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The families were treated appallingly and the CPS forced them to accept the decision and somehow this was reported to the press as the families had accepted the decision, not that they were railroaded.
They’ve treated the murderer better than the families of the ones killed. Other agencies didn’t do their jobs. And once again innocent people suffer. Great!
Well they would have to accept the decision regardless. It’s the law. You cannot be responsible for murder if you are a human being not of sound mind.
It seems he did spend time in prison, started treatment in September, put in ashworth come November and is still classed as dangerous to this day. Seems treatments not working and still deemed very unwell.
None of this should have happened. He should have been hospitalised when he attacked the police. There were so many warning signs and nobody did anything. Agencies should be up in court alongside him.
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I am lost for words.

“Taylor also pleaded not guilty to breaching a criminal behaviour order imposed by Nottinghamshire Magistrates' Court in April last year, by being within 10 metres of a nursery without reasonable excuse.”

Sounds like this scumbag was already on the register at the time of these offences.
I’ve seen elsewhere online this this story was likely him - same area. Would explain why he was banned from being near nurseries. Sounds like he was dumping adult human waste (his own) and performing sex acts in public with nappies scavenged from nurseries. Just an utterly depraved and disturbed individual who doesn’t deserve to hide behind a bogus trans identity.

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What gets me is that if it was post partum psychosis why didn’t she kill herself too? She was able to kill all three kids but wasn’t that distressed/mentally ill to kill herself? Convenient.

I think anyone saying ‘poor mother’ is in extremely poor taste. If it was a father people would be calling them scum etc. My sympathies lie only with the families and children whose lives were lost, and although mental health may be the cause of this tragedy, a crime has been committed and I struggle to find myself caring about the welfare of a triple murderer.
Women with post partum psychosis who kill their kids don't always kill themselves. Look at Andrea Yates in the USA who killed her 5 kids. She was very severely mentally ill. It's just very very tragic if that is the case here too.
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I didn't mean to spark a huge debate, though it is interesting to read everyone's opinion. I was simply answering a question(s) asked and trying to give a little insight into life on death row. To the person who picked apart my comment on baby blankets, the unit knit (James probably knits 12-16 blankets a year) and donate them to the local elderly/homeless shelter. While that doesn't excuse anyone's crime, far from it, they do do what they can.

I just don't think when you are convicted of a crime you stop being human. (if I had been matched with a child murderer/paedophile I wouldn't have written, and no I don't think an 88 year lady is worthless it is just different.)
I suppose it depends what definition of human you want to use. He may well have a head, two legs, two arms, and a Homo Sapiens genome, but ultimately human’s have a moral obligation to act in a humane way. Not to do so leaves you little better than a beast, and well even animals don’t kill their own species for drug money. Physiologically human. Absolutely. Morally human? Highly debatable.

And what does the phrase “he’s still human“ actually mean? Does simply being born entitle you an automatic expectation of a certain level of respect and reciprocal behaviour? Or is that respect and consideration actually earned due to the actions and achievements of your life? Vladimir Putin is after all still a human, as was Hitler, Genghis Khan, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, well you get my drift.

I’m sure he is a talented knitter. Colin Pitchfork made nice little sculptures.

And Jack Unterweger wrote nice stories and journalism pieces in between murdering prostitutes. Even murderers have other talents. Still murderers though.
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oh god I found her Facebook too, what a joke.
Theres a mentality among certain people to blame the government, teachers, police, social workers or the nhs for every failure in their lives. Responsibility begins at home. Imagine effing away on social media when your poor baby died alone.
It’s always someone else’s fault too. They can never take the blame for anything.
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I've got a school friend who married someone on Death Row - she's stark raving mad. He was executed and now she's engaged to another one.
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Can I ask a question? Apologies if it's silly. What do you get out of the relationship emotionally or spiritually. Like do you see it as a genuine friendship or is it something you do purely for faith reasons.
A genuine friendship now, I went into it with zero expectations. It is not something I do just because of my faith (and I have moved countries 4 times away from that church)

I get the feeling that James has one friend in the world who makes no judgement. I think everyone deserves that. Someone to 'sit' with them through good and bad.

