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Im sure she’ll let us know in a few days that Romeh has put on loads of weight “most babies lose a little bit in their first few days, but my milk must be so yumueh cos Romeh has put on like 2 pound or something”
More like that was the weight she was born at 😂
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when I was induced I had to go into hospital the night before, they gave me the pessary then and at about 6.30am they broke my waters & told me to call my other half to tell him to come to the hospital because I’d be having him that morning… baby arrived at 5.15pm 😂
Similar happened to me. Induced at 11pm on the Wednesday night, waters broke at 11am Thursday morning, rung my partner in a panic and he raced through,. I didn’t have him until 3pm on Saturday afternoon 🤣🤣🤣
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Further to my earlier post about when W was small I've found the vlog but I'm positive this part lasted longer. It's been shown on here before so I'm wondering if she's seen that and went back to edit most of it out?
I remember this
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Sticky One

VIP Member
I'm guessing from Steve's stories that he's sleeping in the bedroom and Rebecca sleeps in the lounge with the baby. Someone pointed out the crib is downstairs. I don't think he's sleeping with Rebecca at all.

My son's tongue was '95% tied' and described as one of the worst they'd seen. Just been through newborn photos *before he had it snipped* and his mouth is closed (not open). I've only seen one photo of Roma on here where she's asleep and her mouth is open and it doesn't look right to me.
I haven’t seen Steve’s story but I’m gonna take a huge guess and say they’ve taken the snuzpod downstairs so that the baby can sleep down there - they have 2 dogs so I’m gonna guess its the safest place for her to sleep. I highly doubt she’s sleeping on the sofa with a newborn.

They normally do. But this is dingle and she documents whenever Roma farts so surprised she never mentioned baby girlehs delicate weight loss
But I’m gonna assume if this is the 1st time midwife has been then the weight loss wouldn’t have been noted down, if that makes sense. But then 90% of this thread thinks she was actually a 10lb baby sooo 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
My first child was breathing rapidly like this when she was born, I noticed when we were left alone in our room and was I was just watching her sleep, I told the nurse on duty and all hell broke loose, within minutes she was in the SCBU, had her stomach drained and put on oxygen. Turns out she has swallowed fluid while being delivered and had a partial pneumothorax (collapsed lung). She was on antibiotics for 5 days and almost needed a chest drain. It was terrifying as I was a brand new mum with no clue but I just knew it wasn’t right. Baby is 12 now with no lasting effect, although breastfeeding went out of the window as she was tube fed for the first five days of her life.

Beggy is all about sharing and engagement so why not share with your followers if you are worried or if there is a potential problem, she could raise awareness and use her platform for some good for once.
This is exactly what happened after my 4th birth I mentioned earlier. It’s so distressing. Xx
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the labour ward won’t let you stay until your at a certain point in labour - they would have sent her away as she wasn’t dilated, most normal people would go home and let labour progress but she lives so far away she didn’t wanna drive all the way home and back again so they hung around in the car park 🤣🤣🤣
Can't wait to watch this comedy later 😅😅😅
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I haven’t kept up with threads .. however I have just found out that with nuskin alone she makes 30-40k a month .. probably why she doesn’t do many ads as she probably doesn’t even need to. She’s one of the top 2% in the world due to how big her team is
Is that you Bev ?? Maybe Stepphyy ??
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He openly mocks her, which she thinks is banter and left her sat in a car for 5 hours in labour. You wouldn’t do that to anyone let alone the mother of your 3 children. He can’t stand her but has resigned his life to it. He’ll be playing hide the sausage all over Skipton!
I don't think he ever stopped to be honest. A his long drives are probably him off on the hunt
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In my experience "Quick" births aren't all that anyway...

My first I had contractions for 72 hours and a relatively easy and painfree birth.
My second I didn't even realise I was in labour until I came to pushing point and the pain was blooooody excruciating.
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I unfortunately have and I stg its the hardest fucking thing I have ever had to deal with it made breastfeeding hell. We are still dealing with it. Also I agree all I see is babies with tongue tie these days
Oh no! It really does sound hellish and heartbreaking for you. Hopefully your baby gets the treatment soon ❤ Honestly I never heard about it at all when I went to baby groups with mine back in the day. I’ve heard of so many babies lately that have had it.
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This is giving me so much anxiety I hope the baby is ok ❤ However much she may annoy me the thought of something really wrong with Roma is distressing.
I am so close to messaging her but I don’t know how to say it in a way that won’t get me instablocked
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
We were told not to put our little one in a bouncy chair til he could hold his head up unsupported. I just did things when he was in his Moses basket or on his playmat 🤷🏼‍♀️
Yes I agree , I worded that wrong I should have said the chair thing you no what I mean with like rattle things infront of it, it had a head/body support on it for new borns only bounced if you or the baby made it bounce and obviously Mandy's not at that stage yet but they are very handy for laying your little one in for 5 mins to get on with stuff
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Think that act of everything is fine is more for Steve’s benefit than anyone else! To show she was right all along and three children is the ideal situation and things won’t change…
Of course....well done!
She cant be prooved wrong ha ha
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She posted a picture of the baby in that baby grow 9 hours ago, then a white one and now back in that other baby grow. Surely she has plenty?
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