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They remind me of that quote that goes something like...’I’m very cautious of people whose actions don’t match their words’ the fact they could buy and want to buy this house shows, to me, most of what you see from them is an act. Next time she comes on insta to complain about losing out on money etc please remember where’s she’s complaining from, in that house.
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Remember ages ago on the podcast when they spoke about her not putting her tampons in the bin? Instead she'd wrap them up and leave them on the toilet. She's grim.

**Before anyone comes at me, I know periods are nothing to be ashamed of, but your husband and child don't need to be seeing it.
Don’t think it’s anything about being ashamed it’s just scruffy and unhygienic isn’t it
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Cereal Killer

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Thread suggestion

Rosie Ramsey #6 Chris Ramsey’s wife is constantly moaning about her privileged life.

Abbreviate to CRW if too long.
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Chatty Member
Is there anything this woman doesn’t moan about? I used to really love Rosie and found her hilarious but now I honestly can’t stand to watch her stories. It’s just her being ungrateful and negative and self absorbed. God forbid Rafe should ‘stir’ and interrupt her ‘well deserved me time’ she makes me roll my eyes so hard they nearly get stuck!!

really think she needs to take a step back.. take a look at what she has and be extremely bloody grateful!!
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Wow the children of insta-mums have really been been milking it haven't they?! Stacey Solomon kid bought his mum a massive house too. I wonder if I take my kids to work, exploite their childhood and basic human right to privacy, then sell my morals alongside shite products I don't like to poor unsuspecting loney new mums then I can buy I big house with their money while they sit staring at the piles of shit they've been flogged.
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Chris wouldn’t... Rosie would. He seems quite private compared to her

i agree... I think he has depression possibly from the things he’s said.
He said on the podcast he thinks he has depression and Rosie made a joke out of it, not very supportive at all.
He needs to go to the doctors ASAP, it’s no joke and comedians often are the most depressed people.
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Today’s podcast. They are absolutely gearing up for Robin to have a YouTube channel. Mentioned again how he loves filming and vlogging and just does it on their phones when they don’t even realise
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They’re both completely not relatable or down to earth despite what they try to put across on their podcast. Selling a house for half the price Of their new one is still absolute madness considering too they were moaning about losing income. It’s really fucked me off and proves even more how social media is bullshit and preys on the vulnerable. She’s a bloody saleswoman. At least the saccone jolys and Emily Norris own it. Unfollowing and unsubscribing, makes me feel like everything they’ve been chatting about for a year is utter shite.
80% down on your income and you can still buy a property for £1.5 mil 🤔

Did anyone actually believe they were struggling though? They’re the number one podcast in the UK and Chris was on prime time TV almost every week!
To quote CRW ‘ utter bullshit ‘
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That house is absolutely beautiful. But if anything she's ever said about herself, her friends, family and life is true however I can't imagine they'd stay there forever. It's OK moving miles away to the middle of nowhere when you haven't been allowed to see anyone for nearly a year, but once (if/when) things get back to normal it'll be a different story surely. She can't just pop round to her mates, how would you get home after a night out? Chris will eventually go back on your and she'll be massively cut off from everyone she knows and loves. It's all a bit strange. But still seriously.. What a house. She (they) Definitely win in a house off with Solomon.
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Podcast tour has been postponed...I bet lots of people will want refunds! The peak of the podcast popularity will have passed by time it is rescheduled.
Definitely! I’m a prime example - I was super excited to get tickets when it first went on sale, a bit “meh but will probably go” when it got rearranged, but now I haven’t listened to the podcast since the Christmas special and will probably get a refund when they rearrange again. The podcast has got repetitive, the stories are bordering on ridiculous, Rosie winds me up with all the bloody moaning and I’m sick of them pushing their kid and now baby on us all the time!
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Personally I don’t get all the fuss about Robin and school. I mean she should ideally of tried to do a bit of schooling every day but in the grand scheme of things there’s going to be a hell of a lot of kids that won’t have done much. I think parents, teachers and kids have had an untold amount of pressure on them and we just need to draw a line and start again. I had a child in gcse year last year and one this year . They didn’t and won’t get real exams and therefore can’t be judged the same as their 3 older siblings that had done real gcses over the year. Robins 5 it really isn’t going to make too much difference to his whole education. I mean Rosie is a pain but I think it’s a bit ott.
I don’t think anyone gives a damn whether she bothered teaching him or not

The issue is that she constantly banged on about the stress of homeschooling and has now admitted they didn’t do any anyway? So what was all the moaning about?

You can’t moan about homeschooling being shit just to try and be relatable and have content when he’s actually sitting on Mario
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Does she have a talent? people moan about footballs wife's / girlfriends for building a following just because they are dating said footballer I could be wrong but she wasn't well known until they started the podcast? I really don't get the appeal of them after all they only started the podcast case Chris was on his knees as no show wanted him as he isn't remotely funny to lesser extent Giovanna Fletcher is the same they have both made there name of who they are in a relationship rather then doing things of there own back
Apparently she used to take the piss out of mumfluencers who were only famous for that.

Wonder if she’s genuinely forgotten that or just thinks that she didn’t have a big enough following then that no one will remember and she can get away with it.

Precious photos with her baby? I’ve seen more photos of him as a baby than I have of myself. They aren’t precious if you share them with 759,000 people. Some of who will be weirdos, you don’t know who they are. It’s scary.
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That poor kid. Please hold the baby fully. Can someone send her a tripod please. 😬
View attachment 426357
She does know their tour is for the podcast and she’s not performing a set like Beyoncé doesn’t she? Glad I never got tickets as she’s going to try and sing at every opportunity isn’t she

One of her friends has commented “can’t wait until you grace the stage again”
I’m so confused? Do her friends think she’s going to be joining Little Mix or something
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Personally, I think he is in awe of her. I think he would always be with someone from his hometown. She is funny and before kids I imagine she was bubbly and good to be around.

Looks are purely subjective.
I agree, on the podcast it always comes across as he is literally in awe of her as you say. I think in his eyes, she can do no wrong.

Personally I don't really care for comments about peoples facial looks/body shape, and what I find attractive, others may not. So Chris obviously does find her attractive and I guess that's all that matters! One thing I will say is I can't stand the way she dresses, it constantly seems to clash!
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