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Chatty Member
Totally understand this- and my apologies for mentioning a town. But the lucy Jessica Carter thread literally has links to houses in the same street, the town is mentioned etc!?
Eek can you report that ASAP! No one has reported it.

On tattle we always stay out of grey areas, if the mail wish to publish pictures that's on them and they've got the resources to get it okayed and they do like a bit of litigation to drum up interest.

There's always so many people smearing tattle and saying things like it's about posting people's addresses, so we have to take it strictly! I get that people here are just interested.
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I think they’ve missed the boat on the tour now. They won’t regain the popularity they had previously and won’t recover from this. Unfortunately the podcast has been stale for a while
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I wouldn’t even send a photo like that to my close friends and family, let alone share it with thousands of strangers on the internet.
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Not my gates! Keeping it real babes, we can all understand the issue of having your food delivery box being left at the wrong gate. I mean, my butler will be knackered by the walk from the house down the drive to collect it.
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In her last stories from this morning, poor little Rafe is looking at her face, trying to get eye contact, but she keeps looking at her mobile. Why is she talking to the baby through the mobile instead of looking at his face?! If I saw my partner do that, I'd seriously have a word. How is the baby supposed to learn about conversations and normal human socialisation when his mum is communicating via a phone screen (that he can't see)?
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I commented to a friend that Chris Ramsey's Wife is really full of herself and she replied saying she "hates when people confuse confidence with arrogance". No hunny, I'm not confused, she's arrogant as fuck.
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I may be in the minority but, I don’t see how it ruins their brand. Doesn’t it make them attainable ‘goals’ for people? Some people may look now and push themselves to pursue their dreams in order to get their lifestyle. Obviously, others might not. But, I’m happy for them that they came from working class backgrounds and now have their dream home. I don’t agree with making it out as though they were at a big loss too with the 80% thing.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if they have modernised and redecorated the entire house since moving in. She has a modern but very expensive kitchen. Doubt they’ve spent £300k on it but could have spent a fair whack and may have landscaped the gardens too! They’ve overall done a good job as the photos look great but the new bathroom and nursery are a bit chintzy
Looks a bit like a care home to me, nana-ish!
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Though I would have a little nose at the podcast to see how CRW is feeling about the new thread ... and yes she absolutely hates being called CRW 🤣 banging on about it for ages .
Also Chris saying that people should ‘read the room ‘ wtaf Ramsey 🤦🏽‍♀️ ... those two would not know how to read a room if their life depended on it !
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That photos made me feel so uncomfortable. There’s some things that shouldn’t be shared online and that photo is one of them
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I think it’s disgusting that peoples cancer treatment,ivf, people waiting for operations that they had already been waiting for years for have been stopped but Rosie can get a bit of Botox so she can have a permanent look of shock on her face.
I’m sure it’s within the guidelines but I’ve said it before it’s not about whether things are ‘allowed’ people should be acting more responsibly. If she doesn’t ‘need’ Botox for medical reasons then why put herself, her family and the person who is administering the Botox at unnecessary risk.
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Chatty Member
If I was married to Chris Ramsey who is obv quite well off Instagram would be the last thing I would be doing!!! I’d sit in my massive house with my two kids and just live my life.... which leads me to think she completely loves the attention but with attention will always come criticism especially if you put your self out there with no particular selling point I think we have established she’s not really relatable, people certainly aren’t following her for fashion! She’s anti mum blogger so is somewhere between that and comedy...I guess! I had to unfollow am sure they are nice people In real life and I certainly wouldn’t begrudge anyone a lifestyle I just don’t find her funny anymore!
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They’re both completely not relatable or down to earth despite what they try to put across on their podcast. Selling a house for half the price Of their new one is still absolute madness considering too they were moaning about losing income. It’s really fucked me off and proves even more how social media is bullshit and preys on the vulnerable. She’s a bloody saleswoman. At least the saccone jolys and Emily Norris own it. Unfollowing and unsubscribing, makes me feel like everything they’ve been chatting about for a year is utter shite.
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Robins barely been at school since he started so if anything now is a good time to move him. Water off a ducks back. I don’t like CRW but this is not something to criticise her for!
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I’m looking forward to seeing pics of the interior of the new house to be fair. I always find rosies decor choices.... interesting to say the least so will be interested to see what they do to this one.

Im not usually one to comend Rosie as she does my head in but I actually think it’s good they just did it without sharing any stupid montages and big announcements like Stacey Solomon. I always find it so odd how Instagrammers feel like they have to share and do big announcements every time something happens in their life so for once it’s nice to see an element of privacy, let’s just hope I havent spoken too soon
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Chatty Member
-Chris Ramsey’s wife (we aren’t too sure of her first name, can anyone help?) has had a baby, so naturally she’s been really quiet and taking well-earned maternity leave....
-Oh no, wait, she’s been posting shite everyday including tiktoks in the middle of the night with all the lights on (well known for helping a baby sleep).
-CRW has been back on the wine
-A couple of wine nights have gone a bit too far (including going bananas and dancing with bananas 🍌) and CR management have had a stern word
-CRW was going to be a nurse, and now wishes she had done, since it’s a piece of piss compared to her life
-Baby Rafe has stinky masking tape on his ears as they were a bit sticky out and they’re still soft enough to reshape
-CR has broken his foot just to annoy his wife.
-Reminder that this is not the rave thread... as folks often get lost here and use confusing words to describe CRW such as “relatable” “down to earth” and “doting” 🤔
CRW was recently caught up in controversy involving drinking juice during her night shift ( similar to that of a midwife ! ) that resulted in her calling all the anti night time juice drinking brigade slags !
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Rosie must be living a double life if she’s been doing too much. All I’ve seen her do is stuff her face, watch tv, hold her baby and talk shit.
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So basically she’s just spent the last few months chatting sh*t about homeschooling when she’s just let her kid run around the house doing whatever he wants. She has a crappy influencer job that she does from home. She’s not leaving the house at 7am and getting home at 7pm! She has her fella and Mam at home with her. She has someone to read through the emails because she’s too busy. Too busy doing what?! Half these idiots would realise they have a not more time if they put their phones down and just got on with the jobs that need doing!
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