron. And it'll be the same with her brother's kids now. I think that's why she'll want another kid, so she can be pregnant and the centre of attention again. Looking for the next dopamine hit as people see her as the centre of attention. It'll be the short term hit of her being pregnant and then a lifetime of another child that she'll fuck up and will no doubt be in therapy before it's 18.
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Ron. we know you lie. Why the fuck are you trying to convince everyone that standing in waterproofs up to your ankles in shit makes you happy. I would bet my mortgage on the fact you HATE your job. You scream high maintenance and always wanting to look your best, you must despise pulling on those work clothes and wellies. If you did love your job, you wouldn't lie about being a veterinary surgeon 🤡
Driving up and down the country in a car that stinks of shit, to cold farms in the middle of the sticks, staying in crap hotels, doesn't sound like fun to me Ron.

Cow feed sales and lorry driver. But keep buying houmous and screaming you're middle class 🤣
If she was a Veterinary surgeon she would have a job on the Wirral that didn’t mean leaving her longed for child over night weekly. Also, she wouldn’t be living in a flat in Wallasey 😂 But keep living the dream Ron 😜

Side not, I don’t feel there’s anything wrong with her job or home, it’s the fact that she tries to make out she’s so much more successful than this and that she’s a high achiever.
Well who does this sound like? 🤭
Happy to report that I’ve never used any of these phrases ✔ Bingo for Ron though 😬
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Her latest post, maybe it’s just me, but if you already owed a property, like she makes out she does, would it not say ‘Bought a new house’
she deffo never owned that flat and why has she made out that she has bought the house on her own?

also, from the background, the area looks shit, looks like her front door opens literally on to a road, a run down road at that
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She must have been out with the baldy truck driver last night as she hasn't posted a load of shit photos pulling staged ' crazy ' faces with either her 1 friend or her sisters in law
I was just coming to say the same. And she paid to have makeup done to sit with badly in a theatre. No, she paid to get makeup done for the two social media pics. But still looks like a 50 year old Real Housewives, the trans version
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Her brothers are off to Nottingham for the match. Bet they said, oh come on, go out with her. She doesn't have anyone 😂😂
You can imagine the conversation, “look it’s just one night, do it for me, she’ll spend most of the night on her phone or taking selfies so you won’t have to talk to her much” 🤣🤣
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If it's a Help to Buy ISA then yeah but it could be a standard ISA, it's not clear.

And considering her huge amount of lies it is possible that she doesn't own this property, but rather the trucker does.

She had had flats in the past which could easily be rented. I never saw her make any considerable enhancements like painting, new kitchen etc that you would do if the place was truly yours.

And who knows if she has actually rented this new one too and they just asked them for a large deposit due to bad finances...
That child looks nothing like her, other than the eyebrows. Why keep forcing it?

Also, isn't it about time she bought a bed for Bea if she always ends up sleeping with her in her room? If she got a floor bed that is big enough she could even co-sleep comfortably.
It was a LISA. She did a story with it on the other day which yes is for first time buyers.

She is definitely a big fat liar 🤥
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The only way she said that is if Ron constantly fed her that line and she repeated it in a nonsensical way like a parrot. Theres no way in hell she said that knowing what it means
Absolutely!!! I don’t understand the whole pushing the “just like her mummy” narrative. The toddler can’t hold up a toy cow without being accused of being just like her mum. Tell me a toddler that doesn’t love cows, seriously. it’s not unique!

BJ is far too young to understand anything her mum is doing, it’s pathetic. Be active, but stop throwing it down your kids throat and let her decide who she wants to be and what she likes. I fear if BJ grows and hates all sport or she’s not good at it. Imagine the dissapointment 😂
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She has absolutely no understanding of the risks of posting your children in such poses online for all to see. If someone did a deepfake of BJ it wouldn't surprise me.
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How can she even want another child when she moans so much about the one she’s already got? Wonder if the next birth will be as dramatic as the last one , I bet she’ll opt for a section
Because she "has" to have one. She will be the first 35 year old in history to be pregnant whilst looking after a 2 year old, working and training. Obvs! 😂

I'm putting money on either losing 98 litres of blood or some dramatic "first time ever" emergency C section....

Can't wait for her to lose her shit this time around!
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Can’t live more than 10 min from her mums 🤦🏼‍♀️ Wirral isn’t that big, it’s got a bloody big motorway running through the middle, she could be back in Wallasey in no time.

It’s like she hit her level of maturity around 16 and never progressed beyond that.

Bea is naughty, she’s wild, she eats too much, she won’t sleep, she won’t pose for the constant camera. She never posts about her in the positive, only when she’s referring to her as her “mini me” which she’s not, she’s her wimpy dad’s double.


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Why is she shaming her kid about explosive shits, she should be starting to potty train, especially if B is telling her when she needs a poo, like she claims.
I would be mortified if my mum had posted that about me online when I was a baby!
People don’t care about other peoples kids, it’s as simple as that, you also shouldn’t put private stuff out there for strangers to see
I messaged her.... then deleted it.

It's a fucking disgrace posting things like that. I hope you do read here Ron because you are a cunt of a mum who was made up she had a girl so she could spend her life belittling her to make you feel better about your sad and sorry life. Dick head!!!

I have never hated anyone more. And I've dated some absolute psychopaths!!!
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Thanks troll. It’s so embarrassing that her brothers have to get their girlfriends to take her out. Such staged photos too but at least they’ve done their duty and taken one for team win 😂 I think you can stand down now for a few months girls. Of course, we’re all just jealous and Ron is the ‘best SIL ever’. It’s obvious that she can only go out with them because they’re the only females who aren’t threatened that Ron will be too attractive to their men 🙄
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So this is 100% directed at Tattle. Hi Ron 👋🏼

If it had come from anyone else I would have absolutely felt sorry for her.

But this is no-mates Ron, who has a superiority complex, lies to strangers about the most basic things (like what she does for a living), posts continuous selfies in search of validation whilst having spent her whole life looking down on women who don't work out 24/7 like her (though now she can't suddenly it's ok) and by MANY accounts is a horrible human being to anyone else she meets, particularly women.

Ron, you reap what you saw. And many of us have had the 'pleasure' of meeting you.

So, my apologies, but I won't join you pity party.
This is probably directed at Scott because she uses her insta as a way of calling him out.

He’s probably said something about her obsessive military style of child care with B and she’s had a fit and he’s said get thicker skin? actually it could be anything that she doesn’t agree with.

She’s probably posted this, had a cry and eaten some broccoli to cheer herself up 🤣
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Her baby monitor seemed pretty standard. I didn't know any of them had a rewind option. But I dont know every single brand so I may be wrong. She may be taking a snapshot or picture at the time this is happening.
Just a bit confused as she’s in the pictures of the baby monitor so is it linked to her phone? So is it possible that she’s in BJs room allegedly trying to help her sleep 🙄 whilst simultaneously watching herself ‘watching’ BJ? Obviously she does this alot and has been doing it since BJ was a newborn but I think it’s only just dawned on me what she is actually doing and it’s so weird.
So many stoopid posts today I cant even deal.

Buys second hand £10 plain m&s trousers and makes a bloody ad out of them!!! The cheek.

You could tell who is paired with who by simply who they are standing next to. No need to look at feet positions!

Hottubs arent safe for under 5s or even older as children can't self regulate their temperature. So unless you lower the temperature way down, which most of the Forest Holidays hot tubs dont allow, George shouldnt be there even less so on a hot day. Does she ever follow ANY safety rules?? It's a disaster waiting to happen.
Wrong post troll 😜
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