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Chatty Member
Doesn’t it defeat the object of having a social media break if you just post on another platform? I’m surprised she didn’t reply to that comment about sleep training with something derogatory.
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Chatty Member
I thought she earnt such amazing money that she'd be able to buy any house she wants and outbid any other buyers

Can you imagine having to deal with her as a buyer? 🤦🏻

It'd be enough for any seller to just take their house off the market
I think she is looking at places way above her budget which is why she can't get one. She needs to look at smaller/worse looking houses, doer-uppers, a cheaper area, or simply realise her budget won't buy a house and stick with flats. Or she could increase her budget.

You'd think a Vet's budget would afford her somewhere nice 🤣
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Chatty Member
Exactly! BJ is being a normal child - they tend to do more that when bored or wanting attention. You simply have to find an activity to distract them with and play with them. It can even be practical things like unloading the dishwasher or cleaning a table. Toddlers LOVE to be helpful.
But Ron sticks her in front of the TV whenever possible with the excuse that BJ loves Disney. TV before the age of 2, specially if its constant, has been shown to have a detrimental impact on a child's development. And thats all in the parents control.
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VIP Member

Take her boots off, let her get her feet sandy & wet, let her have fun, do the same 🤦🏼‍♀️, show her dogs are ok by giving them a stroke, stop turning her in to a boring bint like her mother.

Stop carrying her everywhere for stories you egotistical cunt.

God, we’re actually parenting her 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

2years post partum 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck right off, that’s not a thing.


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Chatty Member
She’s probably busy creating a reel for her 10 litres of blood loss anniversary. Or perhaps month by month photos of herself for her two year ‘postpartum’ body 😂 she really doesn’t do comparison photos enough 😜
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Well-known member
Why is she banging on about being extra tired ‘she looks how I feel’
Yet, admits getting up usually at 4:30am
So this is only half an hour difference if BJ has her up at 4:00am
Like that’s the big deal??
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Well-known member
Im surprised she didn’t have a cry!!

That child is sensory seeking. Her sleep environment lacks the sensory input she requires to soothe and sleep.
she probably did cry

never known an adult so emotional and unable to deal with any life situation without having a mental breakdown, utterly pathetic
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VIP Member
How exhausting must it be to live in Ron's head.
You're in a hotel, if you don't feel safe go elsewhere. Who baricades their hotel door like that?
It's bloody bizarre behaviour from a middle aged woman. Poor BJ, what chance does she have with that vacuous, narcissistic, pathetic sack of shit as her mother.
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VIP Member
For those who are blocked, as if you need telling from that narcissistic shit show of a family, the song is Simply the Best. (Honest to god, it's so predictable it's almost hard to believe)

And "after almost losing my dad a few months ago". What are we thinking -
A mild summer cold?
A sneezing fit?
Stubbed his toe?
Cut himself shaving and lost 19 pints of thoroughbred winstanley blood?

And taking a video of a live show? A "vet surgeon" should know better


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Chatty Member
She is already unsufferable (even more than usual that is )
Here we go 🙄 The only thing she’ll be excited about is the opportunity to take pictures of her body. She’ll be comparing this pregnancy body to the last, a constant flow of side by side photos 🥱 Of course she’ll be the only woman on earth to have a toddler whilst pregnant, I’m bored already 😂

What an awful pregnancy announcement, she doesn’t even try and hide her resentment. The sentence at the end is such an after thought. She truly is insufferable. Scott finally gets tagged, are they following each other again now? I reckon many of her followers will be confused as she tries to portray that she’s a single mum. Remember last Father’s Day when Scott didn’t even get a mention? 😂 she’s probably fuming that she has to mention him in the pregnancy announcement 😂
Omg, I hadn’t even noticed that these actually are comparisons of the last pregnancy and this one. She’s so predictable. Why does she need to share her half naked body to strangers? She’s the biggest attention seeker ever!
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VIP Member
For fucks sake, she may as well have just put it out there at the start that the latest post is a response to recent posts on here

flabby belly, extra skin, poor performance, BJ's development issues

she has tried to answer every single one - but of course she doesnt read here 😉
I bet my entire assets on BJ who says bubble and ball, did not say that. That would have been filmed and put on the gram quicker than you can say “I’ve always loved my body”.

stop wasting your money on sporting events and get that kid a Mensa test.
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VIP Member
You know she was majorly pissed off she couldn’t get the gym.

She is too reliant on her child to give her emotional comfort, she needs to grow the fuck up and realise it’s not all about her anymore.

She needs to get that child’s sleep sorted as a priority. Shes going to make her ill, but she should be at the gym 🤬


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VIP Member
Who the fuck sets up their phone to take these kind of videos
I came here to say the same thing! Hahahaha She actually set her phone up and hit record for bath time. To hopefully get some talking? Instead more of nothing. And then Ron's dramatic sigh. I'm fucking dying right now 😂😂😂
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Well-known member
Wow, may be she wants another baby so has started being nice to him again 😂 oddest behaviour ever for someone who over shares every part of her life except the person she lives with and raises a child with 🚩
She thinks he is below her, a balding previously married short arse truck driver

She has such a high opinion of herself that he doesn't match her imagine of what her partner should be

Really though she is just an old trollop, nothing that great about her, bang average and she knows it otherwise she wouldn't have to constantly lie, photoshop her pictures and seek validation off actual sex offenders on the internet
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