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Active member
Oh do fuck off you attention seeking ho bag

No doubt she's asked him to light them then she takes a sneaky pic of him doing it to upload and pretend he's doing it off his own back. She is an actual headcase

Now I've went back and looked they do! It's the constant open mouth I can't get over, it doesn't look right. Surely a midwife would look for a tongue tie no?
No. They're not qualified to spot them. It needs to be a proper tongue tie specialist, alot if other health care professionals miss them
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I’ve never breast fed but these feeds seem to be very far apart? 6 mins feeding to last over 3 hours. I could be wrong!
My son went no longer than every 2 hours for a good few months on 20-25min feeds. Didn’t cut down to 5-10 min for a good while. He gained at day 5 and continued and was double his birth weight by 7 weeks. Her feeds are short.
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You should watch their YT vlogs omg
Yeah I’ve seen them! Is this the soft white underbelly ones? I think that’s where I first saw them. I do feel for them, their house is absolutely in disrepair and they don’t seem to know how to look after themselves - apparently the locals are really protective of them and hate people going near them 😥
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I took one.. Steve couldn’t have been less interested, there we have it 😂
He couldn't could he 🤣🤣🤣 when she was arghhhhg steving....he couldn't give one fuck 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is what I thought? I thought she was going to say contractions started and within an hour she was born but it was hours later?
Thinking about when I was in Labour I don’t think I got my phone out once! I was in too much pain and just concentrating on my body. Meanwhile she’s there recording herself having a contraction 🙄 eating all that junk food as well 🤮 I felt so sick I could only stomach lucozade sport

Also why was Steve mispronouncing greggs and hot chocolate? No wonder Alfie gets mixed up with chicken dogs and the sun is raining.
Just like rosie fucking eats all the cake henshaw yesterday saying the baby was giving the dog 'tuddles' speak fucking properly! Absolute thickos!

I thought the same 😂The last poll there were 100 odd. We're gonna be able to fill Wembley fucking stadium by the time Romaround is 1!!! Whoop whoop
We defo should do a 'troll' meet up 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hi Beggy! Sorry, but this is absolute bullsh*t. On the basis Steph is her up line she would be taking a good proportion of this and she clearly isn’t. And would you be flogging NuSkin 3 days after you’d given birth if you didn’t NEED to?! Honestly, you must think Tattlers were born yesterday. Absolutely nothing she does or buys suggests she earns £5k per month, let alone £40k per month 🤣🤣🤣
40k a month 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I'm on another thread where funnily enough there has been loads of discussion on gallstones. Can't be bothered looking for all of them. This is the latest which got me wondering if Beggys will mysteriously come back once the little one starts becoming more alert and noisy and beaver starts disappearing again?


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I'll just leave this here:
But what does it mean when she sleeps with her mouth open—and breathes through the mouth rather than the nose? Is mouth breathing during baby sleep unhealthy or a sign of something to be concerned about?

While not exactly healthy, continual mouth breathing in babies is almost always treatable. This habit typically signals an underlying condition that prohibits nasal breathing, like allergies or a deviated septum. With the right help, you can address the underlying issue and help your little one breathe a la nose.
It's a sign of tongue tie.!!
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That was the worst "birth vlog" iv ever seen. What was the point?
I could not sit for all those hours in labour contracting in a car. She must have been so uncomfortable. When I had my last baby, I started getting pains at 12:30, me and partner went to Lidl to get supplies, he picked up kids and took to grandparents after school just in case (30mins trip each way) then came home til about 8pm when I went to the birthing unit. Had baby at 2 minutes to midnight and was home by 5am.
Even if I'd lived an hour away from hospital then I'd still go home till I felt unable to deal with the pain at home. (Birthing unit was about 40 minutes away by car for us)
When I had my first in 1987 It was a minimum 5 day stay! I bloody loved it. I'd still be there now if I'd had my way!
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I have messaged her urging her to dial 999 or drive Roma to her nearest A&E

Not expecting a response but hopefully she gets that baby checked, better to be safe than sorry.
100% - my first had bronchiolitis when he was a newborn and it was really nasty. His breathing didn’t sound anywhere near as laboured as Roma’s. Hopefully she’s fine.
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Chatty Member
Just had a quick look at her stories which I don't do often but going back to yesterday, she said they had a busy day with the midwife and 2 friends over visiting... Is she trying to make out that Ellie visited her even though it's plain to see they weren't at her house... Or has she just completely ignored the fact that they saw Ellie and is saying that the 2 friends are Bethany and maybe a boyfriend or husband?

Also, she deffo thinks 166g is 1.66 ounces meaning Romah has gained 1oz because she is thick as pig shit.
At first I didn’t think Ellie visited but once she said I went back to look & she did it’s the same sofa & white bench thing in the background as the daddy’s girl steve picture & then the babies upstairs on the carpet
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I'm sure he said he is friends with some of Steve's mates
Yes that’s right, I’m sure it was the same one that said she had been overheard telling someone it was a girl, before she had announced it anywhere, they’ve said some other things as well but I can’t remember.
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My son went no longer than every 2 hours for a good few months on 20-25min feeds. Didn’t cut down to 5-10 min for a good while. He gained at day 5 and continued and was double his birth weight by 7 weeks. Her feeds are short.
Yeh my third was the same. Every 2 hours like clockwork all day & night for quite a while. My older two were every 4 hours. Romas feeds seem really short

I unfortunately have and I stg its the hardest fucking thing I have ever had to deal with it made breastfeeding hell. We are still dealing with it. Also I agree all I see is babies with tongue tie these days
Hope it gets easier for you all xxx
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If she did have GD she would of been induced at 38/39 weeks ,
Not necessarily, I had GD with one of my baby's and was induced 4 days after my due date because my GD was well controlled and baby wasn't measuring too big, turns out she was actually the smallest out of all three of my babies 😂😂
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