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Chatty Member
I’d be sitting pretty bloody pleased tonight if I was her getting out that horrible falling down barn and in to a nice warm looking house!
What if Steve’s mum is actually moving in with them too and had sold her house and they’d bought it together 😂
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She’s shared that story about Rafah, I bet she has no idea what it’s actually about. She’s just jumped on the IG bandwagon again.
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Imagine being 30 years old & having no achievements to your name, nothing to offer the world. Literally nothing going for yourself. She’s not even a good mum! I’d have a little bit more respect for her if she was a SAHM who actually engaged with her children, encouraged them with any activity they enjoy, pushed them to try new things & be better. But she can’t even cook a decent meal or help them with primary school homework! God help them when they’re in high school, imagine her trying to figure out algebra, trigonometry, basic physics & biology! 🤣 I’d love to see her attempting to read some Shakespeare. She can’t even complete a modern book.
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Wild 😂😂😂

She's not wild Becky, she's bored! She's probably sick of being strapped down all the time, so as soon as she gets a tiny taste of freedom she tries to make the most of it.
This prat is missing out on opportunities to teach her child about the world around her, and how to behave in public because she's more bothered about her "content".

It's really not difficult Becky. Talk to her about what you're buying, talk about the colours, the shapes, what each thing is for. If you're going to let her walk in the shop, put some reins on her so she's not getting under people's feet or hurting herself. Or use your tiny little brain, and let her walk in a more appropriate setting, like these hundreds of walks you're always banging on about.
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The video of Roma wouldn’t be so bad if Beggy acknowledged that she has a delay, but she’s just there broadcasting her as if she’s completely “normal” (hate that word but I mean it in the way Beggy would say it). Poor little angel needs some intervention. My son is 5 months older than Roma and he’s stringing sentences together of 4-5 words, he says proper sentences in the correct context, he can repeat any word said to him and his words can be understood by anyone, not just me and my husband. He’s probably ahead of where he should be but I put that down to him being the youngest of three and his sisters are always chatting to him, but Roma’s got two older brothers too so I’d expect her to be more advanced than she is with her words using that logic. Beggy needs to get that little girl in nursery to help stimulate her brain and improve her language skills 😢
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At the end of the day, very few people have the cash to go out and buy a brand new or nearly new car! People driving around in the latest have either got a loan or have it on finance, or lease it. Personally, I prefer to drive a banger so I know it's bought and paid for, I won't be left in debt if it breaks down, or I won't be crying when some little arsehole opens it's door into my car!

The difference with dingle is that she is trying to pretend she's wealthy, when she is a pauper and her kids are dressed in secondhand shoes while she buys herself botox and cars.
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I cant stand her. I literally cant keep watching. I got to when she was saying how they fucking renovated and decorated every single room and because they done suh suh much work the house has increased in value. That house is done, just look at the mouldy beams. Fuck oooooffffff you fucking lying bitch. I know you reading here Rebecca and I am telling you only fucking sheeps believe these lies you spewing. We all know the true here you fucking witch.
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Well it is age 12 or over 135cm , the fact he is 10 means nothing , then again she has had Roma face forwarding since she was tiny baby and not just since January when she was 15 months

But hey if you don't mind your kids getting injured in a crash it’s ok as long as you can ponce about in your sexy car !
She’s never cared about car seat safety, I find it really weird, it’s like saying you don’t care about your kids if you do end up crashing. We bought a Volvo xc90 specifically because they’re safe (and have 7 seats) because we prioritise our children’s safety. My two eldest ask to be out of car seats constantly but I say no because it simply isn’t safe.

Also, the car having loads of miles on it - if it was anyone else, I wouldn’t care, but trying to portray this boss babe image when you are clearly skint is just laughable. Just own it, people would respect her far more if she just said they were cutting some costs due to rising bills etc.
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I really hope that shack appears on grand designs or a similar renovation show in 18-24 months time 🤭 I think I’m more intrigued about who has bought it than I am to see what the Dingle’s have bought!
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Chatty Member
Oh my goodness, this absolutely looks like the property! How on earth did you find that!

I honestly do think it's a good shout that Mama Beave could be living with them & splitting the mortgage. Maybe that's why Beggy hasn't been flaunting the house, as it's technically not just theirs anymore. Or maybe she's sulking as Mama Beave gets the master bedroom 🤣🤣 she will either need to completely stop sharing her life online (never gonna happen) or just accept that we will all work out things about her life that she doesn't want out there.

View attachment 2967929
Oh my god. If this doesn’t confirm mama beaver is living with them now then I don’t know what does!!!!!


What boss babe has to sell a shack and split the mortgage payments for the cheaper new house with their MIL??? How the mighty have fallen. Yes the house is lovely and better for the boys - but I couldnt live with my MIL for all the money in the world 😂😂
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She got pregnant with Alfie to trap Beaver and isn't interested in being a good mother. She doesn't give a shiny shit about those kids other than the bare basics (VERY basic) . Roma is her favourite cos she's girl but she will lose interest once toddler tantrums start etc and she can no longer lug her around dangling out that awful carrier.
Rebecca is playing mummies and daddies and playing house. She's a stupid ignorant bitch who loves herself. She is stunted emotionally and developmentally and her poor kids don't stand a chance. She hasn't the first clue on doing what's best for them and isn't interested. Not everyone is intellectually clever or academic but most people try their best with their kids and want them to be the best person they can be and pu their kids needs first. But not Rebecca. Beaver looks thick as 2 short planks as well. He only had a "managerial" position cos Daddy owned the company! Would LOVE to know what's he is doing now!!! Cos we all know he's working- although maybe current job has finished prior to the move as he seems to be around more?!
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She has all fucking week to get her nails done but choses first day of the school holidays!? Proving time and time again how shes her only priority
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Im sorry what is that shopping? Its mainly snacks. I have 3 children aged 9,7 and 2 so similar to hers and this would last us couple of days. 1 sad punnet of strawberries. My kids would finish that in one sitting nevermind for a week. 6 eggs for 5 people. Fuck me honestly. No veg, hardly any fruit but 3 bottles of squash.
Wake up rebecca, you are not teenager anymore , you are mother of 3 so act like it.
Ooo we might even be there at the same time 🤣
You two surround her if you see her and take lot of pics 😂 i want to see her without the magic mirror. Oooh she will be shitting herself when she reads here. Bet she wont be looking for aldi anymore.
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Size 10 arse and thighs there… NOT
And what dipshit actually sets up their camera to take that shot!
Exactly what I thought! Who gets their camera out sets it on a tripod, then walks over to film themselves bending over a cot and removing a discarded nappy etc?! Deffo for the pervs!
She’s just revolting. And WTF is that sorry excuse for a bedside table?! Was it another piece of furniture left behind by previous owners!
You just know they’re not going to bother cleaning the house before they leave. They will
pack up their boxes and furniture ( cos they’re too skint to pay someone to do it!) and load them into a van and tv be it! No deep clean for the new owners!
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thanks to @JBrown for the thread title . Will this be the thread where the big move takes place, is beggy getting a job in the arcades? Ooohh Steve! Will it be a house of dreams or a house of horrors .. you decide! Bring on beavers renos 😂😂
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If she's WILD GirLs ArE sOOo WiLd then her sons must have laid there like slugs, because that kid is far from wild.

Wanting to get out of the trolley and walk the aisles is WILD. 🫠
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