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Chatty Member
Well she has just made it crystal clear she is reading here with her new and improved ‘healthy’ cookies.
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Sticky One

VIP Member
Ooooooh so this vlog is apparently funneh too, just like the last one where I couldn’t stop laughing 😏🤦🏼‍♀️

‘Me and Steve just seem to bounce off each other’ she honestly think they are a comedy duo doesn’t she? 😂
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So bored of the underware/body rolls posts 🙄 fishing for compliments is never an attractive look.
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Chatty Member
Why does she alllwaaaayyys look at the camera when she is dancing with the boys. The boys didn’t really look interested 🙈 looks like they’ve had a better day out getting ice cream though, I feel pleased for them 😂
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Chatty Member
Really A&E? I'm sure abit of self care at home would have been enough but she does love the attention! I cook for a living and
know how painful burns can be hers didn't need a trip to hospital.
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New member
How many times does she want to say the word ‘work’? I don’t know if she’s mentioned it but this is her ‘job’ now. She works so hard because she’s so hardworking and it’s really hard work to do all this work but she’s does it because she’s so hardworking.
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Takes video of empty perfume bottles, hopes someone sends for freeeeeeeee
Maybe Steve will treat her some in’t Duty Free on her way back from holiday because they sell perfume cheap in’t Duty Free..that were a great holiday especially when you can get perfume in’Duty Free on way home t’Dales.
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Well-known member
Her food is disgusting I don’t know why she shares it 🤮

I’m so bored of her mentioning they’re not going on holiday because they’re going to Tenerife Tenerife is where they’re going away too.

Also don’t need to see Steve’s hairy tits 🤮🤮
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Chatty Member
Just watched her food shop................ 🤦🏼‍♀️
Do they all wipe their arses with baby wipes because she buys 3 packs every week??????

Also she’s seriously giving me major anxiety with not wearing that brace😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.. shes took it out AGAIN! 🤦🏼‍♀️ How can she expect her teeth to move when she’s never got the thing in!!!!!
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I never comment on these posts. I'm usually a lurker. But jesus... If you'd like a laugh look at Steve's Instagram.
His 'spam-taater-cheese' is something not to be missed. Honestly the most bland, vile looking meal ever. These kids are going to get rickets if they don't eat veg.
And why does Steve constantly sound like he's taking the piss? I don't understand the logic in him quitting his job.
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
Steve’s stories showing her filming everything & him moaning about being in Primark 🙈🤣
So why didn’t he stay home with the kids and encourage her to go out and have a bit of completely child free time? Cos he’s a controlling nob and thinks it’s funny to take the piss out of her channel/job, that’s why. She might be shit at it Steve but she’s just paid for you and t’boooyyyys to go to Tenerife. Careful about biting the hand that feeds.....
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I don’t understand what the f... she does with 3 packs of wet wipes every single week! I buy a box of 6 packets maybe every other month and my little boy is exactly the same age as woodeh 🤷🏼‍♀️
And 6 yoghurts between 2 boys for a week?! They’d be gone in a day at my house!
It’ll be all the crap Woodeh’s eating. No fibre. So his nappies will be like a babies.

Also lol’ing at them going for “Almond Milk” paint. Because I’m Daireh free.
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Chatty Member
She’s not very bright is she, naming this website this morning means more people are going to read what has been written! We know she reads these threads regardless of whether people are messaging her. Realeh bad move Elleh!
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Well-known member
No one told her about this site...she reads this site. Thought to herself "oh let's make up a story...blah blah blah"

So now the super fans are coming over to defend her, but she will also send over the like minded followers who have had enough (like brummy sent me here, thanks brum!)
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VIP Member
In Steve’s latest story when he showed her on the sofa on her phone,I bet she was on reading this thread 😂 he’s a fucking plank I can’t stand the way he talks, he is seriously the most stomach turning, egotistical twat ever. I couldn’t live with him, I’d have him sleeping in one of the out buildings 👋🏼
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I dont like these mum youtubers who act like they have it so hard. My partner works 6am-2pm, I work 8pm-1am so we work around the kids. I leave the house at 7:15 and dont get back til 1:45am (nearer to 3am if its busy) I hate when I leave for work and my 3 year old doesnt want me to go or when the kids are sick and I have to go. But thats life (I only do 20-24 hours a week but I cant do more with everything else/partner doing overtime/kids)
Id love to sit at home and film some videos and know Im making a weeks money with one video! I definitely wouldnt moan!
This. Huge respect to you! And she's got Steve at home all day as well now, doing what exactly? My partner works 6 days a week, leaves at 6am, comes home anywhere between 5pm&8pm, I'm lucky I got a brilliant job doing school hours ready for my eldest starting school in September, but at the moment my full wage goes on childcare. I wouldn't want her life but she certainly doesn't have it hard and has no idea what mum guilt really is!
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