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Either that or the prisoners are all really fit.

I feel so sorry for that woman. My friend developed epilepsy in his late 40s with no previous symptoms at all. It's frightening and an accident. No, the families aren't going to get "justice" because it was an accident and nobody was to blame at all. If they can in any way learn to accept that, it might be somehow easier for them to bear than constantly desiring revenge and harbouring (understandable) bitterness.
I think they need to put themselves in her and her families position. If it was the other way round and one of them had had an unforeseen, unpreventable medical episode behind the wheel would they want them to be in jail or would they want people to show their loved one compassion? I’d bet they’d want the latter and that’s because it’s the right decision.

The same with Barnaby’s mum, if her child was the one who was severely mentally ill I bet she’d be screaming from the rooftops saying hospital was the best place for him and prison would be vastly unjust.

The lack of justice they feel in both cases is nothing to do with covering up or or family standing by people who’ve done horrific things knowingly, it just is and that’s that.
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These were my thoughts as well.
Whilst you CAN develop epilepsy at any point in life, you would be very unlucky for the first sign of this to be a fit you had whilst driving your massive £80k car. I suspect she may well have had some indications prior to this, but chose to ignore them. From a medical POV, all that can be said is she didn't consult a doctor about this issue - but there's no way to know if she had previous symptoms if she doesn't admit to it.

I've dealt with automatism type cases before (which essentially is her defence here) and most of the drivers involved don't have legal representation or even advice and end up saying that they'd felt unwell earlier in the day, or noticed something and were planning to see their dr etc - and basically incriminate themselves. Whereas with her very expensive legal team I'm sure she 'no commented' through the whole police interview, knowing that there wouldn't be enough evidence without that to take any action against her.
My dad's first seizure was at work. 15 minutes later he would have been driving home.

They can happen and develop at any time. I've had seizures. All mine were nocturnal. My only indication was being unable to sleep. (I slept through my seizures) I'd also vomit - I remember waking up around 4am just to vomit and went back to sleep. My only other symptom was a headache.

Not everyone gets a warning.
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What a dreadful, horrific crime - and totally motiveless.

That poor young man, and his poor parents - the picture of his mam and dad, still looking shocked and grief-stricken, tore my heart.

What sort of children are we raising in this country? Awful, awful thing to do.
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I think it is fairly simple to blame Only Fans and the internet. Only Fans paints itself as an 'empowering, entrepreneurial' business model, but really it's gash for cash - women (mainly) flashing their tits, minge and arse, allowing all and sundry to access fairly high level stuff at the click of a finger. Because all the internet 'huns' are on there, it's all seen as aspirational, but it's not, it's sex work, simple as. I do agree there are more complex factors at work but the rise of 'easy' sex work is certainly a factor in all this.
Totally agree with this. It’s such a sad story to peddle to young women - that if you’re looking for a low effort way to earn big bucks, all you need to do is degrade yourself (flashing tits, minge and arse) or worse, take part in really risky/dangerous sexual behaviours. Who needs education and aspirations?!

sorry but the way they're riding is just like out of a porno, like it's choreographed and follows a script. Porn literally rots people's brains and this is a prime example. You watch so much of something it becomes second nature and even being filmed didn't bother her one bit. Even thinking of doing anything like that would be horrific for a regular woman who's not porn obsessed and hyper-sexualized
I don’t watch porn but even I could tell this was completely pornified sex, crude and animalistic.

I worry for my children, I really do.
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I had to go back to work when my baby was 7 months old so we chose a childminder as it felt more homely and better than a nursery room. I remember when we got a call and had to collect her early one day to take her to the hospital, turned out she’d slipped and got pulled elbow. It was an accident and my childminder wasn’t to blame at all but I was still sick with worry. I can’t imagine what this poor child’s family have been and are going through.

Childminder jailed for 12 years for killing baby boy
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One of the mums at my son’s school was on OnlyFans - she was having sex on film so the more extreme end. It all got out and kids were coming up to her son and daughter at school to show them the videos and take the piss. She doesn’t care.

She wasn’t the ‘type’ you’d expect either - nice middle class mum with a high-earning husband. Although they have split now…he didn’t know about her double life.
Looool just googled the prison officer video because of the comments about it being porn-inspired. It’s the least sexy video going - I hope the rest of her content is better than that if she’s trying to make a career out of it. Social media is making incredibly average people famous, purely because they have no morals and are willing to push boundaries for cash.
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I struggle with the Nottingham attacker because he seemed to know exactly what he needed to do during the attacks to cause maximum carnage and that makes me lean towards him deserving prison but people on here have made very strong arguments for his hospital placement instead.

Cannot begin to understand the victims families devastation and grief, I feel so much for them.
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Even if she goes to prison for a short sentence, she will still make a living from it when she is released.

I find it really sad how short-sighted these people are with regards to throwing away theirs and their families dignity and respect, as well as the prospect of any decent future employment, for the sake of a quick buck. She might be making a reasonable wage now, but the work won't last. As the industry becomes more and more saturated with people willing to degrade thememselves for cash, the rates they can get away with charging will fall rapidly.

