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Nelly's mum

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One thing that society needs to be aware of is language creep. There is a small, but active, online movement to soften the image of paedophiles. They use the term Minor Attracted Person and are trying to claim it is simply a sexuality, as natural as homosexuality or heterosexuality. They are trying to make it appear that a MAP is making a great heroic sacrifice by actively choosing not to rape children. Check out YouTube to see examples of this. (Maybe not if you anger easily). It is the ultimate rebrand.

I don’t care how much you have resisted the urge. If you want to fuck a baby you are a very very dangerous degenerate man. No ifs, buts or maybes. No nuance. No shades of grey. Fuck #bekind. I don’t want to understand you.

l can guarantee that in a few years people will start being cancelled and banned from social media for not using MAP as the correct terminology. Very much like the bullying people are subjected to for not referring to six foot tall bearded men in dresses as her. Be aware and never ever feel embarrassed to be repulsed by grown men who want to have sex with children.
Exactly this. The pweirdo movement inveigled its way into the gay rights movement in the 60s/70s branding inself as PIE - Peadophile Information Exchange, Peter Tatchell and Harriet Harman and other supported PIE.

Currently, the pweirdo movement is rebranded as PIE and aligning itself with the trans movement, and seeking to legitimise MInor Attracted People as an 'acceptable' fetish.
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People on FB saying “Well he didn’t make the videos himself”. He downloaded them, he stored them and he shared them. Just as bad!
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With regard to Steven Clark the documentary was utterly bizarre.
His parents and especially his father are beyond odd.
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I find this reasoning outrageous. Because he beat her unconscious so quickly he gets a reduced minimum term because she wouldn’t have felt any pain afterwards? I’m gobsmacked. And furious.

View attachment 2548139
I actually see this as worse, she was unconscious and unable to fight back early on yet he still carried on in his violent attack. Surely this makes him even more of a monster?
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It seems kind of strange to block any access to seeing or hearing children though. Isn't it better that they get off on watching cbeebies than child abuse images? I would worry that if their 'urges' are entirely frustrated they'll end up snapping and doing something more extreme.
Maybe unpopular opinion but I kind of feel the same about posting innocuous pictures of children online, when it comes to regular people with not many followers that is. It's not that different to taking your children out in the street. They could be seen by a pedophile who could then get off on the image they have in their mind without you ever knowing but as long as your child is safe is it really a danger? We can't lock all children up until adulthood in case a pedalo (and there are a lot of them) catches a glimpse of them.
No it’s not strange to block access to hearing and seeing children. If they have been prosecuted for CP / child SA. Hearing and seeing children do not satisfy the urge.
You’re very naive. 1 in 6 men have accessed CP. That’s men that you know personally. The ‘lovely’ man with a small following, completely under the radar. It is entirely different seeing a child on the street to viewing facebook images of children online. They save these images, doctor these images, put the child’s face onto a naked child, a naked child being abused, they make indecent images out of innocent pictures put on the internet, they sell these on / trade them with other peadophiles online. 1000’s of peadophiles viewing a picture of a child you love being sexually abused. Since working here, not 1 child has been shown on my social media. I do not trust ‘regular’ men around my children with myself present. We all have a duty to protect children, even if they aren’t our own.
I agree, if someone is free enough that they’ve got a sky box and are allowed in a supermarket trying to block access to CBeebies and ban them from going down the baby aisle just seems entirely unsustainable. If they’re that much of an ongoing risk they should be locked up, it’s the only way to mitigate that level of risk. Stopping someone who is in public from ever seeing or hearing children and babies is impossible, it’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard tbh.
Unfortunately we are not the law, nor do we make the rules. We cannot just order people to be locked up indefinitely. All we can do is protect the public in ways that we know work and in ways that we are allowed.
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Im torn with the decision to arrest 'someone' for manslaughter. I highly doubt he woke up that day thinking he could kill someone. It was a terrible accident that he will live with for the rest of his life but bringing manslaughter charges is OTT even taking into account his aggresive past on the ice. Its a fast and dangerous sport. Ive seen the clip and it looks like he falls backwards, naturally your legs would come up.
If he’d punched him and he’d died of a brain haemorrhage or similar do you think it would have been manslaughter?

