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The rise of porn and the easy access to it has contributed to Only Fans and the sexualisation of our culture. You can get the most deprived things possible with a quick google search. It’s now being rebranded as ‘sex work’ but it’s neither. It’s prostitution.
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Jail wouldn’t be the right place though, he’d be at massive risk of all the things @LouBug19 has said. And he’s not free - it’s a hospital order and in all likelihood he’ll never leave hospital.

Barnaby’s mum’s racist comments aside, he’s in the right place for both himself and others in the prison estate and I stand by that if the roles were reversed she’d have wanted that for her son.

I completely agree. And it's not as if a secure mental hospital is like a theme park - he will be medicated and monitored, probably less freedom in general than he would have in prison. And in all cases, relatives should NEVER have a bearing on sentencing, they are obviously too invested.
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The smirk the murderer gives makes me so angry. If I was the boy’s family I would want to scratch her eyes out with my own hands.
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sorry but the way they're riding is just like out of a porno, like it's choreographed and follows a script. Porn literally rots people's brains and this is a prime example. You watch so much of something it becomes second nature and even being filmed didn't bother her one bit. Even thinking of doing anything like that would be horrific for a regular woman who's not porn obsessed and hyper-sexualized
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@Boogs that's the same with my mother. It blighted all our lives.
I feel nothing but sympathy for my poor Nan but the knock on effect to the rest of the family was massive and long term. I think I’m the only family member who is able to look at what happened as an awful accident and feel a sense of compassion for a man who had to then live knowing he’d hit and killed a kid.
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Harry’s mother even said at the beginning she didn’t want Anna to go to prison because she was a mother herself. She just wanted her to take responsibility for the crime.

I suppose if the family hadn’t moved here then the man wouldn’t have been able to murder 3 people and run over others - I guess in her mind it’s a way of making sense of it all. Her son was brutally and viciously murdered only a year ago, I think some people are expecting a lot from the families when their journey of grief has only really started.
I agree.

Grief makes you irrational in so many ways - it just tears the earth from under you and you don't know which way is up. I wouldn't criticise them for anything they said or thought at this heartbreaking time - and I do feel sorry for the killer's parents who are being blamed for something they didn't do and couldn't have prevented. It's a very sad situation.
I'm glad you can do that - for your sake, as it's free ing. Hating is exhausting and poisonous. It doesn't help anyone. Having compassion for that driver frees you and makes your loss easier to bear. Thank you for being that person.

I agree. It's shades of Denise Bulger (now Fergus) who has never, ever, ever been allowed to have any sort of peace or any sort of reconciliation with the murder of her little boy. I hope to God this doesn't happen with this family.

QMLAN because I never actually finished that post! The book I recommended was The Devil's Children by Loretta Loach, a history of children who kill and how they've been treated. Another good one about the Bulger case is The Sleep of Reason by David Smith. Cries Unheard by Gita Sereny, about the Mary Bell case, is another very good one.

I don't mean to sound sanctimonious when I talk about this stuff. I'm sorry if I come across thus. I felt, very strongly, similarly to some of the posters on this thread at the time of and subsequent to the killing of poor little James. Hence I did a lot of reading as I like to understand the opposite perspective and where it comes from. I can honestly say that like I said in my other post, condemning a little less, and understanding a little more (unlike John Major, who generally I think gets it right, but I think got it wrong on that occasion) is not only best for society but can do something to alleviate the suffering of the victim's family. Because hatred and condemnation never grow old. They fester and can destroy.

I appreciate it's easier said than done; but I feel, with young children, we need to give it a shot for all our sakes.
Cries Unheard by Gita Sereny

I read this one many years ago - it is harrowing. Mary Bell's early life was HELL with her mother - absolute hell.

We none of us know what others go through or how it shapes them - and it is a cycle that is so heard to break.
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And the more depraved stuff you see the more immune you get so you crave even worse "pornography", including images of children.
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Here is an interesting case....

To fill in the background...
JF Gareiepy is biologist, and minor e-celeb, who dreams of creating an ethno-state in Canada.
To that end he married/got the legal guardianship of a girl/woman with a mental age of 10, in order to breed the master race.
Last year, he dropped her off near some woods - and she hasn't been seen since.

Oh and the police weren't informed (for I believe about a month) when she disappeared.
And he (in his words) sterilized the house - not you understand because he had done anything, but simply to cleanse the house of 'the female presence'.

The video is Andy Warski (JF's ex-co host on the Killstream) and PPP reviewing an interview JF gave to Lauren deLaguna concerning his wife's disappearance.
Keep in mind that Kino Casino is a drama channel.
Also keep in mind that if you are a woman you may not understand what JF is talking about because you are (in his words) a robot and a lower functioning being....
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My mum tells a story about back in days when you had big prams that you couldn't take into shops.

Apparently my dad took me out to give my mum a rest - parked me in the pram outside woolworths, went in, came out a different door and got home without me.

This being the 60s, when they got back to Woolies, I was there he'd left me!!!

