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By pleading guilty the horrible bastard is showing that he is still in control .. I hope he rots or the other inmates get to him first
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Yes I remember Katie Rough being killed by her sister, had no idea that any talk of that has been deleted but from googling it appears so.
It was her half sister - same father - and her name and picture was circulated immediately after, only to quickly disappear. There was talk of an independent inquiry as the sister was under psychiatric care (I think) and no longer attended school due to her mental health issues but it seems nothing came of it. Just the stuff of nightmares.

A few weeks ago, a child in my neighbourhood was killed as family member reversed out of the drive. There has been no other mention of the death in the press and I believe it’s due to the sensitive nature of the death. I just think of that poor family and the horror of the mistake that occurred. We’ve all made mistakes and we say ‘shit, that was close, that could have been worse’ and this family is living that hell.
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Men who murder almost always have a long history of domestic violence. I’d bet money that WC also has a long history of abusing his partners, which then escalated to using/abusing prostitutes, then indecent exposure/sexual assaults, then murder. It’s such a well-trodden trajectory. Opportunities to apprehend him will have been missed. Sickening.
I read an article on the daily fail about the wife and she says he’s never been violent or anything like that. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t been violent outside of the home or with partners prior to her though.
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I read an article on the daily fail about the wife and she says he’s never been violent or anything like that. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t been violent outside of the home or with partners prior to her though.
His kids had a youtube channel up at the time of the murder (not sure if it's still available). In one of their videos, you can hear the dad RAGING from another room, clearly unaware he was being recorded. I can't imagine being the target. It was proper scary. The kids both paused, said something like, "oh that's just dad", then continued on as if it were normal.

Their normal might not be what we think is normal.
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This has made me cry. Those poor children and their poor mother 😢
I cried too, so so sad. If my two babies were taken like that, or taken at all in fact, I would just see no reason to live. That man does not deserve to live. How can a ‘father’ do that to his children just to spite the mother. Bastard 😡
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Be More Pacific

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That's assuming she has a conscience. She was grinning and laughing while spewing calculated lies. I get what you say from a legal aspect that it didn't affect the outcome but what about the human aspect. She wasn't covering for bank robbery, it was two children. Two families misery drawn out because of her lies. You're right , she's no Myra hindley but no way can her display and lack of conscience be put down to stupidity and naivety.
One lie. One stupid, easily disproven lie.

And I don't believe that lie prolonged anything - an inept investigation did that. The police should have been all over them and that house from the start, as the last place they were seen alive at and person they were last seen alive by, checking everything but it wasn't until Huntley finally appeared on national TV, despite his understandable initial reluctance (I've seen a recording of him making sure with a local news crew that the interview he was about to give wouldn't go national) and people from Grimsby began calling in that they started to put it all together.

And with all due respect, you don't know anything about her conscience or how well she sleeps at night. In fact, 95% of what you think you know about her is just rumour, speculation and conjecture.

And no, I'm not her before anyone asks!
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Be More Pacific

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It’s really odd isn’t it. What do you mean by cuckooing? And what makes you think drugs? Thanks
Cuckooing is where (usually) a county lines drug gang move in with an addict - they take over the place and use it as a base and "thank" the addict with free drugs. A cuckoo in the nest so to speak.

But I'm thinking more something like this scenario - Jemma Mitchell was the addict and somehow befriended and moved in with the victim, as basically somewhere to stay, and then, in these types of situation, they end up becoming violent, leaving the victim terrified, and stealing all their money from them. It's still classed as cuckooing - just on a smaller scale.

Just my day to day experience of following trials makes me think it's drugs related. Because it usually is. And the fact the victim is described as vulnerable and trusting.

It's just the body ending up in Devon that is throwing me off completely.
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I doubt this will be out of character for the step dad. Think how many other cases there have been of the mother’s new partner killing one of her children. It’s sickeningly common.
Exactly. It’s almost text book now tbh. Crap but true. If anything ever happened to my partner, the father of my kids, I’d just not bother with any man. It’s bad but I have lost all trust based on all these stories. Enough to put me off anyone getting within my family unit.

I expect there may be more children involved than the ones we know about. The pattern of new relationship - baby - break up - new relationship - baby is so well-trodden. These are the women who seemingly can’t bear to be single, hence prioritising a man over the welfare of children.
Yep totally. This Jay is no catch either!

