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VIP Member
She’s got a super anxious personality but apparently not about anything to do with child safety?! Baffles me. Advertising her child in car seat in a pram suit and a hat to all her followers as if it’s good practice is so irresponsible 😬 Your comment sounds so much like her - she’ll be “my child was never in any danger” because a poorly fitting car seat obviously isn’t a genuine safety concern in her eyes…

Also she’s done a story today describing in depth how bad Theo’s nappy rash is and said it’s because he’s doing so many poos because he’s on THREE meals a day. I’ve just checked and he was born June 13th - so he’s not even 6 months yet. Food is meant to be her area of expertise - my child is about a week older and everything I’ve read says how it should be one meal a day at this point.
Did she wean at 4 months to improve sleep or something, wouldn’t put it past her to follow that myth 😳
if he's got explosive diarrhoea and nappy rash I'd be worried about a potential reaction to something he's eaten...she's also giving him water, when he's a breastfed baby who shouldn't need any other liquid to drink at this stage 😬🤔
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
Has anyone ever tried her recipes? I’ve tried a few and they’re just awful
I made some of her muffins or something and they were tasteless. There’s nicer options out there for meal ideas, one of her colleagues who’s name I forget actually posts really tasty recipes. Not Sophie’s Skeletal Kitchen. 😳🤣
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Well-known member
The way she speaks about her nannies is so rude. I’m not surprised she’s had a few, seems to have gone through quite a lot? She sounds so bitter sometimes, she should be grateful that she can afford both nursery and a nanny. I hope she sorts out some of her mental health problems otherwise her boys will be affected as they get older.
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VIP Member
And she was so shaken but managed to get a picture for content. If I was ever in an accident with my children in the car the last thing on my mind would be taking a photo.
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VIP Member
So some more kid gets a teeny tiny bob and she still has massive length of hair. A good intention but she could have given more. Her hair was grossly long
I love the comments where people are saying where they themselves have donated, or their kids have donated like 17 inches multiple times, completely shaved their head etc. but good on you Rhi
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Chatty Member
Doesn’t Rhiannon live in Beaconsfield?

We are close to there and you don’t really get a house for less than £1m and change - it’s always in the top 5 most expensive towns lists.
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Well-known member
She’s made it so obvious her second baby is not her desired gender :-( Of course women are allowed to feel gender disappointment, but the secrecy has made it seem like a massive deal! Totally agree she named her cat after the baby girl she isn’t having. I feel a bit sorry for the baby boy!
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VIP Member
She looks so different in this video from a couple of years ago ....has she had a nose job? ....or is just because she was a healthier weight and didn't have a lollipop head like she has now?
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VIP Member
I tell you what I could do without — bloody arse on Pilates ball, or bikini shots, on the clinic feed. #so_professional

I just don’t understand her clothes/sense of style at all. She’s clearly got a great figure (see above re bloody bikini), but she dresses like my late and much-missed, fashion-challenged godmother, in the 70s/80s, wearing “colourful slacks” for an afternoon GnT at the golf club…
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VIP Member
Of course she only feeds Z Little Freddie’s who pay her! Poor kid, hope he’s getting chocolate buttons at nursery!!!
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VIP Member
Is her husband ever present. All her q&a basically say she does bedtime by herself, she needs childcare if she is to get any time to her self.. I’m not her biggest fan but jeez this sounds tough seeing as she has her own business to run too
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Active member
Watch Lucy Meck going for ‘walks’ with branded slippers and a bag🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I cannot stop laughing - reason im posting here is that i know for a fact that Rhi is already in full force to lose EXTRA then her miniscul weight gain (if that lol) but im just waiting for her to do the same 6pp JUST BECAUSE LUCY DID 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i cant with these girls looool. Watch this space ladies hahahha
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Active member
I find them both pretty fake in different ways. Alice's whole life seems quite fake - only hangs with Instagram-famous people with 'Dr' in their name, constantly wearing flashy designer clothes that she then flogs on Depop, forever going on about how great her relationship is but her partner never seems to be around.

Rhi isn't dripping in flash clothes and she keeps her relationship relatively private (which just goes to show it can be done! Take note Alice) But in contrast, the thing I find annoying about Rhi is that she always seems to have a 'persona', she never lets it drop. Whether you follow her professional account or her supposed 'personal' one, you're always getting a really polished, media-friendly image where everything is highly controlled and thought out. Nothing seems particularly authentic (it's always just a plug for her clinic or some ad she's doing).
She has a fake and polished persona because she’s as dull as dish water. Even on a night out she seemed a stiff plank.

She owns her own business in Harley Street and you don’t think she is well off??🤣 I don’t begrudge her though, she’s worked hard and she knows her stuff, she’s been through the proper channels and got the necessary qualifications…not one of these instagrammers jumping on the nutrition band wagon without the qualifications.
Erm…you can RENT a room in Harley street from £50 odd pounds an hour. It’s not difficult. She might have qualifications …a nutrition degree is hardly astro physics and it isn’t difficult to regurgitate stuff off the internet as she frequently does. She just follows the trends and regurgitates latest comms.
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I haven't checked Rhi's IG for about a year. Today's barre story just looks bizarre (she filmed her whole workout??) and she looks exhausted. Which, as a fellow mom of 2, I get, but I'm a little concerned for her.
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VIP Member
Looks like Rhi is performing this weekend with her local theatre group. I wonder why she never mentions this? She has been a member for a year apparently. Or would that not fit into her hardest working mum ever narrative?
She has posted recently a few videos of herself practicing. It’s good she’s doing something she enjoys tbh - she’d be more relatable if she shared more stuff like that rather than appearing like the perfect stepford wife!
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