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I only clicked on his thread as I heard she's one of the nutcases that still follows Klarissa, even after being informed of her grooming nature and her convicted guilty pweirdo partner, who tried to lure a 16 year old girl. She stuck by him and had 4 more kids with him... and despite being told about her Rebecca still follows.

Then I seen the comments and something clicked, i remember following this one years ago. The laziest, entitled, poor me character.. she used her sons diagnosis for content. She does nothing to help him, she's happy using his autism as excuses for her not having to do things. Surely she's on the spectrum too no? Her obsessive cleaning and impulse buying useless crap. If she was up off her hole, out making an honest weeks wages, she would think more of her money than spending it on the shit she spends the handout government money on.
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Oh there definitely is people like that, they 'earn' too much on benefits that it doesn't pay them to work! But that's not good for your mental health nor a good life lesson for the kids. That will just pass onto them to do the same, see it time and time again locally.
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The noise from it for months was least the kids won't hav to endure it any longer
Domiciliary was paid over the weekend, seen a post Facebook. So yup the taxpayer strikes again. Please don't take it I'm against people getting any payments but it's freeloaders like her n the silver back Barry bleeding the system. And spending it on fuckin red bull and Lucozade, and gym , games shed for the useless hoors
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He's stuck to it day and night, like come on the little lad in the the bed with them, and by the looks of them two there's no spare room for that little guy.
She actually cream's herself when she's rattling off what they have.
Don't hear of her getting them any help without it being πŸ†“ from the HSE.
It's no wonder she's friends with Klarissa the groomer lover, 2 big dopes the pair of them made for what they can get from the social and for free
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Chatty Member
For Tattle benefit I would say !!!!
At least the child got some fresh air after she read on here
Now if she could stop being so obsessed showing her ugly 70's brown & beige would be great πŸ˜‚
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Must be bulking season for Barry she's buying him all the aldi protein range πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Honest to jayus there's more to sliver back bazzz than protein by the looks of it. He must have came outta his shed when the dogs got to run around. Her tattoo must have hit a button with people because she's lost a lot of followers recently. #letthemπŸ˜‚
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OMG.... ITS ALOT WORSE THAN I THOUGHT!!!!!! Bet she will paint the banister the same colour too🀭 ITS DISGUSTING Rebecca, your taste is pure shitπŸ˜‚ just noticed the pathetic looking off centre light shade🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
What would you say is her favourite colour, 64 million dollar question πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Do you need to phone a friend 🀣🀣 answers in by 12pm?
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Did she say she was going to get it shut down?? Jesus Katie Price couldn't get it shut down, Rosie Connolly, Pippa. Even Julie Haynes was filming herself outside the Garda station one night going in to report tattle and get it shut down. They all get told the same thing, share your information publicly and it can be talked about publicly. That's why Klarissa is gone private and removed every photo of herself even her profile photo from her page, deleted her Facebook etc. Too many people were finding out the truth about her creep of a fella.
No she's going to find out who this handful of women are and share their names across her account for everyone too see πŸ₯±πŸ€¦πŸ˜‚ because we all hide behind fake profile pictures or pictures of other people on Instagram who we also tear down all because of bullshite we think we know.
She had my comments up on her stories along with who ever else has klarissa as their profile picture but she took them down because Mrs groomers partner told her too. Because let's be honest with bullshite that's not true πŸ“’πŸ«¨ you still don't want your big puss plastered over someone's else's account and certainly not when your hiding from the ASAI,and the social welfare.
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Omg... that makes it even more embarassing when Rebecca goes on her rants... she literally expects everything to be handed to them they are each a carer of a son so get welfare times 2! WOW
Seems that way alright.
Sure it's no wonder she can buy shite from Amazon, their getting a tidy amount in that house.
On another note wouldn't you think she'd stop embarrassing her teenage daughter, given her a dressed up reward chart to brush her teeth, and get dressed.
Anyone remember her buying the stupid door bells off Amazon to put in the kids bedrooms . She'd only to press the one in the kitchen to tell them dinner was ready πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
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Chatty Member
Look i get the the boys have needs, ABSOLUTELY...... BUT, shes at home all day anyway, why cant Barry get a job? 2 jobs? Save up for Cians needs that they are waiting for.... NO, sit and wait to be handed stuff for free, with no effort, thats not ok, and shes making a pure show of herself with her rantsπŸ™„
There's some families out there who can "earn" enough on benefits thats why they dont work, these must be the same! that if he were to get a job If he isn't qualified in something high earning, then they might loose some of the current benefits they have and think they'd be better off to stay as they are. They are thinking long term, like when the older kids reach college age they'd be "entitled" to full educational funding as the parents aren't working. In my view, Money from benefits isn't the same as money you earn and shouldn't be used for buying crap of Amazon with.
