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Chatty Member
If at least you told me she's a super influencer making hundreds of thousands from social media post, I may at least understand her reasoning. But she is far from.
The only time I've ever shared my children's clothing size is to ask relatives for clothes for their birthdays/christmas!
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How pathetic was her last baby shower

A grand total of one mate, everyone else family and obliged to be there.

One unpopular horrid vile cunt, in real life and online
Haha yes. It was almost as tragic as her 30th! Remember that? Absolute quality. Apart from her brothers, Ra was the only person under 65. It was like a night at the bingo. Ron obviously starved herself for a month before, then had her makeup "slayed" for the big event! She had her hair and makeup done to look hotter than anyone else and the majority of the other women there had a blue rinse and loved werthers originals. But yes Ron, we're all jealous 😂😂😂
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Well-known member
If it's a Help to Buy ISA then yeah but it could be a standard ISA, it's not clear.

And considering her huge amount of lies it is possible that she doesn't own this property, but rather the trucker does.

She had had flats in the past which could easily be rented. I never saw her make any considerable enhancements like painting, new kitchen etc that you would do if the place was truly yours.

And who knows if she has actually rented this new one too and they just asked them for a large deposit due to bad finances...
That child looks nothing like her, other than the eyebrows. Why keep forcing it?

Also, isn't it about time she bought a bed for Bea if she always ends up sleeping with her in her room? If she got a floor bed that is big enough she could even co-sleep comfortably.
The child is the absolute clone of the bald trucker

Looks very little like Ron
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Heroin chick face???
What the actual FUCK!!
This is coming from a 35 yr old woman, a vet 🤭, a MOTHER!!!

I'm actually embarrassed for her, she isn't right in the head.
Ron go & get help because you my girl have some very deep rooted issues.
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Chatty Member
Again she makes it about her, how little sleep she is getting. Why is her first concern not her daughters unhealthy sleep pattern? If BJ has been awake since 4am then she needs to sleep for 3 hours in nursery, the poor child must be exhausted.
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seen Ron's chubby brother on Sky sports. Wonder how long it is before Ron can post something and somehow make it about herself

she'll HATE that he's on TV and not her. Mummy win will have a new favourite

"Mummy win, he may have been on national television, but did he lose 19 pints of blood?"


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You just know she is shaming her kid now and more so when she understands what she’s saying. Just setting poor B up with a complexity and eating disorder!
You want a kid with a healthy appetite
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Chatty Member
Maybe a bit more down to earth in her terms but not enough to sustain consistent friendships with other mums, for example.

When I had my first child my circle of friends changed slightly. My close friends remained the same (some didn't have/want kids) but those in the periphery changed and I became closer with some other mum friends that I met at events, classes, nursery etc... I think that is normal but I am yet to see Ron develop any of those friendships. If she had a wide circle of established girl friends, I could understand, but she doesn't really. Geez, even if she had a circle of male friends (actual friends, not guys she's banged 😂 ). She's as far from down to earth as they come.

She keeps going on about wanting a second but I can guarantee you she cannot cope with more kids. She will have to sacrifice a lot more gym time and I can't see her do that.
I think the other post was referring to Ra, I’m disappointed that she used to be like that 😳

I don’t think we need any explanation as to why Ron doesn’t have any mates, she does an excellent job demonstrating why nobody would want to be friends with her.
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Chatty Member
It's kind of funny how she says this this yet she is doing the complete opposite.

She has no self awareness has she?
It’s kind of crazy. We don’t just think she’s doing the opposite, she posts the opposite. Also, BJ is 2 now so surely she needs to stop about her post birth body 😂 Firstly she came out of hospital weighing less than before she was pregnant because she posted about it, the same person who posts about not focussing on weight loss weighed herself as soon as she’d had BJ and then informed thousands of strangers on line about it! Even though she allegedly nearly died she still prioritised weighing herself 😳
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15 kg Lump!!! She’s an horrendous mother.

That’s why she doesn’t sleep you fuckwit, 2 hour sleeps and carrying her on a walk!!! Let her burn some energy off!!

Who puts a 2 year old child in a carrier? Oh Ron does so it’s extra weight on her walk, no she’s not obsessed at all with exercise, the absolute crank.
What a horrible way to talk about your daughter!
Agreed she should be running about, she will have her in a carrier so she can make sure she gets her steps in, nothing comes inbetween Ron & her exercise 🙄
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Well-known member
Exactly! and even if she has a long drive she could stop anywhere to get some food along the way. She "shows off" so much about staying in hotels but not so much about what free meals she gets.
Remember she said people are jealous of her staying in them hotels, so shit they don't even have tea and coffee or a couple of free snacks
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Chatty Member
I’ve said similar before but not only is the fridge contents screaming some kind of eating disorder, along with personality disorder but it’s the fact that she shares it. She doesn’t see anything wrong with it. In fact, we know enough about Ron to know that she believes that everything she does is the ‘best’ way and nobody can tell get any different. So she’s proud of this fridge 😳 I bet she throws away all of BJs selection boxes at Christmas or keeps them at her mums. She’s 💯 given her child allergies through her disordered eating in pregnancy and now this 😡 It’s awful to see 😢 poor child, I hope nursery pick up on it.
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Chatty Member
Im surprised she didn’t have a cry!!

That child is sensory seeking. Her sleep environment lacks the sensory input she requires to soothe and sleep.
She must have less than one braincell. ALL toddlers end up taking off their blanket middle of the night. You just make sure you maintain the right room temperature where they sleep and if it gets cold you put them in long PJs and socks. Why didn't she ask Mummy Win who she speaks to 627282 times a day and knows everything what to do? Surely when Ron was little she wasn't in a sack. Her mum has brought up 3 kids - ask her!

My eldest is younger than BJ and was out of the sleeping sack (which for the record allows them to move about and even leave the bed if in one) over winter at around 18 months. Ron just gets lazy helping BJ reach milestones. She's 2.5 and is:

Still in a crib
In a sack and babygowns until recently
Still wearing a dummy (probably ruined her teeth already) and
Not even started potty training yet.

And the mum of the year award goes to....
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Chatty Member
"when nursery didn't listen..."

You said she has been up at 4am for 4 days straight. Maybe she needed it. It's not nursery job to get her sleep patterns correct. It's yours Ron! And she has had problems for 2 years so stop blaming others!

She is insufferable! I hope someone from nursery gets wind of how she speaks of them on social media.
Nothing is ever her fault for her. B's allergies, her lack of sleep etc. It's all always others faults.
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VIP Member
You can 100% control calories whilst away-it's not easy and you need to be strict, but it's possible. I was away for 3 weeks before I ran a marathon and ran my best time. I just made sure that I didn't pick high calorie meals, lots of salad and meat/fish etc. I wouldn't have said they were Instagram worthy, however they were infinitely better than the boxed shit that Ron eats. How many meals must she eat cold too because there's no microwave etc? Sat in a shitty room, watching friends on her iPad, eating cold boring food. I'd honestly be tempted to get in the bath with a toaster.
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