I should just say I very rarely share things that are personally about me, our conversations are often about the news, sports, what is going on on his unit, the weather and so on.
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I understand what you’re saying but I think there was something not right before she even accessed the dark web. You have to physically go looking for the horrific content and what kind of person would?
I remember the internet in the late 90s/early 00s and a website called Rotten dot com. Admittedly, the kind of stuff you could find there was pretty tame by modern standards, but never underestimate human curiosity and the desire to seek out gory and macabre stuff… just because you can.


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I don't have kids and I don't think I ever plan too for many reasons. One of them being is I suffer from mental health problems and have done for many years (they started due to a traumatic experience) and it can be so up and down. If I don't get enough sleep I can't function. I don't believe I would ever harm a child but I think I would have thoughts and it would probably tip me over the edge.

I'm glad to hear the acid attack victim is doing better, hope she heals and luckily he's gone for good!
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It’s not “an opinion” to tell OP how disgusted you are and point out parts of his crime you think are most outrageous to goad her into defending him so you can pick her apart further ( as seen the one time she made the comment about older woman vs children)
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I didn't mean to spark a huge debate, though it is interesting to read everyone's opinion. I was simply answering a question(s) asked and trying to give a little insight into life on death row. To the person who picked apart my comment on baby blankets, the unit knit (James probably knits 12-16 blankets a year) and donate them to the local elderly/homeless shelter. While that doesn't excuse anyone's crime, far from it, they do do what they can.

I just don't think when you are convicted of a crime you stop being human. (if I had been matched with a child murderer/paedophile I wouldn't have written, and no I don't think an 88 year lady is worthless it is just different.)
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Chatty Member
Is anyone following the live trial of Adam Montgomery, for the murder of his daughter Harmony at five years old? It's absolutely shocking how many people failed that little girl. She was placed back with him after he had shot someone in the head and was a known drug addict.
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All this death row talk has reminded me of the case of Ronald Sanford in the US. He was interviewed by Trevor McDonald for his death row series. He, along with an older friend, murdered 2 elderly sisters when he was 13 for $5. He was encouraged to admit responsibility on the understanding that his age and lack of conclusive evidence would lead to a shorter sentence however he was sentenced to 170 years without parole when he was 15 and his accomplice got a much lesser sentence and was released after a few of years. The case has always left me really torn. Yes of course, he should be punished for his crime but also, he was 13 🤷‍♀️ He's spent his life in jail educating himself and seeking redemption, in the interviews I've seen with him he comes across as a humble man, truly sorry for his actions. Is his sentence fair? I can't decide.
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Happened at 2.30am our time. Sounds absolutely horrible, witnesses said it wasn't pleasant. The state will see it as a win for them though.
Nah that’s not OK. What he did was abhorrent and his victim will have suffered but justice isn’t revenge.
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I’m confused (not hard)

So were the woman and two girls in a car, in traffic, and he opened the door and pulled a child out??
It is confusing, I think they were leaving the hotel they were in the mother and kids. Witnesses saying it was a domestic, he’s known to her. Watch it be the husband. Even if he’s not he’s still an evil bastard.
I heard the noise from outside, the screaming so I went to my window and saw a women screaming 'help help',' she said. 'I saw a child in the back of the car banging so I took my phone to call the police'.
Further CCTV from last night shows the attacker getting into a car as the mother and one of her daughters stand in front of it holding their hands on their faces. He drives the car at the woman and hits her before getting out.
He then opens the back door and violently throws the second daughter onto the ground 'like he was in a wrestling ring'. At some point he threw an alkaline substance at the girls and their mother, causing her skin to 'turn black', according to witnesses.
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A 16 year old boy has died after being stabbed in Bristol :cry: what is this world coming to

I have a 16 year old. I’m honestly relieved that most of his socialising is via an Xbox and when he goes out it’s to the cinema or shopping centre with a handful of trusted friends in the daytime. It’s terrifying raising children.
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Another thought, if the social worker checked out other addresses I would assume that the mums was probably one of those. Where is her responsibility and accountability as his parent?
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All I can think of is Catherine Tate's "Elaine Figgis" & Jeremiah Wainwright III -

Apologies to anyone who is a penpal/friend of a prisoner , perhaps you have a kinder heart than me but not in a million lifetimes would I willingly engage with an incarcerated felon.
Plenty of lonely law abiding people who could do with a pen pal/ friend.
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