Oh my god that poor darling boy.😢Terrible injuries.😢😢
Oh god! I’m just catching up with all this after a full on day of work and I must say I’d kind of not thought of the “how” and now this has knocked me right sick.

And this one too.
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Just reading how the piece of excrement in human form Wayne Couzens is barely eating and is being watched like a hawk because authorities fear he's trying to take the easy way out and kill himself.

It's known he's already caused himself injury when he banged his head a few times in custody.

I hope he is not able to succeed and is made to feel the true horror of what he has done every day for a long time, the ultimate punishment.
I’m curious to hear from someone who knows about the psychology of people like him about him now being ‘depressed’ (the daily mails word not mine) because surely someone as psychopathic as him wouldnt be feeling ‘depressed’/not eating because he feels guilty, so why isn’t he eating? Is it because he selfishly can’t go out and satisfy his urges anymore so that’s making him feel bad or is he just going to try and kill himself to get out of going to prison for the rest of his life? I read a line in the article that someone said ‘the enormity of his crimes is now catching up to him’ but surely someone as sickening as him doesn’t feel guilt? So what is it that he’s thinking about?
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Well-known member
I absolutely agree with this. I was 13-14 in 1978-79 and (unless your enemy phoned your landline, spoke to your mum and asked to speak to you LOL) all arguments were left at 3pm and possibly picked up again at 9am the next day, but there was that breathing space where you just couldnt contact each other (unless you went out after school), and there was no way of letting dozens of your friends know that X had pissed you off so let's all get them back at school tomorrow. Phone calls were expensive and you didnt just sit by the front door chatting on the landline to your friends all night. It gave everyone breathing space and a bit of perspective i think.
Thanks, this is exactly what I was trying to express! And if you tried being lairy at home your mum or nan would soon remind you that you weren't that impressive 🤣
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There was a memorial at the roadside near my parents for a child who was killed on their pushbike, eventually the teddies/windmills were relocated to the graveside but I am not sure who did it. I only know as the parents made a public thank you.
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I watch a lot of USA real life crime TV shows (far too many) and I know people are fascinated with the Chris Watts' and Lori Daybell's of this world but I think some of the most interesting/dreadful/mind blowing cases happen right here and don't get the coverage they deserve so that's why I share some of the cases that I'm following.

I generally don’t follow US trials, I’m very disillusioned with the justice system there and prefer to stick to crimes in this country which, if convicted, will follow a fair and just process.

Are the parents delusional or do they just not know what is actually going on in their child’s life?
It’s unbelievable to me that a parent to a 14 year old lets them out all night and believes that they are leading an innocent existence . No good comes to 14 year olds at 3am. They are still children - where is the responsible parenting?
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Chatty Member
I’m sure I read it was used as a burial plot for family ashes?!

It says in that article that her son had milled himself because of sexual abuse he had suffered....then her daughter said both herself and her brother had been abused by the husband which is why she did it. So very sad.

This is the article that mentions the land
Yes I read that but when this first made the news no mention of her son only her daughter.... didn't say it was sexual abuse but implied it. Had a feeling weeks ago she attacked him for serial abuse against her daughter. And tbh hats off her too. I'd probably do the same.
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Blue pumpkin

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I wrote much of this sixteen years ago (can't actually believe it's been that long) but it still stands today.

Unfortunately, the reason Maxine Carr needs lifelong anonymity is because she has been vilified by the press in this country, desperate for a new Myra Hindley to write about. But Maxine Carr isn't Myra Hindley, not by a long chalk - she's just a very stupid and naive young woman.

To me, it boils down to this - she lied about her whereabouts. A pretty stupid lie as she was in Grimsby, out in the pubs, seen by lots of people and caught on CCTV, but a lie all the same. She absolutely categorically wasn't there when Holly and Jessica were murdered and the jury, who heard all the evidence, cleared her of assisting an offender. But how much damage did that lie do? Yes, it threw police off Ian Huntley's trail for a few days but he’s hardly a master criminal is he? Asking police officers about DNA and mobile phones? Not wanting to appear on national television? Scrubbing his car in front of the whole village? But even if they’d known Maxine Carr wasn’t there and they suspected him straight away, they wouldn’t have found Holly and Jessica’s bodies any quicker as they were discovered purely by chance. It took months of very thorough forensic work to prove that Holly and Jessica had actually been in his house and to link his car to where their bodies were found. As soon as he was arrested, he never talked, he was never going to confess – he pretended to be insane.

