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why didn’t they just stay at home?! She was in the car at what 12 an hour after the contractions started because they were “suh painful” she was desperate to be at the hospital thinking she must have been so far along but for the first time in her life her Fanny was still clamped shut. What happened to the labour positiveh and just breathing n stuff n thinking happeh thoughts? She could have got in her bath at home (which she’s never fucking out of but yet still seems permanently mucky) and relaxed then drove in later in the afternoon because as we seen from the birth vlog of babeh girl she actually had ample time! Instead that fucking idiot allowed her babeh daddy best tealight lighterer in the world to have her stuck in a car for 5 hours.. shes a fucking idiot.
I used the same contraction app as her and she shows in the car where it says get your bags ready to leave, she was already driving about outside the hospital. When I was in labour and used the app it told me multiple times to get my bags and then later on told me to leave to go to the hospital but as I felt absolutely fine I stayed at home on my ball and relaxed (ish) and left
For the hospital when I felt it was time. I think it’s really sad she laboured in a car, that shows why she shouldn’t have young children in the middle of nowhere!! Also happy birthday lamby, thank you for another year of laughing at you ❤

Just wanted to add this is the app she used and here are my screenshots. I think it’s about two hours of contractions before it changed from get ready, to actually leave. I pity her being in the car I really do.


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No. They're not qualified to spot them. It needs to be a proper tongue tie specialist, alot if other health care professionals miss them
Ah I assumed it was something that was visible to see. I haven't had any experience with tongue tie so i haven't a clue
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Not necessarily, I had GD with one of my baby's and was induced 4 days after my due date because my GD was well controlled and baby wasn't measuring too big, turns out she was actually the smallest out of all three of my babies 😂😂
My son was 10lb 1oz at birth, first baby. I was tested for diabetes after the birth as no one suspected I was having such a big baby!
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Momma Beaver. She got there fast considering she lives in Hornsea! 🤔🤔
Didn't say they had called her by 12.30 and she would have picked the boys up at school at, what, 3? Cutting it fine isn't it! Then did they just go once Beggy and Beaver came back from hospital orrrr? Did she say whether they stayed in hospital overnight? There's no way Steve's mum and partner stayed over in that absolute hovel, surely? Wonder if they had a nice hotel nearby!
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Newborns do breathe episodically but that does seem laboured if it is constant. Wondering if Roma may be early stage bronchiolitis as it looks like she is breathing using her stomach too? Definitely worth getting checked out and early in the day now as it can harder to spot issues overnight for parents

No point messaging as Dingle will do the direct opposite to prove a point which would be the worst outcome for Roma. Do Steve/Bev read here? If they do and have a modicum of sense, they wilL hopefully intercede but we all know there is no way that Beggy will do what nasty jelus troooooooolllls say whatever our qualifications
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Can't wait to watch this comedy later 😅😅😅
Don’t get too excited!!!

Birth blog live already…has it even been a week?! Have a day off love, enjoy your family and stop posting for validation from complete strangers

As an aside baby’s mouth constantly open is a massive red flag for issues, sleep apnea, enlarged adenoids and tongue tie to name a few. I’d message and let her know but I’ll probably just be blocked 🤪
Yeh I thought her mouths always open and tongue out 🤷‍♀️
In fact in all pictures I’ve seen her mouths open
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She’s copying Hattie bourn to a T, the pink jumper, cardigan with a name ‘obsessed with you’ ’my best friend’ breakfast and brunch dates, she’s probably been watching Hattie planning exactly what she’s going to do, fucking psychopath!!! not a big fan of Hattie but Etta is cute, the favouritism is real though, beggy you will never be Hattie!

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Hatties just as bad though! You can tell she favours Etta over the two boys. There’s a thread on here about her
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I know we’re probably all getting bored of this weight conversation now, but her stories this morning where that Beth is holding Roma, there is just no way that baby is only 7lb 7 or whatever she is now. My first baby was 6lb 8oz so obviously a lot smaller, but she was putting on weight with no issues but she still looked tiny in peoples arms for MONTHS. In fact, Roma actually looks bigger than my second baby did & she was over 8lbs.
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Is she quite this morning or is insta stories just not loading properly? Was expecting to see unnecessary reposts of her ‘flowers’ birthday wishes…and her declaration of Romba being her best present ever!
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Telly Fanatic

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When I had my first in 1987 It was a minimum 5 day stay! I bloody loved it. I'd still be there now if I'd had my way!
I had our two 96 and 99 , I had 2 straight forward natural births just gas and air yet still had to stay in two nights the first time one the second it was just the done thing then and everyone in the ward had to bath their baby Infront of the midwife in turns to prove you could do it 🙄, and that frightened me and a few others at the time incase you made a mistake and didn't get taking them home.I think they have stopped that silliness now
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xoxo GG

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Why does she need to put the word breast on her feeding app? Like obviously it’s a breast. Why can’t she just put ‘feed’. Obviously aiming at the perves again. She’s gross.

also, Whenever my friends have breastfed they’ve been trapped for ages feeding, how is 5 mins enough?
Not to defend her but it’s automatic on the app, I use the same for my baby and you select either bottle/breast when you log a feed
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As an aside baby’s mouth constantly open is a massive red flag for issues, sleep apnea, enlarged adenoids and tongue tie to name a few. I’d message and let her know but I’ll probably just be blocked 🤪
Not necessarily big issues, I couldn't breathe through my nose because of a deviated septum. That's easily fixed :)
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I haven’t kept up with threads .. however I have just found out that with nuskin alone she makes 30-40k a month .. probably why she doesn’t do many ads as she probably doesn’t even need to. She’s one of the top 2% in the world due to how big her team is
Proof required!!!
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