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Chatty Member
I used to like both the Ramsey’s, Then the moaning about how hard their live is with 2 lovely children in a massive house with more bubbles than an aero is out of touch. I’ve had a baby in lockdown & yes it’s bloody hard & lonely for most of us! a picture/story a while ago of the nursery & you could see all the stuff from Tommie Tippee, hello TWO Prep Machines 😳 which I’m assuming she might not of paid for since she used to “work” for them. I know covid is shit for everyone for different reasons (more an inconvenience for CRW) but read the room Christ!
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Hang on.... so has Chris took that photo?
And obviously is OK with it being on insta?
Do either of them have any idea what kind of absolute WEIRDOS are out there and can use that pic?!

*gets on ticketmaster to cancel CR tour tickets.
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This thread is going like the Stacey one. It is not a rave thread. Stick to the point! She's a moaning show off.
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I’m just really, really baffled. she’s pissed and moaned now for 12 months about not being able to see people.... then moved away??

no nipping to the local shop for chocolate now, eh Rosie???

Chris seems miserable.

still baffled...they’re unrelatable, she’s still entitled & I’m done with both of them. Hope they enjoy their wanky hello fresh boxes in Rosie’s escape to the country.

ETA: I sound really bitter, I’m not. I just can’t stand the false facade ‘we’re struggling for money’ when quite frankly it was a huge lie to be ‘relatable’
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Chatty Member
Why is Chris Ramsey’s Wife saying she’s at the “I’m willing to sell a kidney for 5 minutes alone” stage? Isn’t Chris Ramsey at home all day every day too? And hasn’t her Mam moved in with them too? Most new mums’ husband/partners would have had 2 weeks paternity leave (at best!) and be back at work by now! Why can’t CRW get 5 minutes alone with two other adults in the house full time to help her?!
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Really? I couldn’t roll my eyes more.
A - you do a post cast and a bit of filming at home
B - you literally chose to have 4 weeks “maternity leave” if you job is that hard, take longer (FYI it isn’t hard, see point A)
C - is she really expecting us to feel sorry for her?


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So theyve moved. Just done it, no showing us packing, etc. Strange.
Find it weird what they do share and tben a secret move.
Awaitinf you local tattlers to work out where they are.
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VIP Member
What brand? They’ve never pretended to be poor. Chris bought an expensive road bike, a £70k caravan and a peloton during lockdown.

the takeaway they use isn’t your standard Chinese and at the start of lockdown she ordered high end wine in. Gets a new sofa every few months and they’ve just got a Tesla. Stayed in the Shard when Chris was working in London. That’s all during lockdown.

I don’t think they’ve ever pretended they are poor. I also don’t understand why people want rich people to pretend they are either. Chris was rich way before Rosie started Instagram, she was never council estate relatable they’ve been in that big house for years
Couldn't have worded it better myself!

They don't owe anything to anyone, they don't need to pretend they are struggling. It's obvious they're not. They don't have to hide it. Yes, people have lost income during the pandemic, and yes, people have struggled. But that happens pandemic or no pandemic. In society there will always be people more well off than you, and equally, there will also always be people worse off. Those at the top shouldn't have to portray that they're in a worse position than they are just to please those at the bottom. Society doesn't work like that.
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But she never reads here.
Clearly a nod to tattle.
Hi 👋🏼 Rosie! Stop moaning and do summat productive yeah?
And please for the love of everyone's eyes and ears, chew with your fucking mouth SHUT!
Cheers mate 👍🏼
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Cereal Killer

Chatty Member
I just can’t understand why she needs to film herself eating on stories all the time? 🤢 chomping away on her chocolate, talking whilst she chews like a camel and proudly showing off the mouthful of food for everyone to see 🤢 not relatable at all, it honestly makes me feel sick.
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Anyone else find the stories of her holding him so fucking boring? She seems to be one of these women who think no else has ever had a baby
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Cereal Killer

Chatty Member
Listened to SMA podcast whilst I was painting today.
Two fully grown adults at home ALL day, without proper jobs, do not have the time between them to read emails for a podcast because they have a baby. This was said AFTER she said you wouldn’t know rafe was there as he’s a dream.
She said home schooling Robin has been a lot but they don’t ever seem to be doing it when she’s recording him being feral on her stories.
Standard moan about not having a maternity leave.
Also she’s saying how knackered she is then in the next breath says that chris is doing all of the night feeds in a different room so she can sleep. 🤯

Do they not listen back and think “god I’m moaning a lot” or “contradicted myself there haven’t I?”
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I'm sick of hearing "be positive" from the woman who has probably only said 2 positive things in her life.
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Chatty Member
Right I might get shouted down for this (and people will know from my previous posts that I’m not a Ramsey hater) but god i am fed up of people saying “read the room”
Maybe if they were on a National TV station maybe. But all of these accounts have to be searched out and people have to choose to follow or engage with them. I’ve seen people say they are unfollowing due to not agreeing with their views which is exactly what you should do. But then they are still fully invested through threads like this :unsure::unsure:
....sitting back now and waiting to be accused of being a Ramsay :LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:
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I think I’m going to unfollow her. I was always 50/50 on her lately but the constant need to break out in song as if she’s the star of a west end show, shoving a camera in chris’ face who didn’t want to be filmed, the constant moaning about the baby they had tried so hard for and now thinking we want to see her chew chocolate is just revolting.

You aren’t funny Rosie, leave that talent to your husband.
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Just to play devils advocate, my wife and I are both northern (from South Shields as it happens) and both have copious amounts of photos of us in the bath in family albums. I've never understood why, I just assumed it was more the novelty of a camera? Using up the last few on the film?

Lord knows. I feel sorry for the poor people developing film in the late 80s/early 90s!
I don't think anybody actually has an issue with those photos being taken. The issue comes when the photo is then posted online. Surely it's something you keep as private?
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