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Just watching her what to wear video. Wow she is a complete crack pot. Is it standard practice to dress up in the theme of each day out? The cost of that alone must be an absoloute fortune.

Ah how the other half live.
But she’s saving on breakfast dollars by taking breakfast bars🤷‍♀️ Why? If you can afford Florida surely you’d want the full experience. She’s quite mentally unhinged I think 🤔
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In the school only year 5 and 6 are allowed to leave school on their own at home time and the parent must have told the teacher they are.
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Just struck me for a Disney lover why didn’t she ever do dlp. With at least two children on the spectrum wouldn’t it be better to do a smaller nearer park to iron out any issues. It’s a long way to go and not prepare the kids when she could have and still have the magic of wdw
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He is much younger for his age though because he lives a very very sheltered life! You don’t see or hear much of them seeing pals after school and they only do karate, other than that he’s in the house with his siblings!
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I’ve been thinking, and she could really use her platform for good in terms of autism/wider disability advocacy. The online disability community is huge. She could make a real impact while still giving her kids the privacy and autonomy they deserve.

But she seems so stuck up her own ass that I just can’t see her engaging with the wider community because the community would challenge a lot of the ableist ideas and behaviours she exhibits. I get the impression that she wouldn’t take too well to being challenged.

It’s very sad.
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We had a professional in our school to start a pupil assessment this week and they were saying they have waiting lists of over 2 years to work through - and many of these on the list have some serious needs. She can’t push this assessment if they have said no and have so many other pupils who really require these assessments!
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Agree- i wonder if she didn’t have a good childhood, she’s desperately clinging onto all the things people love as kids and dresses in all these Disney dresses etc, still puts bibs on her 4 year old and babies them within an inch of there life- definitely stems back to somthing
She refers to her aunt as ‘like a mum to me’ and definitely doesn’t seem to have much contact with your family so you could be right.

her latest reel had 2 comments and 103 likes after 22 hours-yikes! She seems to do a primark come shop with me every other week!
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Just curious as only came across Rhi a few months ago…
Is it right that Dylan is 17? Daddy of 4 is 54 Rhi is 38? No judgement just want some clarity.
She was 21 when she gave birth to a child fathered by a 36 year old? Did daddy of 4 have a wife/family before Rhi? How long were they together before she fell pregnant?
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Everyone else moved on from the cruise a few months ago. How long are they supposed to be in Orlando for, she said she’s doing two vlogs a day there. First time would she not experience it and do highlights.
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She’s not raising awareness. If anything, she’s adding to stigma and definitely centering herself in her disabled childrens’ experiemces. I have no doubt that she’s a great mum, but someone should remind her that proximity to disability doesn’t make you an expert.
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She is so rude ,I used to like her and her videos but the last few weeks she has just been so up her self.
Her stories this morning when she put on that silly voice talking about the consultant ,who does she think she is and calling the first consultant a " lowdown" consultant 🤬

She needs to realise that she is not going to get everything she wants ,she is extremely lucky she even got a appointment. Where I am from you rarely even get to speak to someone until your child turns 5 . Does she not realise we have spent 2 years in lockdown they are children that have been waiting since 2019 for appointments/ assessments etc why does she think her child should come before everyone else .

I really hope the " senior " consultant turns her away ,the way she has spoken about the first consultant is disgusting just because she didn't get what she wanted
That entitled attitude she has is going to be passed down to her kids. It’s disgusting. I liked her, but I can’t be bothered to even check if she has any new YouTube videos at the moment, I’m really going off her!
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Even if the consultant had agreed to the assessment, I suspect she still wouldn't be happy if it came back that Zara is not autistic after that. She definitely wants a diagnosis.
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So I don’t get it - she’s warning other parents that tonight their children may react unexpectedly to fireworks/being in a hectic environment because children haven’t been exposed to those sorts of events for a long time now due to Covid…but when her (very young) child reacts differently to busy settings, such as Legoland, it’s her showing herself to be autistic…hmmm 🤔
I get the impression that she wants Zara to be autistic 🙄 there is no mention of her saying that she hope Zara isn’t diagnosed with it! It’s so she can excuse her terrible behaviour
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Desperate for content now ! Asking her audience if she should do a updated house tour on the 2 year anniversary of moving . After admitting they haven't made any changes 🤣🤣 .

I used to really like her but her content is so desperate now, what's in my bag (un)updated house tour . Yesterday she did about a mini organisation series. Seriously look back and what people liked , I even liked the repetitive grocery hauls each week. she hasn't done one for weeks. She thinks she is the Queen of organisation. I have 2nd hand embarrassment for her now the desperation is dripping over the screen
The reason I started following her was the organisations and tips because that’s what she said her channel was. Now I don’t know what the fuck she is 😂 her channel is all over the place.
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The fact she NEVER mentions if her eldest has the same dad I think is 100% proof he does not. Thing is there is nothing to be ashamed of with that… I just think it’s really peculiar she doesn’t mention it and hides it. It’s really odd
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Given that half term is coming, am I right in thinking Bella hasn’t even been to school this year give or take a couple of days 😮
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Just watched her latest food haul ,why does she shout random words - the last word of the sentence or the product name .

And what is with the weekly round up on Insta ? I don't get it ? Are people that heavily invested in her life she feels the need to do a weekly recap?
I cannot stand her over dramatising the last word of every single sentence.
The weekly roundup is just desperation, to remind people to watch her videos because her views are so low!

Also don’t you think she is desperate to tell her family saga that’s going on 😳 pisses me off when she says about something then says oh but I won’t share any of it that’s going on behind the scenes.
well fucking don’t even bring it up then, so attention seeking
This made me laugh. I don’t know why the hell she keeps mentioning it when she’s not going to say what it is 😂

Yeah pretty much. She is trying to convince herself that she is important & not just wasting her time being full of herself.
You can see straight through her. Yes her house most probably is completely organised, her life is completely organised, her kids are completely organised but I think there’s a sacrifice that come with all that, actually being a parent and making memories. It’s all so fake, she’s sacrificing her children for all of that!
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I found Rhi when I was looking for weaning videos. I really liked her tips, product recommendations etc.

Fast forward to the present day and she has completely lost the plot. Her obsession with Disney and her weird need for her children to be autistic is bordering on abuse.

Very strange
Seriously, it is borderline abuse. The micromanaging of absolutely everything - from what they wear, to how they act, to what they play with, etc. It's so controlling and suffocating and that's just what we see. She makes her 7-year-old wear a fucking plastic bib when she eats her dinner ffs. Honestly, this woman is not right. Those poor kids are so controlled in every possible way.
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