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MORE Disney only presents for Bella's birthday. Jesus Christ, how many Disney dress up items does one child need? Poor girl, she must be desperate for some LOLs or a Barbie or something. Rhi is seriously obsessed with Disney, such an odd woman.
I’m wondering if her interest in Disney is genuine, or she’s just seen how well Disney content does and has jumped on the bandwagon, going well overboard in the process!
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I don’t like to judge but Rhi really does come across like she knows how to play the system. It’s not a fact but I do have a feeling.
If you watch the video about infertility she more or less winks at the camera when she said about going to the GP.
A GP won’t suggest further treatment or testing until you’ve been trying for at least a year.
She said so it’s worth baring that in mind as you go in. You just know she lied in that appointment, making the wait for someone honest even longer. Much like trying to get Zara assessed urgently for ASD when other parents/carers have been struggling for years waiting in line.
Rhi Morgan is major Veruca Salt vibes.
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I’m wondering if her interest in Disney is genuine, or she’s just seen how well Disney content does and has jumped on the bandwagon, going well overboard in the process!
No, not genuinely interested at all. She’s been a well-off, financially privileged mother for 17ish years. She surely can’t claim to be a massive Disney fan having never actually been when she’s had lots of opportunities to?
I think she doesn’t have much personality, no genuine friends that aren’t mums of her children’s friends or no real hobbies that aren’t vlogging or organising. The Disney fad is definitely an attempt at personality substitution.
Also other Disney fans Disney bound. Subtly dress up like a character, but only enough that someone really into it could guess who you are, a stranger off the street wouldn’t be able to tell you are ‘dressed up’.
Rhi loves an excuse to obsess over matching attire and such and will of course go wildly and unnecessarily over the top. She has not got a clue how practicality and comfort are utmost priorities when picking backpacks and shoes in Orlando!
That just reminded of another instance my son rolled his eyes watching the Christmas Day vlog… when 9 year old Harry Potter, Star Wars & Minecraft fan W got a Peter Pan costume for Christmas. Twice she had to tell him what it was. It clearly wasn’t something he asked for or has any interest in.
It’s going to be painful watching isn’t it?!
Z as Tinkerbell
B as Wendy Darling
And almost 10 year old W being told to jump up and down in front of the camera dressed as Peter Pan.
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Why does she keep saying she got 7 days tickets free. She’s such a dummy. If she knew anything about Disney before she decided it would be a ‘money maker’ she would know that Disney World have done the ‘14 days for 7’ offer for U.K. guests for at least 20 years! 😂
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I'm really struggling to understand this lady!! Control freak, her kids have been trained to smile! I see zero ASD in any of her kids, wonder if she's claiming DLA 😆🤔
I do in Will, to be fair. But it’s not all visible that’s the problem.
By being like this she’s giving parent’s who have a hard time getting listened to a bad name because she’s so entitled and rude to anyone who doesn’t agree with her.
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I wonder how much she claims for them having the autism diagnosis? Even if she is on the lower rate of DLA of £23.50 a week (£47 for both Will and Bella) it is a lot of money a month. I could be a bad person saying this but I reckon she is claiming the middle componment of DLA of £60 a week each child, as she probably put down they need supervision in the night, hence the stair gates being up.
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Her husband seems like a genuinely decent, funny, down to earth person. I don’t understand how he puts up with her.
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I think She is so embarrassing!!! Her poor kids will end up being bullied once their friends get wind of it all!! She’s embarrassing herself but also video the kids with bibs on etc. why have they stil got stair gates all over the house??? Zara is nearly 5 for fuck sake!!
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Do you think she’s ever watched a Star Wars Movie? The outfits are so cringe!!
That’s the joke of it too-she clearly has no interest in Star Wars (or anything Will has an interest in). Don’t get me wrong, I understand that she maybe finds it easier with the girls and their interests but she blatantly has such a disregard for anything Will and Dylan are interested in and it’s just sad. I just wish her kids were allowed to be kids with their own interests beyond Disney and colouring in ffs.
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Chatty Member
I'm fairly sure when I was Bella age I was walking to & from school by myself and aren't they super close to the school? Also it would be both Bella & Will walking together right, so that would be safer? & I'm not a parent but I think it would be OK for Zara to walk with her older siblings,
NO WAY can the kids walk to school without her 😂😂
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That autism video has done her no favours. I think she came across so badly. So entitled. I know having a diagnosis and having answers is important. But Zara isn’t severely autistic, if she is even autistic at all, so she just needs to wait her turn. She’s so desperate to get her own way. She thinks just because she told them at Bella’s assessment to look out for Zara’s name coming through then that gives her some sort of priority. Zara must have been so young then and possibly not even displaying any signs of autism at that point.

