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Member 177

Apparently "some sick fuck" posted a video of Alfie. Yes Dave you did, then deleted it because you had an outburst. Jealous it's got more view than his own vlogs. (1.8 seconds child in view the other 37 seconds is Dave screeching at his dog)

Edited to add. Mummy Chelle is now trying to cosy up to Unique do a reaction video. Oh the irony! I can do a reaction video to Chelle!
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Member 177

I will admit I'm human I've said shit when I've dropped something, I've slipped out a FFS when hearing things but never have I myself shouted like that in front of young children. If that was one of mine I think they'd burst into tears. Their son didn't seem phased by it which leads me think this is seen as normal behaviour in that house.
Each to their own but when you create a channel preaching right from wrong, passing critical comments and cruel attacks on other families like the Angry Manc you need to make sure your own behaviour and house is in order too.
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She's sick or on the sick? ;-)

Has this come about because she thinks Levis Letter is real and she's decided she needs to secure her benefits?

Edit: Chelle if you are telling the truth about your husband working and you claiming nothing then really you should be more respectful to your husband and stop wasting his money on things you don't use? Surely there are better things you can be spending your money on?.... like healthy snacks and some under eye concealer.

And stop wasting the NHS funds. If you can afford all that tat then you can afford private health insurance.

As for Dave... come on surely you know how stupid you sound? You put that video on the internet yourself. It is a 'sick' video because your fat ass nearly crushed the poor dog and then you screamed at it.

You're a twat who will never hit the big time. I think you are an embarrassment and the kind of loud mouth that would run away pissing down his shorts if someone ever confronted you.
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LONG RANT!!!!!!!

So in todays vlog (2/12/18) it came to 23:08 minutes into the vlog and you can hear their dog Eva yelp behind the camera and then about 2/3 seconds later Dave screams and swears infront of his young son telling the dog to fuck off. I’ve been watching this family for just over a year and I’ve always had this weird vibe off them. Definitely won’t be continuing to watch after this.

Here’s the link/url to the vlog:

That 4 year old of theirs is a rotten child constantly winging and she still has a dummy or “dodie” as they call it. They illegally put their kids in their 5 SEATER CAR without the right booster seats and safety when the camera isn’t on. Even though they try their best to hide it, and say family and friends help take the kids too places.

Been watching this family for roughly a year now and I’ve always noticed in the vlogs that they go to the park with the kids but theirs 6, sometimes more of them there but only with a 5 seater car. I’ve asked them once about the situation and Dave Ravenscroft (the dad) immediately wrote nasty vile replies back to me even though I never had any malice or mean intention behind the comment, I just wanted to make sure the kids were safe.

Dave or The Angry Manc as he likes to call himself, constantly states in the vlogs that he hates drama and is going to ignore it and rise above it. But he still throws shade at the “haters” and other Family channels he’s had previous fueds with in most of the vlogs. Him and his “darling” wife Sarah sit around some evenings doing live-streams infront of the kids chatting away to their viewers but with no care in the world. The amount of vile things they say infront of those poor children should be enough for social services to be involved.

The Angry Manc channel hasn’t had videos uploaded in weeks even though he’s stated several times that he’ll post a video this upcoming week and it never happens. The man needs a serious reality check.
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Member 177


He appears to have removed his vlog. Lucky it's here, his raw family life. Warts and all.
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Iconic Member
So Dave has a public thread again... ?
I’m sure the spanners, scammers & co liked to think they had got the site closed down. Or the thread removed. Not that Dave would care considering he’s blocked tattle life. Right?!

Isn’t this what he does? throws his weight around and bullies others until he gets his own way.........
the irony ?
after getting them removed
The Rees lot are back and as awful as they are, they still look better and upload better content than Dave (how am I even saying that ?? and meaning it!!)

