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Well-known member
She must have been out with the baldy truck driver last night as she hasn't posted a load of shit photos pulling staged ' crazy ' faces with either her 1 friend or her sisters in law
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Chatty Member
This is the worst fridge I’ve ever seen!
who wants to eat the same thing for every meal! I’m all about prepping food for the week ahead to make life easy, but you prep a different meal for each night.
Does she just microwave it and eat it in the Tupperware at the table?

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I agree - its so depressing. Where is the fruit? Or the healthy snacks?

She could've prepped for the whole family, it wouldn't surprise me. She mentions lunches only so maybe dinner is done separately?

Either way it's still boring AF. I'm not sure if its due to cost control or portion control but eating like that when you aren't preparing for a fitness competition is just ridiculous.
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Active member
Was desperate to respond to this and so thankful you did!! 😂 why are BJs sleep issues anything but her fault?! These regressions or learning developments seriously are not the explanation. She has not consistently slept the entire time!! I am so desperate to adopt BJ and help her sleep myself!!!!!
I couldn't help myself, I've written messages so many times but chickened out. I have no idea what planet she is on sometimes, she must have learnt the dictionary cover to cover for it to affect her sleep this much. I shall miss seeing this car crash
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VIP Member
This is not normal behaviour. And she is completely full of shit every time she posts. She contradicts herself even within the post mentioning the chocolate raisins at the end. She knows exactly how much weight she has gained and what it is. She fucking psychotic.

BJ eating the same meal out of a tub everyday. She's such a shit mum it's untrue.

What the hell is going on with her cheeks lately? Bad fillers reckon? 😂🙃

No one makes rom coms about falling for a married lorry driver. Sorry hun 🥴


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Well-known member
As another sign of how childish and immature she is, she has liked a series of tweets about Taylor Swift and whoever she is getting shagged by now.

To be invested in a celebrity's love life is something a teenage girl does


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Chatty Member
She might be being truthful but it's hardly something worth to post about. Different brands do sizing differently. That is true for adult clothing too. It doesn't mean she is huge for her age. In fact, it doesn't really mean anything unless you properly weigh her and look at her height. She should have had her 2 year assessment soon, I wonder if she's had it.

That will show, not only whether BJ is taller than the average but also how delayed or advanced she is with milestones. I'm sure if she gets anything remotely good to boast about she will tell us... Or maybe that's why we havent heard a thing :D
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Chatty Member
People have given her advice and she’s just thrown it in their faces.

Not so tired to go out with her only friend though….. School night shenanigans!!! How fucking old is she?
I read that and I thought: that child either naps too late, to much or has some serious sleep disorder. Its one thing them waking up a few times if theyre teething or ill but that is not normal. How is she going to mamage two kids or however many she wants?

On a separate note, did anyone see her post about missing out on a house again? The amount of time she's been looking she probably has super unrealistic expectations and thats why they dont find anything. If you only go for the houses that are a bargain and too good to be true of course you are going to miss out on most of them. Sometimes you have to invest a little more to get the house of your dreams. Id be interested in seeing what kind of house they end up buying and where...
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Well-known member
She simply cannot post anything nice about BJ EVER! 😠 I feel so sorry for her, she’ll probably post something nice now to prove otherwise but like I’ve said before it always has a resentful undertone. Having a child wasn’t anything like she expected it would be was it? Part of me thinks she had a child as she thought it was expected of her at her age, she had a child with the first man who was willing and now she won’t even acknowledge him.
She 100% was in a panic as she was, and still is, getting on in age and there was no sign of marriage (still isn't 🫠) or a kid.

So she settled for someone she thinks is below her, a balding already married truck driver. She resents him because he doesn't live up to her ideas of how she should have suited up with someone.

In reality, a truck driver is a good match for her an her family, average, working class and not extraordinary in any real way.

She thought she'd be a princess and be a kept woman, the reality is far from it when she is staying in shit hotels and begging for wind tablets on Instagram 🙃
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Well-known member
She definitely has some kind of arrested development going on. She hasn't matured beyond the age of 14. She finds any way to brag about the most mundane things, like a child would.
Mummy Daddy Win are the best!
I'm better than you at everything!
You're not as pretty as me!
You're not as strong as me!
Look at my house (tiny shit hole flat in Wallasey)
Look at my car!
Look at my eyebrows!

And not one maternal bone in her body. No sense of humour whatsoever. Boring shell of human.

God no one cares. Obviously she posts these stories to get attention. Scary to know the IQ of these followers that fawn over this narcissistic cow.
They're in a negative IQ
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Well-known member
Ron, honestly...NOBODY on the internet needs to see this. As if anyone gives a flying fuck about that pic. Another pic set up and not even funny, no matter how many 😂😂😂 she puts. Keep those baby pics for mummy win, she's the only one that cares.

She craves the reactions from a handful of followers. But doesn't think twice of the weirdos and creepy men that see them too. Protect your daughter ffs.

Scott must be the biggest pussy for not standing up to her and allowing this. They follow each other again 😂 Must be a good story behind all of that drama. You would think they were 15 years old. Grow up.
she'll have begged him for a refollow

" please them nasty people on Tattle are calling my life exactly as it is " 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
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VIP Member
Speaking of refusing to visit GP and get help for sleeping, she knows they will question all her habits, including the obvious rash that she tries to edit out and hide. Quit using the dummy which is an obvious crutch for the kids behaviour and non sleep. Does she even care about the well being of this child??? She's such a selfish cunt and terrible mum. YOU ARENT THE PRIORITY ANYMORE RON! BJ IS!

Remember when she claimed she was only allowed it for bedtime? She has the dummy in 90% of the time she is in the tiny flat. 🤥


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Chatty Member
However, I do think she is a lot more down to earth/real since having a child.
Maybe a bit more down to earth in her terms but not enough to sustain consistent friendships with other mums, for example.

When I had my first child my circle of friends changed slightly. My close friends remained the same (some didn't have/want kids) but those in the periphery changed and I became closer with some other mum friends that I met at events, classes, nursery etc... I think that is normal but I am yet to see Ron develop any of those friendships. If she had a wide circle of established girl friends, I could understand, but she doesn't really. Geez, even if she had a circle of male friends (actual friends, not guys she's banged 😂 ). She's as far from down to earth as they come.

She keeps going on about wanting a second but I can guarantee you she cannot cope with more kids. She will have to sacrifice a lot more gym time and I can't see her do that.
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Chatty Member
Thankfully! I worked with someone who told her daughters nursery only to give her child one yogurt (those tiny ones) and the nursery said no, we’ll give her two if she’s hungry 😨 it’s unfathomable to think that a parent would think that way but they do. Also, when they’re in nursery they only give a snacky tea like beans on toast etc they expect they’ll be fed when they’re home but I don’t think Ron gets this.
Whoever that one yogurt person was deserves to never have children!

Exactly!! Many nurseries, only give them a snack for tea and no breakfast so they expect you to feed them before/after normal nursery hours. Mine give them a proper breakfast and tea but still both my kids will have another breakfast of fruit and toast at home (and another at nursery) and a second dinner when they get home as their tea time is so early (3pm). Toddlers have to eat every few hours, they can't go hungry for 4-5 hours like adults do. It's basic knowledge
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