Rhi has been asked before what she means by “high levels of autism” but I don’t think she’s ever explained it so I wonder if she will this time. My son was diagnosed 13 years ago and it’s not a term I’ve ever heard before.

She was so smug when she said “I bet any money there will be more training on autism in girls after I said that” or something like that. I really doubt it. She really thinks she’s an expert.
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I can just imagine how she will be if they tell her Zara doesn’t have autism. Obviously we only see a snapshot of things but she has only been discussing Zara having autism in the last couple of months. She wouldn’t have been assessed if the world hadn’t gone crazy because there was no mention of her showing signs before. But now apparently she is showing all the signs? Zara may have autism but she is also a massively spoilt brat and needs to be taught/disciplined appropriately. Having autism and being a wee shit are not mutually exclusive-it seems like if Zara gets a diagnosis that Rhi will use that as an excuse for all poor behaviour when they reality is that she has helped create some of those behaviours by not nipping them in the bud and allowing her to have her way all the time.

I get pushing for your kids to get the help and support they need but her sense of entitlement is gross and her attitude stinks.

Will is in the class below my kid, when you see Will in school, he is totally different to how he is at home, a total boy being rough and tumble with his friends in the yard. you would also never say he was autistic (but have never seen him in the classroom)
Zara just a spoilt brat and Rhi has given in to her since she was a baby, tanturms in the shop, so opens the sweets and gives them to her to keep her quiet then pays for them opened!
I bet she is absolutely BURSTING to know who you are! Lol. Great to hear that will is allowed to have a bit of rough play at school as he certainly doesn’t seem to be able to at home
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I've heard of this concept of 'unbirthday' presents before and I can't get on board with it. I'm not surprised it's something Rhi does though...
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Also, those drinks (I haven’t watched her in a while so I don’t know if she drinks them still) aren’t a replacement for a breakfast…
On one of her daily vlogs, she had one of those drinks for breakfast, a bar for lunch and a fajita for dinner. That was it for the day.
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I know she said in the vlog the kids asked her to film everything. They wanted them as memories. I’m concerned if kids are more worried about catching things on film rather than experiencing it
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The what’s coming up this week on her reel is hysterical 🤣🤣🤣 who does she think she is! Fucking crazy cow
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I bet their gp loves seeing her coming. Why make so much work for yourself when your phone has a notes app.
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Zara will not do well all those hours at the parks everyday. It will be tantrum galore. They need a couple of rest days with a child so young. I can just imagine Rhi being the type to force her to walk around the parks everyday whether she wants to or not. Couldn’t possibly miss a full days content 😑
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The way she refuses to be educated is shocking! For someone who's claimed to be experienced in autism in multiple videos, she knows barely anything!! Deleting comments remotely trying to educate her or question her is suspicious.

The video is an absolute shambles, I have no idea that she even knows what she wants in this situation. Says she's adamant she wants an assessment for Zara, then complains its 'not exactly what she wanted' when they've agreed to assess her but at a future date... isn't an assessment what you were asking for Rhi?!

Originally on her instagram stories I remember her proceeding a formal complaint against the junior doctor, then in the video she complains about the meeting with senior members of staff and protests that it was done in order to belittle her or something along those lines... a meeting following a formal complaint is a standard fucking procedure in any workplace etc Rhi, what did you expect?!
You can’t educate pork. What a joke of a woman she is. Surely she’s in the spectrum and forced it all on her kids. Sorry, not sorry. The youngest, bless her just needs to be taken down a peg or two, clear boundaries and discipline in my opinion,
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