The clip and I’m sure the police evidence looks like he kicks at him. It’s no different to a one punch kill to me, with the added aggravating factor that “The man” presumably was fully aware he had a very sharp blade on his foot that could do a lot of damage (compared to Joe Public punching someone where unless they were a boxer you could reasonably argue they wouldn’t have considered it could kill someone).
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I have a 16 year old. The thought of him being so afraid for my safety that he stabbed someone - especially someone he loves - and then being arrested for it, is just awful.

That poor boy, he must be in pieces.

What an irresponsible thing for their mother to do with them. Obviously I don’t mean that anyone deserved to be hurt, or the daughter to die, but of all the stupid things to do with your 16 year old, and with another child in the next room.

So unbelievably sad.
I agree - unfortunately I think people seem to see nitrous as harmless, safer than alcohol even, so in their minds doing a couple of canisters is no worse than having a couple of beers or ciders. The fact so many kids drive having done it when they wouldn't drink and drive shows that the perception of it is very different. I think it's more dangerous than alcohol if I'm honest and no one should be driving with it in their system.
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It must be so difficult for people to make that decision, let alone to hear the police make it, but I understand it. Poor Keith and his family.

I am so sorry that your relative went through that, Mindy. It's never made sense to me to use that method of questioning; if you are burgled the defence does not ask "And do you go shopping a LOT? And do you BUY THINGS?"
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Im torn with the decision to arrest 'someone' for manslaughter. I highly doubt he woke up that day thinking he could kill someone. It was a terrible accident that he will live with for the rest of his life but bringing manslaughter charges is OTT even taking into account his aggresive past on the ice. Its a fast and dangerous sport. Ive seen the clip and it looks like he falls backwards, naturally your legs would come up.
If his actions were criminal, he should face consequences. Him feeling devastated about it is not a good enough reason to do nothing. I’m sure there are plenty of people convicted of manslaughter or things like death by dangerous driving that have to face the rest of their lives with the guilt of their stupid decisions.

It can be a dangerous sport but that does not mean he gets to behave however he wants and not face consequences, especially if someone ends up dead as a result.

I wish/hope it was just a tragic accident that could not be avoided, because what a reckless waste of two lives if the only reason Adam died was because this hockey player decided to take him out with an aggressive kick during play.
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I was a bit disappointed by the generic response and the ‘we’ll see’ approach but it’s to be expected. It’s important that we have made our feelings known though. Thanks to everyone for getting behind this and @thegirlscout for raising awareness.

I know it’s hard for kids these days and I don’t want to needlessly ruin anybody’s future…but there is something clearly fundamentally wrong about them EVER working with animals.

I will be keeping an eye on this story and will contact them again if the students are found guilty and not excluded.
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Joran van der Sloot has admitted to killing Natalee Holloway

Not sure if this is available to UK residents but Court TV is showing the press conference...

i didn’t think he would ever truly admit it. gosh, i can’t imagine how natalee’s mother is feeling: she’s fought for her for so long.
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There's a documentary about Danielle Jones on Channel 5. I remember seeing her photograph in the news at the time, but don't know much about what happened

Thanks. Will try to watch this. Bless her heart, killed by her uncle. I think it’s believed her body was buried in a new housing estate being built at the time. I hope she is found someday so her parents can have ‘closure’. Absolute POS the uncle is, I think he was recently denied parole. He needs to rot forever!
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I guess perpetrators can be charming and lure in vulnerable women. Questions need to be asked about how prison vet staff to work there. A vulnerable woman shouldn’t be working in a male prison.

He disgusts me. It’s not like he could even argue that it was a crime of passion. He patrolled the streets stalking women and brutally killed a complete stranger only days after he was released from prison. Why would anyone want to be anywhere near that scum?
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I find these offences committed by groups fascinating. How do you even figure out that someone would be willing to torture someone with you?
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For those interested in the disappearance of Steven Clark, there was a documentary on the ITV hub featuring his parents. I think it's called Accused of Murdering Our Son, or something along those lines.
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