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Not saying you're wrong but in that case how my mate got hers is an absolute mystery as she had £££s saved up for a house deposit before she moved to London, now she's moved it's not enough for London prices so she needs to add to it but it's still obviously thousands.

I honestly think anyone can apply for housing association, you'll just get more points when bidding if your house has been reposessed and the situation is as you described, but from what I've heard it's not an automatic no for anyone even if you were technically a millionaire.

ETA On this it says the council will house you if the mortgage simply became too expensive 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows, for me, it's just the only thing that makes sense as to why she hasn't mentioned exchanging contracts, speaking to estate agents, speaking to solicitors (when they bought the shack she talked about this kind of stuff regularly in vlogs) but renovating, either that or what someone further up the thread said it's either HA or beavers mums rental and they're doing it up in exchange for a low/free rent
Maybe your friend lied on their application? Maybe they had no fixed address and pretended to sofa surf. How long were they on the list? Maybe they had an amount in their account under the threashold of funds (london allowances are higher due to cost of living there) there are loads of ways to try and get around it. I know people who have applied with a council in a different part of the country and managed to get a house due to getting a job in the area, but they were on the list for a few years for a transfer.

Yeah of course anyone can apply. But a single person with low needs, no drug/alcohol/domestic/mental health/medical problems are not normally top of the list. Even people with a few kids are not top of the list.

Someone who already has a private rent and not in an overcrowded property etc. will be at the bottom of the pile. It will vary from council to council how they do it. What the demand is in the area. Sometimes a property will come up if simply no one else wants it/bids on it, which again is rare. You also have to be on the housing list for a few years, or apply to transfer to an area. You can provide details if you're in financial hardship but you have to prove it, and then the council will decide on your individual circumstances

ETA in the majority of the UK you're not eligible for social housing if you earn over s certain amount, I think it's 50k. Will be more for the London area
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Given that the shacks been for sale for a year I don't think they just plan to "rock up" and demand, i don't think even bog and beave are that stupid 😂, my opinion is that they've probably been registered with Bridlington housing associations for a while.

Alot of people don't have the same suspicions as me 😂 😂 which is fine! it would be boring if we all thought the same thing all the time.
😂 I wouldn’t put it past them to try it! I see a lot at work, and even though I feel sorry for their children, they really are not in as bad a position as a lot
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She walked to school and that was 4miles, thought it sounded off, looked on maps and its 9.5miles one way to their normal school and itd take 3 and a half hours.
On the house listing on rightmove there is a school 4.6 miles from the shack - is that the one they’ve always attended? I thought she said the school run was 20/30 minute drive away?
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No, I’m all here for watching the shit show unfurl and I hope it’s comedy gold because she deserves it but saying they’ll be in a HA or council house is a stretch 😂 if they can’t afford to buy they’d just rent privately I don’t know why so many of you think it’ll be HA/council 😂😂😂
How is it a stretch? they're owt for nowt type people in a cost of living crisis where the channel mum monthly retainer is long gone 😂😂 if they can get it cheap and have it all covered by benefits do you not think they absolutely will? more for manicure and matcha for mama and shit toy cars for daddy pig... of course they'll never admit it. Likewise I don't know why some people think they're gonna get a half a million 4 bed detached where even in the best case scenario they're going to have to get a 200 grand mortgage on just beavers wage 🤣🙈 she'd be more smug if that was what was happening, how defeated smug bog is it HAS to be a serious downgrade!
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From what I remember you'd have to have your house repossessed, so a forced homeless situation, and not have the funds avaliable to find a private rent. Then you'd have to be put in to temporary accommodation by the council before you gained enough points and to be classed as a priority. You can sometimes get extra points if you have strong links to the area I.e family or starting a new job, but that still won't guarantee it. That is normally how it goes. If they've sold the house they'll likely have more than 10k coming to them, so enough to find a house/put themselves up in a hotel if necessary.
Not saying you're wrong but in that case how my mate got hers is an absolute mystery as she had £££s saved up for a house deposit before she moved to London, now she's moved it's not enough for London prices so she needs to add to it but it's still obviously thousands.

I honestly think anyone can apply for housing association, you'll just get more points when bidding if your house has been reposessed and the situation is as you described, but from what I've heard it's not an automatic no for anyone even if you were technically a millionaire.

ETA On this it says the council will house you if the mortgage simply became too expensive 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows, for me, it's just the only thing that makes sense as to why she hasn't mentioned exchanging contracts, speaking to estate agents, speaking to solicitors (when they bought the shack she talked about this kind of stuff regularly in vlogs) but renovating, either that or what someone further up the thread said it's either HA or beavers mums rental and they're doing it up in exchange for a low/free rent


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Errrr my friend has morals and decency but like bogtrotter she's a bit thick 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ and couldn't keep up with that level of lies unfortunately... I honestly think she got it genuinely after applying about 5 months previously. It's housing association not council, I guess there are just times when demand is low for whatever reason and someone unexpected gets a flat lol
Housing associations sometimes have different rules. Like sometimes they only let to people earning over a certain amount but under a certain figure. These properties are still advertised through the council pages for people to bid on, and you still have to be within the certain Band and have the right amount of points etc. but they have slightly different contracts to council housing

Another way people can get housed is if they have children with disabilities. Or have disabilities themselves.

The lies people tell to get housed is unreal. I wouldn't put it past Dingle, but I think they'll buy another crappy shack.
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You are making me sick rebecca. Im actually pissed off I use the estrid razors as I quite like them. After this I am not supporting them anymore after seeing them supporting this bitch.
Sorry if been said but look how tight the ring is
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Ding, Ding, Ding 👏 think you've done it! Can just imagine Beggy on the phone to the estate agents yesterday- "I'm an influencer and people have shared this online and I want it removed right now or else!!"

It's pretty decent, but is in definite need of modernisation and renovation...not just a lick of paint and a few botched jobs here and there! Hope they have some spare money for it!
I think it could possibly be this one, if not -

Hopefully not as it's on a busy B road.
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Chatty Member
She liked a village hall on her Facebook (I was nosying the other day) that local school wears navy.. but I also don’t know what villages are near her just now and it could just be the area she’s already living in.
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Ooh do you think he’s started at his new school? Although surely Woody would be at same school? Unless it’s like an infants/juniors school thing?
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It depends on the HA. I live abroad but im bidding on houses in Scotland because we are looking to return to the UK in the future. Im originally from Newcastle so no local connections. Im very low priority obviously but being at the very end of a very long list is better than not being on the list at all lol
Well quite. You’re “very low priority”. In fact, I’d hazard a guess that you’re at the end of the list in terms of the qualification banding. So it’s not really a feasible option for Beavis and Butthead - unless they’ve been bidding for the last 15 years.
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