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xoxo GG

VIP Member
I don’t think Rosie looks older than her age at all. She doesn’t filter the shit out of all of her photos or feel the need to make facetune a necessity prior to an Instagram post.
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Rosie’s definitely sold her soul to the Devil, but I don’t think she’s ever had a real job.
In my opinion she doesn’t have enough talent to have made it in show business, her singing is bog standard & she’s someone who you’d watch in a working men’s club or a holiday park. I really used to like her & thought she was funny,down to earth & so relatable. Now she comes across as fake & only doing it for the money,which I understand especially in this current climate but howay Rosie at least be sincere.
Anyway that last gifted stay has sent me over the edge 😂
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This! 👏🏼👏🏼
I don’t care if the law states she can travel, we all need to act responsibly to tackle this virus! I do not believe that a trip to London, when your area is under worse restrictions than other areas, is necessary! Especially when pregnant and with a child! It’s about making responsible choices to ensure we ALL do our bit to stop the spread of the virus
Arguably the biggest issue with all these bloody tiers is that it’s open to interpretation. What you think is necessary could be different to what someone else thinks. Rosie May be struggling with her mental health and feel the need to see her husband, we just don’t know.
And no, I’m not raving, I’m just pointing it out! 😂
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One picture is from the number 10 twitter account (yesterday), one from Rosie. Does that look like at least 1 metre distance to you?
So when I go back to work in 2 weeks with over a thousand people do you really think I’ll be social distancing the whole time? Will I hell. It will be impossible for me to social distance. But that’s ok they are only from hundreds of different households. Not just the three we see in the pic.

I agree, I don’t think she shouldn’t have posted them going against the rules. If you’re going to do it at least don’t broadcast it to everyone.
Sadly it seems that lots of people aren’t bothering to follow the guidelines anymore.
No because the guidelines are all over the place. So people can fly of to another country in a air conditioned plane with hundreds of people but a woman can’t meet her sister and mum. Doesn’t that sound a bit ridiculous?
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They can’t be doing it by personality. 1 there’s been a pandemic, so there’s been less settling in trips to the new schools etc. And 2 how do you broach that subject with a parent unless they’ve told you. Soz mr and Mrs Smith your kids a wet lettuce so we’ll be having her a week early
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Chatty Member
It’s really lovely news that they’re expecting another baby and I hope she has a smooth, healthy pregnancy.

Unfortunately it doesn’t change the fact she is still a huge hypocrite. Rosie took the mick out of influencers on instragram for months, maybe even years (I don’t know I didn’t follow her at the beginning) it was her thing. Until she became one of them and then it was TROLLING.

Putting a grid post on her page slagging off the members of this site and calling them every name under the sun because she had a thread on here was fine and dandy, but when people commented asking her why it was okay for her to have done what she had previously but others weren’t allowed to discuss her anymore, she blocked and then dirty deleted the post without explanation.

She has lost a LOT of her initial relatability and I think that will be her social media downfall.
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She is literally the person she mocked. Imagine what the old Rosie would have made to such a over reaction. You aren’t royalty babes
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Thread suggestion - released SMA merchandise, you’ll have a heart attack when you see the price!
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I think if she was saying how amazing she felt and how much she loved being pregnant then she would get comments on how she’s not showing the real side of pregnancy and was rubbing people’s noses in it. Or she should be showing how it can be hard and some people really struggle through it. So no matter what it’s not the right approach for some people.

I personally hated being pregnant. I was throwing up atleast 20 times a day and spent 2 weeks lying in bed at the beginning. Had a split pelvis half way through and pre-eclampsia at the end. If anyone had told me to stop moaning they’d have been punched in the throat.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
Has she not had or still has her Mum staying with her?! Doing pretty well compared to lots who haven’t seen their family. I know it’s not a competition but find it hard to feel sympathy with them when they have a very comfortable life. I enjoy the podcast but was a bit annoyed when listening to her moan that as tours had been cancelled they couldn’t move to a bigger house. Shame having to stay put and purchase a motor home instead!! 😡
A comfortable life has nothing to do with how somebody copes with it. You can have all the money in the world and struggle mentally. You can struggle with not being able to socialise normally, with not having the normality of visiting family members like you usually would (although she may have her mum there, that’s not the only relative she has.) She can struggle with the fact that they may have planned to move house and that’s not possible now because of the fact their tours aren’t happening.
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actually I think your midwife is perhaps glossing over the truth that the advice on *stringently* socially distancing has not changed. I’m also pregnant and an NHS worker, I have come off patient-facing work as a result as I cannot socially distance from patients and still see them face to face (cannot examine, consult within bed space etc). Pregnant women are vulnerable but they are not in the shielding category, they are a separate entity.

I know everyone is coming up with their own iteration of the rules, but sister/mother or not, Rosie, her mum and sister come from 3 households and under no rules in the British Isles can they huddle together for a photo like that. She sets a poor example. The fact someone is a close relation to you is irrelevant in whether you with catch/transmit COVID to them (if anything it is higher risk as you may spend more time together and get closer together)
I’ve realised that it’s likely that people are defending her selfish rule breaking because they are justifying the fact that they’ve also been doing the exact same thing. Therefore you probably won’t convince them that what Rosie did was wrong because then they’d have to admit that they are in the wrong 😂
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I think it’s so out of order people messaging her saying she’s ungrateful. I don’t think she is because everyone is entitled to a moan now and then but even if I did I wouldn’t message her directly, that’s what tattle is for!
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Over the moon for them! Rosie speaking about her miscarriage helped me hugely, it’s a very isolating thing to go through. They are wonderful parents and the thought of Robin as a big brother melts my heart! 🥰🌈
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Definitely Rosie herself or a family member ... lovely video of you drinking juice last week Rosie . Seriously when people actually support you , buy your book , subscribe to the podcast , buy tickets to shows and watch the inane shite you now post ( used to be relatable but not anymore ) maybe be a bit more gracious and stop to think that there is a reason why they are asking for captions 🤷🏼‍♀️
Ironically, I didn’t know she was having a bad day, neither did anyone hard of hearing, because there were no captions 🤣🤣. I would 100% defend family too. I’m just still shocked 😂😂
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Odd those comments have disappeared 🤔
The point of captions ultimately is for deaf people, who can’t Just put headphones in..
quite a few people have done silent stories of them talking to try and highlight what it would be like for anyone with hearing issues, we should all be able to enjoy Instagram
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Chatty Member
I’m finding the CONSTANT pregnancy mentions quite grating. I know they must be excited and that they went through something horrible last time but not sure I can do another 24 weeks of this.

I also think it’s a little tone deaf when a big chunk of her following will have found her from when she spoke about her miscarriage as they could relate to her experience... I’m not saying don’t mention it but maybe not every time she opens her mouth.
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