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Chatty Member
She is away a night out in the town dressed like an extra fae sweet 16 and I dunno who TF the guy in the hoody is or what hovel is gny let them in. Scheme rats.
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I donā€™t agree that it excuses her either. At all. And no I donā€™t think we should turn a blind eye, but I also know what itā€™s like to lose your way in life and how hard it can be to get back on track. Iā€™d agree with you if people werenā€™t on here saying theyā€™re having a wonderful time watching her, which they do regularly. Enjoying watching a mother display toxic behaviour isnā€™t at all helpful to the children they profess to care so deeply about.
A report found that on average there are 550 cases of proven abuse in foster care in the uk and 300 in residential care and thatā€™s only of those able to report the abuse. Far more go unreported. You canā€™t say thereā€™s been measures put in place to safeguard children but also say social work do nothing regarding these two children. Full of contradictions.
But I can say that there have been measures put in place to protect looked after children in placement, because there have been. Sadly there will always been rotten people who will exploit systems, just like there are always gonna be people who just canā€™t or wonā€™t meet their childrenā€™s needs. I can speculate that I donā€™t think SW are doing much for Rosieā€™s kids based on what I observe, because thatā€™s my opinion based on my experience, knowledge or understanding. I donā€™t actually think I have done though, as I clearly indicated in my last post my understanding of why T was still there, so not sure why youā€™re claiming that to be the case. How is it a contradiction?

Full of self righteousness. You clearly watch Rosie yourself and have some level of investment to want to come and comment and judge people for the same.

By the way that Lala account is Stacey. Don't tell me otherwise because I'll no be listening
Suppose she has to do something to entertain herself while her pal ignores her for her phone
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New member
I so pleased to see there's threads on this absolute horror!!
I have sat and watched her for a bit. She is disgusting and I feel so sorry for her poor kids! She doesn't deserve them at all. The way she speaks to tell is beyond abhorrent! The way she behaves is despicable for a mother.
I truly hope she has them taken from her and given to people who will raise them correctly, love them and give them a stable, happy, loving life. They must be completely demented living with that. I'm so sick of seeing these utter skanks use mental health as a reason to act like a complete and utter kunt* with no morals or respect for anything and use it as an excuse for shocking parenting! Children should not have to sacrifice their happiness so that 'parents' like her can go off on one everyday and night because she has mental health problems. It's an utter joke! If ever there was a poster child for the NSPCC it's those two beautiful kids who deserve far more than the shit they have to put up with! I always say, if they are treated that badly ON camera, imagine what goes on when the cameras aren't rolling!! Telling your child you will boot them down the stairs is sick!
Makes me want to climb into the phone and take them and bring them up properly! I bet they are absolutely terrified on her and she thinks its all hilarious.
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VIP Member
I blocked Fancy Nancy/ Ben on all my accounts šŸ¤­ Good luck catching me again ya wee diddy
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Chatty Member
Iā€™ve been lurking , saw the shit show couldnā€™t be bothered , Z isnā€™t in RESPITE , sheā€™s in kinship I wish folk would read up
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VIP Member
Because a child was in that house I like wee prim I was actually hoping someone would have screenrecordings to prove otherwise tbh cos let's face it T was upstairs and drink and coke is one low but this is another and if crack is been taking with a vulnerable minor present then herpes face has reached a low low with her life cos let's face it if there doing it the likelihood is she is too šŸ¤¢ it's more about concern for minor not about primm if I'm wrong I'm wrong and will state it but personally just more concerned about t and what he's being exposed to cos while she's not winning mother of the year there was once upon a time Rosie was a half decent mum and would have never in my life thought she'd say the things she did about her own kids sexually šŸ¤¢ never mind what the past few years of drama from one extreme to another she's going to end up dead or with blood on her hands and how will that impact them children of hers tbh concern for the kids is the only reason I check here or tiktok now x
well unless u are certain it was crack then i wouldnā€™t be posting about it. Canā€™t just assume she is smoking that & assume because she is Rosie would be too. There is also a thread about wee primm as well, u might find the answer u are looking for there.
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VIP Member
She is a fuckin predator. That wee guy is as straight as a roundabout so nothing about rosie is gonna be attractive to him, so he certainly wont have wanted her plukey mouth anywhere near his.
Shes prob talked him into it.
Was the same the way she was hanging aw over Alanna, if that was a guy acting like this he would get his baws toed!
She just stuck her tongue out 5 mins ago and lunged in & sucked it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ willingly
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VIP Member
I was thinking that about social work/social media.
I am assuming theyd definitely be telling her we'd prefer you didn't use social media, but cant actually force her not to?

No idea..
I was speaking to a friend the other day though and she was saying her friend is a social worker in this specific local authority (not glasgow) was an absolute nightmare, so much staff turnover, massive backlogs of cases, only most "serious" cases being prioritised, and new inexperienced staff.
Worrying really because it all sounds like perfect scenarios for vulnerable people in general to be slipping through cracks.
just need to look at all they wee kids down south being neglected by the system and left at the hands of neglectful & abusive parents, absolutely sickening. How many more does this happen to that we dont hear about on the news šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

It's mental that rosies funding samantha mumbas life right now probs gets 20p everytime rosie asks alexa for it.
and the bold Darius šŸ˜‚ careers resurrected by Rosies heartbreak over a 5 week old relationship šŸ˜†
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Maybe there is stuff going on the background regarding Z that we donā€™t know about & she has been told she canā€™t speak about it, who knows šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I am just reluctant to believe a bunch of morons on an app who would rather sit on this information for over a year then drag it all over a public platform instead of going to the relevant authorities, just doesnā€™t sit right with me. She wouldnā€™t be allowed near any of her kids unsupervised if there was a hint of any kind of abuse & if it was SA then she certainly wouldnā€™t be allowed near them at all. I donā€™t want to see her have a meltdown publicly on social media when it comes to they kids, we dont need to see that & neither do they, they have seen enough as it is publicly and whatever goes on off the app.
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I felt compelled to go on that boys page to see where he got his lips done to ensure I avoid his injector at all costs. I for one, do not find lips like a baboons ring piece desirable.
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I'm not far from you rosie feel like driving up and taking that boy to the crisis team myself this is actually breaking my heart in two this boy deserves so much more it's not even funny anymore that boys at risk and somone needs to step in asap before something happens stuart your allowing her to behave like she is I know your a young boy but surely you can see this is wrong if not your as mentally unstable as she is rant over I'm serious concerned now
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Well-known member
šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£so bushes achievements define her not her mistakesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦eh Rosie gee me a hint on your achievements please šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ also the enablers still saying weā€™re jealous aye youā€™re right these are the things Iā€™m jealous off
1. No looking after my weans properly
2. One of my weans in kinship
3. junkie
4. Rank rotten house
5. Rank Rotten teef
6. Skin thatā€™s so bad itā€™s probably impetigo
7. You donā€™t wash
8. Fall out wae every cunt
9. Engaged after an hour to a proper weapon
Aw fuck I know what it is weā€™re all jealous of itā€™s fucking OLAPLEX šŸ„ŗ
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Aw shes raging wi u btw.

She literally mentioned in the short time I was in and out of her live last night her trauma bond with T about 10x or more.
I had a look back cause I wasn't sure when/if it was said cause you know she talks shite.
Aw naw, hope she disnae ā€˜outā€™ me šŸ™„šŸ˜‚
Hopefully it struck a chord and she reflects on it šŸ¤ž
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