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Seems like she doesn’t subscribe to “New year, new me” - she’s starting the year complaining about noise in her area (maybe should have moved to the middle of the countryside with zero neighbours) and someone crashing a car outside her house.

And yesterday happily posted a group selfie photo with Theo naked, but put a heart emoji over half Zachary’s face and her husbands?! Protecting zero privacy whatsoever
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He apparently only started weaning like a week ago so should not be on 3 meals a day yet. It should be increased really gradually as a baby’s stomach takes time to adjust to it. I mean it’s pretty simple isn’t it, what goes in, must come out!
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As far as I can tell it’s from this post by nutriweb. It has been liked by Rhi and I assume that’s where she posted her comment about having her talented clinicians working on it although comments have been switched off now. Halael shafie works at rhitrition and has now made her page private.


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Another completely unoriginal copy and paste ‘informative’ article about breastfeeding from Rhi.

She also bashes people for giving nutrition advice “unqualified”. I’m curious what qualifications she has for this..🤔
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I think it’s great to see she is more relaxed with the bottle and giving formula. But I don’t really understand giving formula if she is pumping.
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Exactly! Some people have to choose between putting money on their gas/electric meters or buying food. But everyone should feel sorry for Rhi because she had a powercut and now can’t feed her child his disgusting reheated pea muffins. I’m sure her fridge is well stocked and she can give him something else and don’t worry her television appearance is still going ahead!
She’s so out of touch it’s unreal and I know it’s not her fault other people have it worse but it’s so annoying how she fishes for sympathy all the time!
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she went to drastic lengths in her first pregnancy to not gain any weight. She basically starved herself during pregnancy and immediately after to lose the baby weight. I agree with the other comments - God help her trying to cope with 2! No doubt she will get the Nanny in full time!
I remember when she was due with Z and she was sharing these tiny bowls of food that definitely wasn’t enough- and those workouts! Right up until due date and they were really quite intense. Let your body rest before the trauma of birth!
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Looks bowfin as we say in Scotland kids would have turned their noses up at that 'offering'
the veggies look overcooked, ( and cold) meal is very dry and she seems to feed him his lunch incredibly early ( 11am!)
Whats wrong with a stew, , baked potato and beans, mac and cheese , or hearty soup with some crusty bread and then some this age I'd be giving my kids a smaller portion of what I was having
Agree, also she tries to make out that his lunches are simple but she has to prepare so many different things just to serve him some bland veggies, a bit of egg and some oat cake. Maybe I’m just a terrible mum but I really couldn’t be bothered prepping and cooking so many different vegetables that my son would find soo boring. I prefer whacking things in the same dish like a bolognese, chilli, or making something easy like scrambled eggs and toast, or god help me some fish fingers and beans when there isn’t much time 😵💫
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Yeah I think using the word help means the help is paid. Otherwise why wouldn't you just say 'my mum has Zachary' or 'Zachary is with his aunt' etc. One thing I've found with influencers is that followers only get annoyed when they're not upfront about these things and try to hide them. If she'd just said she had a nanny or childminder I don't think anyone would be bothered, but trying to disguise it under a vague term (especially one with such negative connotations) is what gets people's backs up.
I think she just refers to everyone as “help” tbh. It’s her attempt at being “private”. Her husbands clearly asked not to be featured, but I don’t see why she can’t even talk about him it’s very misleading
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I think she would be mad to have another and clearly wouldn’t cope but I think she will regardless because she loves the attention being pregnant gets her. She has no personality outside of being a mum and loves to complain about how hard she has it and how tired she is which she won’t be able to do as her kids get older. She loves boasting about how much she is doing/juggling being a mum of 2 and running a business and ‘sharing the reality’ of how it looks like she has her shit together but she’s just like the rest of us (it doesn’t and her eldest is at nursery and she has a nanny for the youngest).
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What do we reckon with the name then. Copying her idol Lucy M by teasing her followers for a few weeks? Or not releasing the name at all (I think she refers to Zachary as Z as some strange way of protecting his privacy yet shares details of personal medical stuff).
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Aww and her bestie Lucy meck hasn’t even liked her post even though she’s been posting stories since Rhi made her announcement!
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There’s a big difference between tattling and bothering to message someone directly when they know it will be seen.

She doesn’t live in central London, and if you knew anything about being an author you would probably realise she isn’t as well off as you think. It’s not like she’s Alice Liveing spending £700 on a gilet for Christ’s sake!
Exactly this.
She doesn’t even make most of her money from books or clinic. Facts from people in her circle.
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36 weeks pregnant here yet you can still clearly see her ribs. She clearly has an eating disorder bless her. What an awful advert she is for her clients!
Serious question for anyone that knows, how has she managed to get so skinny but the baby has grown normally? Does the baby take more of the calories?
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