And I’ll tell you this, if I’d been out, drunk and kissing other men, no doubt feeling guilty, and had come home to my violent and controlling partner asking me to lie, and it never occurring to me that he had anything to do with these girls disappearing and knowing that if I didn’t lie, I’d no doubt get the shit kicked out of me (again) then I’d have lied too. And before people get all judgemental, how many people do lie to the police? Small lies - ‘Officer, I didn’t realise I was speeding’? - but lies all the same. We’re all capable of it – not in a case of this magnitude maybe – but as soon as she was arrested, she confessed she’d been lying.

I’ve also read headlines that Maxine Carr provided him with a ‘false' alibi once before – but when you read the story closely, you will find this: Ian Huntley was charged with rape, Maxine Carr gave him an alibi, the victim then said Ian Huntley didn’t do it and the charges was dropped. In my view, that ‘alibi’ has never been proven to be ‘false’ – it's just press manipulation once more.

No one will ever know for certain what happened in that house except Ian Huntley. Maxine Carr made an error of judgement however, it had no real impact on the outcome – the right person was caught and will, no doubt, spend the rest of his life in prison. To my mind, if Maxine Carr hadn’t gone out that night, Holly and Jessica would still be alive – I truly believe that’s what tipped Ian Huntley over the edge that evening. He'd been turned down by another woman he was trying to arrange a date with. He was angry about that and furious that Maxine was out on the town and out of his control. And then Holly and Jessica appear asking for Miss Carr....

Maxine Carr must live with that for the rest of her life and you don’t need to be in a prison to feel that kind of guilt
That's assuming she has a conscience. She was grinning and laughing while spewing calculated lies. I get what you say from a legal aspect that it didn't affect the outcome but what about the human aspect. She wasn't covering for bank robbery, it was two children. Two families misery drawn out because of her lies. You're right , she's no Myra hindley but no way can her display and lack of conscience be put down to stupidity and naivety.
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Does this mean this piece of shit no longer goes to trial?

I hope this brings her family peace and means they don't have to go through more pain a trial would bring

But it feels like the bastard is getting away with it.
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No excuse in my eyes.
I did state it’s not an excuse - just simply considering what factors may be involved in the situation. It’s likely to be vastly complex and not as simple as what is reported in the papers. They’ve already misreported that he was Bernadette’s father.
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Be More Pacific

VIP Member
This is so funny, in an awkward and embarrassing way of the highest order! I too will do a quick Facebook search to see whether I can find and snoop on suspects or victims just to see what they were like. Of course it feels a bit wrong looking at victims profiles and I am a bit relieved when I find theirs set to private etc. I am just a nosey bugger.
First thing I do! And, judging by the "popular now" message that comes up in the search function when you search a name after a victim has been confirmed or a suspect charged, we're not the only ones I can assure you.

I search everybody I can. I through friends lists and, if they're not available (a lot are set to private these days even on open profiles - it is very annoying 😂) I trawl through comments and even likes on photographs, status updates, you name it trying to piece it all together. That's what fascinates me the most - people's relationships and motives. I am a massive loss to the police I'm sure 🤣😂

If a case has really bothered me and/or I've spent a lot of time digging around, I sometimes still check in on the friends and family every now and again, even years later, just to see how they're all doing. Christ, I sound like a fucking stalker! 🙈
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Not surprised at all. As I said on another thread, truly innocent victims are rare. And, unfortunately, most of these parents are fucking delusional. How many more times are we going to hear "he was always such a good boy, he loved his nan and went to church every Sunday" blah blah blah trotted out and then you see pictures of them on social media making the stupid 'gang' signs, addressing everyone as "my G" <sigh> and holding a knife or a gun? That photograph in your post is horrible. And I'm not just talking about black victims before anyone jumps on me. I see it across the spectrum.
Are the parents delusional or do they just not know what is actually going on in their child’s life?
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