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VIP Member
Why is everything that her children might enjoy such a chore for her? Surely she should be enjoying seeing Robin choosing out his own things, teaching him the value of money, how to get the most out of your money etc. I guess if Smyths sold wine it would be more enjoyable, eh Rosie
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mrs Stot

VIP Member
Just goes to show that they just want books on the shelves in their ‘library’ and that any old shite will do. I’d much rather have shelves filled with books I love. Theirs is all for show.
I’m sure I’ll never have a house with a library, but if I did, like you I would want a library full of books I loved, that meant something to me, or I would go back to reading.
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Chatty Member
My baby woke up at 5 for months, yes it’s hard. It’s even harder when I had to go do a full shift when I’d already been up for hours. Plus my mam isn’t here most days, my husband works nights & we live in a small 2 bedroom house. But I’m thankful my child is a happy healthy little boy. Rosie doesn’t seem to get that, she’s got everything. 2 healthy sons, Money, time, space & help. Yet she constantly moans!
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To be honest, I tried to ignore them all. CRW looked a lard arsed mess as usual. She does have a n arrogant air about her, but as I really disclaimer her, it would be impossible for me to take a positive from anything she does/says/wears. Although I haven’t looked at her Instagram page in a long time, she must totally edit her pics. She is far bigger (no shame, just comparing ig pics to real life) and far less attractive. Robin is as annoying in real life as he is on Instagram. His cuteness has disappeared and he is just an annoying little brat. Rafe looks like his eyes need attention, though given Robins eye problems, I’m sure she will get it looked at. He is huge. Chris is a good looking bloke and his smile is quite cute. He did have photos taken with a couple of diners, which, given it was Christmas Day, was quite generous.
Hahaha ppl asking for photos of him and not her. Brilliant
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My 1 year old daughter goes to bed anytime between half 5 and half 7/8 o'clock depending on how she naps during the day. But she still wakes during the night regardless, and stays awake for a good hour or 2. She went to bed at half 7 last night, woke up at half 4 then went back off and woke at 7am. I always try and get her back off if she wakes too early, because it just throws our day off, she turns into a right grumpy cow at teatime because her naps are usually an hour or 2 earlier than normal 😂

She knows she puts him down early, she also knows that he wakes early, SO, why not just go to bed earlier herself?! The other night me and my fella were tucked up in bed by half 8 and we were both asleep before 8.45 because he'd been at work for 5.30am, and I'd been up half the night. Its not rocket science.

She really needs to stop complaining about being a parent.
Indeed, why did she have Rafe if she hates it so much
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Chatty Member
I find it infuriating at the best of times when influencers and twats like Rosie make a big deal out of “finishing for Christmas” but this year, of all years it’s driving me insane. It’s so tone deaf as they do fuck all, get to pick and chose their hours, get paid huge amounts and sit in their house or be ferried around to do a few hours work. It’s not hard and it’s insulting to people with real lives.
Hardly work is it. She complained about l osjowns. She complains about her ‘work’ give her a couple of days off and she will be complaining about the kids again.

I’m on my second break of a 13 hour day on a busy ward and I finish in an hour! I’m actually off Christmas Day but I know how lucky I am to be but some people really have no idea what real life is like anymore! People her age with the same age kids and less then half the money she has while working full time jobs and paying for childcare dont moan half nearly as much as Relatable Rosie ( so she thinks!)
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If it had been at an event or one of their shows that she had refused a photo then that would have been rude, but I don’t think ‘celebs/influencers’ owe anyone anything when they’re just out living their lives.
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mrs Stot

VIP Member
I know we shouldn't take their shit stories to heart but she's pissed me off today. I have covid and feel crap, my 6 year old also has it and is really poorly with it. My 8 year old is clear and full of beans, my husband is away with work. I'm still having to parent and I'm not having a social media pity party either!
Get well soon SuperMama, looking after yourself whilst having covid, your child with covid and another bouncy child without covid definitely awards you the title SuperMama. You’ve got this, plenty fluids and take care

I don’t know how she bloody dares . Get in the bin Rosie you twat!
Self inflicted!!! Are we supposed to feel sympathy?
If I knew I couldn’t stand being hungover after drinks and having the kids etc I would have had self control and just not drank. Nobody’s forced her or him to get themselves in this situation.
It’s the same literally every few weeks, hungover and sick of parenting.
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It’s not a joke, they’ve spoken about it on the podcast before
Okay so what the kids get a tenner and they use it for a takeaway but then next time they are out let the kids choose a toy or something? I doubt they are stealing off their kids and THEN advertising it
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VIP Member
What I don't understand is why she continues to post Rafe? If she's found reason not to post Robin, then great! But why not protect Rafe in the same way?
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VIP Member
She's ignorant. She doesn't reply to messages not even so much as a like, she wants engagement from her followers and asks questions etc but if you message her she can't even be bothered to reply. No excuse in my book. If some of the big accouts can manage to like messages I sure this grubby cow can!
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Well-known member
Is she pregnant again? Watching her on ITT and she's definitely looking different 🤔
No it’s just unfiltered and she can’t shave her chins out also she has no control over camera angles. That is actually her on TV . Not a good look .
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Chatty Member
Most adults have a job during the week leaving house early getting home late I remember being on mat leave and ‘solo parenting’ 2 kids under 3 and so what everyone does it it’s life she’s just used to having him around 24/7 to do everything the vast majority of people never have that luxury it’s just pure privilege! Wind your neck in Rosie and get a grip!
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