I do have a theory about Rebecca (some people may disagree but I’m going to post what I think is going on

- reb chases weasel Steve whilst he has a girlfriend
- Steve isn’t that bothered but ‘Ellie’ persists and he finally gives in.
- Reb now has Steve, however she’s still young, and immature - therefore thinks Steve will leave her for another girl (like he did previously for her)
- Reb get pregnant very quickly which personally I think was to trap Steve as it wasn’t planned (don’t hate me I just think this was the case)!!

- Steve therefore proposes whilst she’s preggers as she’s feeling very vulnerable (especially being young and pregnant - body changing etc) so that she doesn’t think he’s going to leave her.
- Steve thinks he’s not getting any younger so might as well propose seen as she’s up the duff (I believe he has that kind of mentality).
- she starts her YouTube career when 1st child is born as she has no real job behind her or to go back to after giving birth. Fair enough she becomes a stay at home mum (good on her)!
- 1st child starts growing up, her channel is clearly growing - wants another child so here comes woodeh!
- now ... had 2 kids. No mention of a wedding as of yet ... that’s why I think he proposed to shut her up. He doesn’t seem remotely bothered whether they tie the not or don’t. Probably doesn’t want to part with the money.
- big move to the dungeon sets alarm bells ringing. It’s definitely Steve’s dream not Reb. She’s going along with it to please Steve In the hopes that he will inpregnate her again.
- Steve dead against 3rd child. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors but he’s the type of guy who wants an easy life by the looks of it. He’s quit his job now so doesn’t want a 3rd screaming baby in the mix.
- if Steve doesn’t get his bits chopped soon I can guarantee there will be a ‘shock pregnancy’ coming! The whole ‘bloated’ cus of dairehhh I think is the lead up to a pregnancy announcement.
- Reb wants 3rd child for a few reasons. 1) she’s ran out of content for her channel. She enjoys being preggers and gets lots of views/content related stuff. 2) I believe she wants a big family 3) she’s actually very isolated and lonely therefore wants a newborn to occupy her time more.