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Why does she like displaying those manky pj bottoms? I know we all own and wear them but she just looks rotten. She has so class whatsoever. Rough.
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Do you think they will reschedule their tour again? I'm hoping for a refund as I no longer want to go!
You should be able to get a refund anyway as they’ve changed the original date. They’re probably not advertising that as they don’t want everyone to request one!
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View attachment 411420
So you can’t see it from this screenshot, but the TikTok is her miming to “don’t ever message me again you fucking little slag”. Those people who messaged her are absolutely right, it is SO bad for her teeth to drink juice all night. She really is absolutely vile isn’t she.
I hate when women call other women slags. It’s unnecessary.
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There’s no in between with Rosie, she’s either fully made up with eyebrows up to her hairline or she looks like someone who doesn’t have access to a hairbrush or running water
I thought the same. Like fair play if that’s who you are, but I am not a make up every day person. If I was taking my kids to the park I wouldn’t be wasting time putting make up on, I’d be washing my hair and doing jobs indoors! When I had my second my husband was working 12 hour shifts, with commute was out of the house 15/16 hours, my mum was having chemo, my mother in law was working her full time job and my sister was looking after her husband who’d had a car accident. So you know, I was on my own. At the park. With a nearly three year old, a baby, no make up on but clean hair 🤣🤣
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Is That So?

I think the reason she hasn’t done any ads for TT as they’ll want to look like they’re giving her a maternity leave and not have her pushing products the minute she’s popped out a bairn. However, after last nights show I wouldn’t want her to be endorsing any of my products! TT the friend of unwashed, wine glugging mothers! 😳

I can’t decide if she’s actually lost the plot, or like someone else mentioned, she’s trolling tattlers.
She looked drunk and she needed the attention.

I honestly think it was just her attention seeking and RR feeling she was entertaining in her pissed state.

Quite Bizarre behaviour for a mother with a newborn.

Why is her family not stopping her? Is her husband not worried about his brand?

I’m sure if I was acting like that my husband and family would ask me to think about my behaviour that is being broadcast on the internet?
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And she could do what other mums do and use a baby carrier/sling so the baby is properly supported and you have your hands free to do things 🤦🏼‍♀️
Yes exactly, I had a carrier to put my baby in, I didn’t just let him wobble all over the place! She’s probably waiting for someone to send them a free one. 🙄
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Active member
Well originally I started to listen to SMA podcast to see if a good listen Back at start of first lockdown. Then I realised it was shite however started to listen to see if it really could get any worse on my daily walks, the inane shit helped me zone out. I am now thoroughly done with it today, it’s so crude, they were talking about a police mans girlfriend getting fingered on a dance floor in front of other people.

I mean please the content is utter drivel, Chris just isn’t funny and the way he keeps having to explain stuff for the southeners , really grates.

He’s in awe of her and she’s married under in the love stakes.

For gods sake they moved in together within 3 months and engaged within a year and then I think he said married within 18 months.

She even said herself ‘she couldn’t believe her luck‘ when he took her to an all expenses paid holiday in Dubai in the very early days.

It’s not something you think you would hear someone say About a trip their boyfriend paid for. It just sounds wrong. Like not equal.
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Mrs Cucumber

VIP Member
She wouldn't be legally covered to drive even in an emergency anyway would she so soon after a section? He definitely can't with his boot.
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My doctor asked me if I’d given birth normally and if it was a natural birth and I said well I did have an epidural so
No and he said yes, that’s a normal natural vaginal birth, the pain relief is irrelevant! But a lot of women I know think any intervention cancels that out!
Generally speaking I don’t like the inference that if you need a section your birth is unnatural or abnormal (I’m not saying you’re saying this)

Those sticking up for Rosie drinking are missing tbr point the rest of us are making. It is absolutely fine to have a drink and do what you want, as long as you are being safe . What is not fine is going on about drinking every evening with a new born on your Instagram when you havr thoushands of followers. Not clever at all
Yes exactly!!! 🙈 nobody is saying you can’t have a glass of wine when breastfeeding but she is repeatedly joking about alcohol when tbh it shouldn’t be making a daily feature on her IG
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When I first watched her story I was a bit horrified thinking the poor little baby had been through some surgery (misunderstood what she said) but after a quick Google I realised it's not invasive at all and if it prevents him needing or wanting it done later down the line then good. Also, she clearly said he's not bothered by it at all and if he does become bothered they'll stop so no harm is done in my eyes.
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Chatty Member
When I had my children (now adults) formula milk was always kept in the fridge by instruction of every healthcare professional. Times change.
I remember my Mum being horrified that we didn’t keep formula in the fridge and that I didn’t warm bottles up but just mixed when needed and fed ! It’s true things change all the time
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Asty Gurl

Active member
New to this thread (but not to tattle). Tried recently to listen to her podcast as it came highly recommended by friends and also saw the book in WSmith and thought it must be good. Couldn't even finish a single episode - I attempted a few different ones as well thinking maybe I picked a 'bad' one by accident but it didn't seem to make a difference. I found both of them SO idiotic and smug! Also they didn't make me laugh much at all. I keep wondering whether I am missing something or maybe there is something wrong with my sense of humour! Really wanted to like the podcast as I have been searching for something light-hearted but gripping to have in the background for quite some time. It appears it is not just me feeling it is not their cup of tea. Can't work out what all the hype is about at all but would love to be enlightened!
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Cereal Killer

Chatty Member
CRW was going to train as a midwife, didn’t you know? She could have done if she didn’t have such an amazing voice and she was drawn into the world showbiz 🤗
The world of debauchery in her own words...not sure she knows what it actually means though 👀😂
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Teeth don’t get wrecked directly by pregnancy. The gums can develop increased bleeding due to Hormonal changes and months of vomiting can cause erosion but being pregnant or post partum does not decay or wreck Your teeth.
Yes my sister had awful gum problems when pregnant due to severe sickness. Plus the juice thing, it could be sugar free. I mean if someone was going to moan about something, the juice would be the last on the list. I’d be more bothered that she can’t be arsed getting out of her bed or holding the baby’s head.
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Chatty Member
Guidelines have never changed because breast milk has always been made in the same way- it’s biology, I would say health professionals who are uneducated on the subject is most likely the case. Every babies stomach is different, my baby was fine after I drank wine & ate curries.
I think its also fact that drink in excess will damage a babies growth and development ....
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