If she'd worked as a prison officer and climbed the ladder to management level, she could've had a guaranteed decent enough wage for the rest of her life. Her family and friends would've respected her.

I can't help but feel sorry for people who do Only Fans and that kind of "work". I cannot imagine having so little respect for myself, and those I love.
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Wimbledon crash: I was waiting for the reporter to ask "what questions?" but she never did. It's strange to skirt around it unless they can't say more for legal reasons.
I took it to mean that they simply weren’t able to say.

I think the issue, ultimately, is lack of proof. Let’s assume that the teachers/the wider school community were aware of the woman responsible having a history of health issues that would prevent her from being able to drive. The problem is not being able to prove it, their word against hers.

On the other hand, I agree that it’s natural to want to look for a bad guy and to see justice served, but maybe it really was the most horrific, senseless freak accident.

However it's not unusual for the police to make their minds up early on (particularly if a person is wealthy/ has expensive legal representation) and then not put the effort in to find any evidence likely to contradict that scenario.
My thoughts keep coming back to this. Clearly the driver of the car is incredibly wealthy. Living in that part of London, sending their child to that school, driving that enormous custom painted luxury car (I have never seen a vehicle like that before in my life).

I can imagine a driver who fits that demographic not being hauled over the coals as aggressively as someone from a much less privileged background.
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If anyone remembers the Plymouth / Keyham shooting, there's a documentary on BBC 3 tonight about it
Weird that event didn't seem to garner that much attention considering it's once in a blue moon that someone goes on a shooting spree in the UK and one of the victims was a three year-old.
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Gosh, that would be awful. Hope it's not true. I remember there was a lot of people defending him on forums at the time, apparently "baby brain" is a thing and forgetting your baby is not so uncommon? I'm not sure I quite believe that myself but it was just the most tragic of accidents so I can't judge the man.
I remember this happening so clearly
I think it was maybe in County Cork - edited to say
It was their only child and I think the mum had just gone back to work and this was the first week the dad was dropping the baby off at child care and he forgot he had her in the back and drove to work instead, jumped out & locked car. It was in a heat wave.
Absolutely heart breaking. I felt terrible for them.
Never heard a thing since about but I’m sure they will never get over it.

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Boston B

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I have a friend who did the reverse, they were packing the car up for a night away and the baby was only a few weeks old. They were so concentrated on remembering all the stuff they needed they only noticed when reversing off their drive the car seat wasn’t there. The baby was strapped in and perfectly happy still in the hallway. It was only about a minute they were left but my friend was horrified she could have driven off and left her behind.
When I was a teenager in the 70's, my mom and I would take one of my infant nieces in the carriage and walk to the local grocery store. Our dog plus 5 of the neighborhood dogs would accompany us. We would park my niece in the carriage in front of the store, and the 6 dogs would lie in a circle surrounding the baby. We did our shopping, came out and she was there still asleep, and all the pups were still there. There was no way anyone was going to walk off with that baby! 😂
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The rise of porn and the easy access to it has contributed to Only Fans and the sexualisation of our culture. You can get the most deprived things possible with a quick google search. It’s now being rebranded as ‘sex work’ but it’s neither. It’s prostitution.
If she avoids jail then the sex in the cell prison officer will make a fortune on Only Fans. It's a sad indictment of society to be sure, but the reality is that if the demand wasn't there the site wouldn't exist.

Wanking is big business ..
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It's shocking and disgusting how the default position these days is to avoid taking any responsiblity whatsoever. It happens all the time when things go wrong now, especially serious things. People have become such self-serving cowards.

I was taught my address and phone number when I was very little. I never needed to deploy the information, thankfully, but it's something all parents should do with their kids the moment they are old enough. And I agree with you about police officers, unfortunately. :(
I think it’s also sad that the go to comment is ‘thank god the man who found him was genuine and not a *insert here*’. We shouldn’t have to think or feel like this. All us as parents shouldn’t have to feel that way, and would like to hope any person who found a lost child would act in the ‘correct’ way
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This is relevant based on our previous days discussion:
Gosh this is just shocking! As a parent, my mind would go into overdrive about everything that could have happened.

We've taught our 4 year old his address and who to look for if he's ever lost (a woman with children, as police officer is now sadly not safe enough). Hopefully he'll never need it.
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This is relevant based on our previous days discussion:
This is absolutely shocking! I can hardly believe that 3 adults aren't able to count up to 9! Each adult was presumably responsible for 3 kids - how the fuck did they not miss him? And he's red-headed - even in Scotland red hair stands out.

Thank heavens that the man who found him sobbing and alone was a decent man and not a pervert. Thank heavens that he didn't have an accident and seriously hurt himself, or get even further lost looking for his friends. Anything could have happened to this child.

From the article "The nursery declined to comment"

I bet they bloody did! 😡
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