All these ones showing the various weekly money saving boxes and pouches.....are they asking to be robbed next Nov/dec 🀦
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Honestly people like her boil my blood. The whole point of the DCA payment is to help with the cost for children who have addional needs to be met. My sister gets it for my nephew and she uses it on private speech therapy. And than you have moany hole here who's getting God knows how many payments for the kids and probably disability for her ape of a fella aswell and they wouldn't put the money towards the technology the child needs 🀬 Now don't get me wrong, parents of kids with special needs deserve all the help that they get and more. But the help is there for the kids, not to spend their payments on decorating your house, or a games shed for your overgrown man child, or a life supply of lucozade 😑😑
πŸ’―πŸ’― Agree with you herself and big Barry are sitting up shoving it up on social media that they're getting anything that's going but the way she's squanders money is unreal. Buys absolute rubbish for the house, rubbish diet by all in that house. And then makes a mockery of it by posting the rubbish she buys every day I actually wouldn't be surprised if he's getting a payment for her.
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She's on private, but obviously leather faced klarissa is in her ear about how to avoid being talked about on Tattle πŸ₯± but she forgot to tell you Rebecca that your loosing followers which suits klarissa.Rebecca reads here because when someone comments up comes a tiktok about people having a sad life that's why us tattlers talk about her. Because why else would anyone need to have an option on a 🀑 that shows her chaps for content. She's still showing them daily,still buying 6 bottles of orange because that's normal for a family of 6 to drink a 2ltr bottle of juice a week. Or silver backed isn't on show now in the car we get a story of the ditches on the school run.
She has completely changed what she shows now, which goes to prove that she was in fact rattled by tattle
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Chatty Member
Stop it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
#LETTHEM is Tattle Life's new tattoo.
She gets a tattoo because people talk about her πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
10k followers and a few page's on Tattle Life and she's getting it tattooed on herself Christ on a bike 🚲 let's hope she doesn't get more followers and become a house hold name on Instagram because I can see her poor forehead getting stamped #leTtHeM
Oh god.....what tattoo did/is she getting ??
Oh god.....what tattoo did/is she getting ??
I've just seen it πŸ™ˆ omg what a complete fool πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
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They really are two useless cu*ts!!
The child needs specific insoles to walk properly and they wont get them privately by paying for a physio 🀬 and the hearing test, I know all are different but someone i know took their autistic child private and it was €150
What she gets for Cian alone is €1680 a year child benefit, €4080 in dca for a yr and the €1850 bonus Amt in the summer = €7610
And that's just the basics just for ciano , plus whatever carers and everything else shes getting for him . She absolutely makes my blood boil. It's all taxpayers money and she sits on her hole and moans about it 24/7. Theres no way money like that , which they haven't earned a cent of it! should go on shopping for shit and a gaming shed!!! Oh my god these cu*nts!!! Get a job to buy those things. Like after Barry had the most dramatic sounding car crash, luckily he was fine afterwards but they had the car replaced 2/3 days later. Insurance doesnt pay out that fast, so they have money but won't spend it on their autistic children, think the government should do all that
But a shopping bag that says 'recycle" for all her empty bottles of lucozade, she really is a simpleton!! Dunno what she'll do with herself now as she's almost everything painted brown
She only lives for the daily whinging about the HSE, do they watch her stories nope because if they did she'd be fucked off that payment and that big Silver back would have to work. She loves the social welfare payments they'll sure be buying a load of shite at the weekend when she gets her children allowance. Two young people writing off their life because they can use their children for the payments. How lazy are they.
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So would I but I think she'd think wow I'm on tattle life.
Because I'm a clean freak, an Amazon addict, I'm on tattle because of my farmhouse Style account, love's a bitaa checkerd patterns on me wall rustic vibes. Did I mention I'm on tattle life now.
Oh lord, her "farmhouse style" she lives on the outskirts of town.... ABSOULTE MUPPET!!!! Her style is SHITπŸ’©
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