Bullying doesn’t always work Dave,
I’m almost certain your fan club are bored at this point as well. When did he last do a live anyone know? Did anyone bother watching it?! I can barely manage the vlog and the side swept greasy hair flicks.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
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Good morning .... yeah thats me up and just finishing my coffee then get to work for 7am till 7pm.. yeah it's not easy working full time and fitting in a bit of tattle... but the chaviechelle and the dog stomping Dave will still be in there kennels sound a sleep cos they just pretend to work .. 3d printing shite, who wants to buy that cheap crap.. of take beauty tips from a muppet who thinks she is ill... heart lazy and kidney be bother syndrome comes to my mind... if you claim any benefits for a child or illness its us the tax payer thats keeping you.. i have no children and never had a day on the sick.. these chaves are taking it to an other level sitting on their bums vlogging... there lifes are shite and dave vlogging is utter garbish.. shopping out of primemark and thinking its all great stuff.. its throw away trash.. and as for the christmas tree and all that tinsel tat they really think is the best life every single day... try and do a 12 hour shift every single day ..
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I imagine they both have mouths like sewers. When the drama with the Rees family was going on Sarah at one point was screaming expletives like a banshee down the phone to Michelle Rees. If a social worker had have been walking past their house that day they might have had words.

Just realized one person has voted that they like them, I suspect Dave is already on this thread lol....
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Iconic Member
Aw Dave you’re still getting your little digs in again I see.
Did you miss us! Oh don’t worry, you might not have seen it but we didn’t go far ?

Brilliant vlog as always.
Seriously, quality content every. Single. Day.

Hold on.......


(I would have used a fine tooth comb to go through the vlog Dave but I’m leaning more towards getting a nit comb at you.... ? get that hair sorted ??)
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Iconic Member
?this pair
This video of Alfie?!
A private video from a private channel or private account?.
or the video he uploaded yesterday like he does EVERY, SINGLE. DAY.
The same video that shows his cursing and ranting and stream of abuse in front of said kid?

Now, I’d be more concerned about what’s been seen inside that house that what people are seeing on here, and considering it’s posted on a public website/channel he’s making money from it’s a bit rich now isn’t it ?

@Mayday facts like this aren’t welcome in the R family house. ?
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Iconic Member
Apparently "some sick fuck" posted a video of Alfie. Yes Dave you did, then deleted it because you had an outburst.
None of us have ever used these words to describe him.. or anyone on YouTube ?
I know He’s his own worst enemy but damn Dave.
Describing yourself as this is harsh.
The upload spoke for itself you don’t need to explain what you are to us.
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His Spanners are such tools, much prefer the Ree's mod's. They seem more on the ball with things.

Dave's spanner's seem a little slow on the uptake - I imagine they all look and talk like that Mummy Chelle.
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Member 177

From what is shown on live stream as well as the vlogs I get the impression the home runs around Dave's wants and wishes. If you upset him there will be hell. Just my opinion based on his behaviour which he shows frequently.
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I tired to watch the health video to see if I was in the wrong joking about her putting pressure on the NHS because I've been harsh. I only got to the 3 minute mark and gave up so because I can't bring myself to educate myself on this particular topic.

I'll move on to just commenting about the rest of the content so here it goes....

Dave/Sarah serious point here no jokes, no hate, nothing - Take a step back a minute and just take a look at your most popular uploads and ask yourself if you think people are watching these for your Raw Manc Life.

Torturing Kids - 21k veiws
Mother and Daughter Ticklefest - 15k
Girls in the bath - 9k

You average 3-4k per video. Why do you think these have high views?


Not great is it, come on guys I know you have probably posted this in innocence and not even thought about it, but anyone has access to these videos :confused:
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This mummy Chelle is hilarious, so chavtastic. She sends her kid to school with a cheap sausage roll, chocolate croissant, two milky bar copies, a packet of crisps and a small packet of Oreos as his lunch. Is she trying to kill him?

She has had a fire alarm bleeping in the background for the last month to add to the ambience
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Chatty Member
She’s done a new vlog “where have I been” saying she’s been ill unable to upload not responding to messages umm really chell i can tel you where you been Twitter you been on there a good few times a day slagging off other family’s ?
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This family are such chavs. Haven't watched in months, just more bottom feeders using the Ingham family situation.

I wish the council tax benefit and tax credits changes had of gone through to make people like this stop breeding and having large families that taxpayers subsidise.
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He should see what we write in the private thread.

Yeah, and Imagine none of them work. Well, I think they work the system, but too thick and lazy to work a proper job. I mean really, why would anyone want to do that?!

And they get so upset about loosing their spanner status.

lol Jimjam... Dave thinks you are a man. You gave the game away haha you really are just a desperate housewife that needs a shag.
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