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Member 177

This family are such chavs. Haven't watched in months, just more bottom feeders using the Ingham family situation.

I wish the council tax benefit and tax credits changes had of gone through to make people like this stop breeding and having large families that taxpayers subsidise.
Totally agree. I know a family with 5 children. They work 15 hours a week and bring home over 700 in benefits.
Dave's business can not be bringing in a lot of money as Daz still has his regular day job so it's obvious tax credits/housing/council tax benefits are topping up Mr 3 failed businesses Ravenscroft.

@DirtyLaundry Never mind, I'm sure he'll tweet a response or maybe if we're really lucky a live stream again to call us all twats.
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I couldn't quite believe he commented about the size of Jamie's willy and weight when Dave could be his twin brother! I think this is why all these families feud they could all be extended family.

I love a bit of in-house chav fighting. I could picture them both doing a charity boxing match down the local working men's club.
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Iconic Member
Aw Daves fan girl is still trying to get his attention ??
I hate defending Jamie Rees but, he didn’t say that.
He actually made a valid point that they stop working after a while and your body becomes addicted, he was talking about codeine, and it is true.
So he explained he’s taken himself off them until it’s no longer an addiction.

Obviously Mummy Chelle is so busy in her own 9/5 job she didn’t get a chance to watch it and listen correctly.

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Chatty Member
She is poping off on Twitter so far over 30 message about tattle/reeds actually can’t stop laughing the women is Actually deluded ?
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I get the impression that Dave hasn't done a full day's work in a long time. He often says him and Sarah need a 'chill out day' as he's been busy at the office the day before. He seems to work a few hours a day at the most. If he had to do 12 hour shifts on universal credit I think he would be despairing about having so many children.
Mummy Chelle is just such an embarrassment to her own self. I don't even watch her but her Twitter action alone is cringey enough.
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LONG RANT!!!!!!!

So in todays vlog (2/12/18) it came to 23:08 minutes into the vlog and you can hear their dog Eva yelp behind the camera and then about 2/3 seconds later Dave screams and swears infront of his young son telling the dog to fuck off. I’ve been watching this family for just over a year and I’ve always had this weird vibe off them. Definitely won’t be continuing to watch after this.

Here’s the link/url to the vlog:

That 4 year old of theirs is a rotten child constantly winging and she still has a dummy or “dodie” as they call it. They illegally put their kids in their 5 SEATER CAR without the right booster seats and safety when the camera isn’t on. Even though they try their best to hide it, and say family and friends help take the kids too places.

Been watching this family for roughly a year now and I’ve always noticed in the vlogs that they go to the park with the kids but theirs 6, sometimes more of them there but only with a 5 seater car. I’ve asked them once about the situation and Dave Ravenscroft (the dad) immediately wrote nasty vile replies back to me even though I never had any malice or mean intention behind the comment, I just wanted to make sure the kids were safe.

Dave or The Angry Manc as he likes to call himself, constantly states in the vlogs that he hates drama and is going to ignore it and rise above it. But he still throws shade at the “haters” and other Family channels he’s had previous fueds with in most of the vlogs. Him and his “darling” wife Sarah sit around some evenings doing live-streams infront of the kids chatting away to their viewers but with no care in the world. The amount of vile things they say infront of those poor children should be enough for social services to be involved.

The Angry Manc channel hasn’t had videos uploaded in weeks even though he’s stated several times that he’ll post a video this upcoming week and it never happens. The man needs a serious reality check.
Something does not sit right in that family..
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His manners tells it all.. its seams the kids live in fear of him.. they say its cos they are well behaved.. may be so they all seem good kids .. kids will be kids.. so i dont think his angry outbursts is just once in a blue moon... more like every single day!.. but that wont be on camera tho.. but it just takes one vlogg to show a million thoughts what is an every single day event in that house .
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VIP Member
Scummy now come on... you can't call people dregs of society when you are one yourself. Know your place.

As for me being a Ree's supporter you must be joking though I will say that Michelle does her make up really nicely... you should ask for tips.

I think all of you are shameful.

I also work 12 hour shifts to fund these scroungers.... I pay for your lifestyle therefore I am able to pass comment. I have shares in Dosers & scroungers LTD
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What happened, he stepped on the dog, then screamed at it and told it to F off?


Poor dog having an overweight man step on your foot, then being screamed at. Dave get off YouTube and stop procreating.
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Chatty Member
Daves gutted caught with his pants down

Absolute hypocrite

And Mummy Chelle your a hypocrite you bully and stalk the Rees made about 20 posts about them about nothing they picked there dog up wow Dave hurt his dog shouted At it vile man are you going to report him?
Yes this ?? That’s all I’ve seen the past few days is her or Dave, bitching about the tees family! The pair of them are the biggest hypocrites
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this examples how the videos got so many views but as a parent this is very scary
It's a sad world we live in isn't it. I genuinely meant no malice by sharing those thumbnails, they are his 3 most popular videos.

He also thinks we are sick for sharing a video of him stepping on the dog with his kid in, we are not the sick ones.
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Member 177

It was highly likely he would edit it out. We all make mistakes, it's life. No one is perfect. If this was Jamie Rees swearing at his dogs in front of children, Dave would be the first to highlight it and make sure it was seen, reported and shared.
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He should see what we write in the private thread.

Yeah, and Imagine none of them work. Well, I think they work the system, but too thick and lazy to work a proper job. I mean really, why would anyone want to do that?!

And they get so upset about loosing their spanner status.

lol Jimjam... Dave thinks you are a man. You gave the game away haha you really are just a desperate housewife that needs a shag.
Putting on my psychologists hat I do wonder why Dave often refers to women who are sex starved? Perhaps he is the one who is deprived? It might explain why he looks so tense these days?
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VIP Member
He really is a vile man. I can't actually watch them because of him. I can imagine him being an extremely abusive man. I genuinely feel sorry for the children.
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Sad as it is I hate watch Dave. The man is such a hypocritical narc that it's entertaining. His family content is boring, I'm embarrassed for him that he insists on vlogging every. single. day.
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Member 177

We've been talking about the R Family for months. Dave trolled it so much and his wankettes were sadly lacking brain activity to hold a civil conversation so the thread moved.
Dave will never apologise or explain what he's done he will just attack and deflect attention away from his wrongdoing.
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VIP Member
Haha he is going to be pissed when another thread about him has appeared. Get ready for a rant about that ?
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This man is vile, he's always got beef with some utuber but insists he's not said anything bad it's laughable really, I watched a live a few weeks back and all his spanners and followers are just as vile as him
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Iconic Member
I agree with this completely!!!! Give another day or two and Dave & his spanners will all be fuming[emoji23]

Never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience”

Thankfully people on here, staff, administrators and posters alike are clever.

If you’re being attacked by someone for having an opinion, just remove yourself as their punchbag for a while.
It’s sad they they need to go back to abusing whoever their last victim was. ?‍♀
Making fun of the Rees family and their “comeback live” just to try and get the live numbers up. Dave, Dave, Dave.

Just because someone is clever enough to go underground doesn’t mean they’re gone ?
I didn’t see that poor dog he was screaming at last night but I knew he was there ?

Much like the R Fam discussion thread ?

Oh Dave been waiting for you to show your true self for a long time your a nasty man with anger problems that poor dog come on chell what you got to say about it that’s right your going to defend him ?

I think Mummy Chelle has uploaded a lunch box video somewhere.... can’t seem to find it ?
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