No wonder I've got issues!!!
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Doesn't look POC in the pic that the Daily Mail have published

Yes, when I saw the picture I didn’t think POC. I hope that it’s not a rumour circulating in an effort to create race division (ie if the 12 years old were white they would be named but as their POC they are being ‘protected‘). Also, these children aren’t going to be in an adult prison. Although Thompson and Venables were named, I think we can all safely say that they have been protected.
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His family, unless they literally gave him the knife and told him to go kill 3 people that night, are not directly responsible for his actions.

If he is as ill as it has been reported, I would argue he is not directly responsible. I imagine it is incredibly difficult to fool actual psychologists into pretending you are incredibly mentally ill.
It is a horrific situation for all involved but blaming his family for moving here will serve no one.

I really hope they can all start to heal as much as possible. My heart breaks for them all.
Mine too. I thought it was especially ironic when his mum said that the killers family haven’t lost their son… they have in a way, to the mental illness and they have to deal with both watching their son so tortured and the knowledge that he was failed to such an extent that he killed people as a result of his illness. That’s not easy for his parents to deal with anymore than losing their son is easy for the victim’s parents.
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Wales Online are saying the dog was rescued from a drug dealers house 7 or 8 months ago. And also the police are quoted as saying a staffie or pitbull type dog.
Odd are it's been trained to attack - drug dealers use these dogs as weapons.
Not having a go but why did you call the police about this and not like the RSPCA or something?
I can tell you from bitter experience that the RSPCA does sweet fanny adams about anything unless there is a film crew with them.
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I agree.

Grief makes you irrational in so many ways - it just tears the earth from under you and you don't know which way is up. I wouldn't criticise them for anything they said or thought at this heartbreaking time - and I do feel sorry for the killer's parents who are being blamed for something they didn't do and couldn't have prevented. It's a very sad situation.

Cries Unheard by Gita Sereny

I read this one many years ago - it is harrowing. Mary Bell's early life was HELL with her mother - absolute hell.

We none of us know what others go through or how it shapes them - and it is a cycle that is so heard to break.
My friends Mam was in the same Primary class as Mary Bell. Said she was unremarkable and clearly abused.
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It’s a bit wild where I live atm. Police tonight were chasing after a car with no sirens or blue lights on and have hit a motorcyclist instead and killed the man. It says in the guardian that they was responding to a routine call and I can’t remember the exact phrase used. But basically there was no need for the speeding without the sirens etc. really sad. Can see it causing a load of problems for the police here. Especially since it’s on a 20 Mph road.
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We've had so many cases of that here in the US where I live. I do feel for the parent who "forgot" about the baby, but at the same time, how could you possibly forget?? There have also been many cases of School bus and van drivers doing the same thing. They are supposed to walk through and do a check to make sure no one is left behind. As a parent, wouldn't you double check? I just don't understand how this can happen. So heartbreaking!
there’s an incredible washington post article about this topic (which won the pulitzer prize) which i cannot find online without it being behind a paywall but it’s called “fatal distraction” - it follows several families who have had this happen to them, though the majority if i remember were parents who just went on autopilot and drove to work thinking they’d dropped the child (usually asleep in the back) off at daycare or whatever when they hadn’t.

i’ve heard women in work lightly joke about it sometimes. one left her mum’s house without the baby, one almost put a trolley back in tesco with baby still in it etc - i suppose it can be done if you’re an exhausted parent, the day is busy, you’re just rushing through the routine of what you would usually do and your brain convinced yourself that yes you did drop them off at nursery or yes you did bring them into the house. it’s absolutely tragic and as a parent i don’t know how you could come to terms with it having happened.
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It sounds like the families of the girls who died are not happy that she hasn’t been prosecuted. That’s so sad. They are implying there isn’t proof she had a seizure but there must have been… feel so sad for all of them.
It's very difficult for the families - their children are dead and the evidence hasn't been tested in court.

In Glasgow we've had 2 similar cases - the bin lorry crash and a crash that killed 2 students also just before Christmas. Both of the men behind the wheels of these vehicles had previous spells of ill health but both walked away. The bin lorry guy was even caught driving whilst his licence was suspended.

I suppose if they can't get a conviction with a previous medical history, they're not gonna get one with no medical history.

Honestly, I hope the lady concerned has surrendered her licence cos she can never be sure it won't happen again.
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I can’t believe the Mail have named and pictured the lady who was the driver in the Wimbledon crash. It has already been determined she wasn’t at fault so why should she be shamed in this way?
I was really shocked to see they not only named her but pictured her. They are actively trying to incite a witch hunt and considering the verdict, this is absolutely disgusting. Even for Fail standards it is a new low, and is horrifying.

I feel so much for the parents who lost their children that day but it was a tragic accident. The driver's only "crime" was wanting to be in a 4x4 in London but that doesn't justify the Fail's actions either.

I hope the driver is being supported, she will be no doubt extremely traumatised as it is but to now be identified, she could be at genuine risk of harm from others.
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