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After Alder was first born Kristi would post about how she could only shower every three days and was sooooo sleep deprived. In reality she didn't have to worry about going back to a regular job. Her husband doesn't work and seems totally willing to help. And she used to post shots from the Snoo that showed her son sleeping for long periods of time. She just likes to be miserable and act like a victim.
This is why I can't see Kristi having real life mom friends. She's always looking for sympathy when she actually lives a very cushy life. Women who work and bathe daily wouldn't relate to her!
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I really used to love Kristi and find her down to earth and relatable. She was my favourite beauty YouTuber hands down.. Now, I do understand mental health issues, having severe agoraphobia myself and I do appreciate her being so open and honest about things but honestly? I can't bring myself to watch her or look at her insta stories anymore. I finally unfollowed her on Instagram this morning..while I do appreciate that MH issues to do not discriminate, ALL she does now is complain about everything and she is so ungrateful for what she has.
You'd think she was the most hard done by person in the world ever, with nothing to her name and completely alone. I just can't do it anymore. I feel like an awful person, but the ungratefulness and her complaining about how hard done by she is, is just too much for me. I'd dread to think how she would cope living paycheck to paycheck in a council house with mould and damp issues like me, and I'm way more positive than she is.
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Omg finally a thread for her!
Gotta get this out:
Did anyone find it weird that for someone whose been struggling with infertility for so many years, in the video where she tells her family and friends nobody really reacts like that was the case? Like its just kind of a standard 'she's pregnant' reaction, which seemed kind of weird for a couple that tried for so long?? I feel maybe her sister slightly alluded to it, but Sams reaction was like 'but you were so scared to be a mom' which doesnt feel like something you'd say to someone who'd struggled with infertility in your initial reaction? I just found it all very very weird. Even Zachs reaction didnt really give away that they'd been struggling with it?

Labour & Delivery - for someone who used to ne a doula, her reaction to not being able to give birth at the birth centre was completely ridiculous. I get that emotions are running high but she of all people should be well emotionally prepared for the fact that births largely do not go as planned? Obviously her son having difficulties was awful and that must have been so scary, but her reaction to being moved to a hospital was so weird. Plus at the start of the video she does a disclaimer about appreciating healthcare workers, but implying she was saying this as she was about to retell a negative experience with a particular individual, but then went on to say how great everyone was?

Post-partum: Specifically the part where she talked about being depressed, and her staying up late frantically doing research on it to feel better, and then saying how getting out in the fresh air for walks and finding something to distract her has really helped, in a way that she's clearly only just discovered this and was surprised it helped. She genuinely framed it like it was a surprising fact that most people probably wont know. But she has been depressed and undergoing treatment for depression for YEARS before the baby i thought? Was that all a lie? Because you cannot tell me that for someone who claims to do so much research on everything she never came across the suggestion 'go outside more and do regular exercise' as something that can help with depression. Or that no Dr ever suggested that. Or that she never saw a mental health post on IG or a video on YT. Plus, she suffers from anxiety and cluster headaches and again... for both of those things, day 1 treatment from medical professionals normally stresses the importance of regular exercise?
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I am SICK of her complaining it's hot. She's admitted she has an AC in her bedroom so why can't she just lie in the bedroom in her pants with the baby all day?? It's not like she has to get dressed and go anywhere?!

I don't care if this is petty 😂 every story is an update on how hot she is and I'm fed up.
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Just happened across this thread and was like OMG. I don't follow her too closely (she's one of my 'click on her Insta stories out of total boredom/I've exhausted everything else' follows) started following her I think after her big Jaclyn Hill hairy lipstick review vid and thought she seemed pretty down to earth. Anyway, wtf! Everything is such high drama for someone who apparently lives this super chilled out, country lifestyle in a gorgeous property with what looks like money to burn.
I didn't watch her birth video, I avoid those like the plague (genuine previous birth trauma, currently approaching the due date of baby #3, I do not need to watch other peoples' 😅). But oh my god the DRAMA! The new house, the fall down the stairs, the breakdowniest breakdown ever known, the anxiety meds, the COVID, the migraines, the dog, everything the worst, most awful, crying hysterically dramatic it could possibly be. I mean this in the kindest way fuck off. She needs a huge reality check.
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I just found this thread and I'm definitely late to the party... but I am watching her birth video and I just feel so angry. When I think giving birth I think pain and pushing a literal human being out of your vag. I don't think butterflies and rainbows and cherubs playing the harp on your shoulder. And then she has the gall to say she 'wanted to feel everything' and then she's shocked when HELLO childbirth is fucking painful, was she expecting a tickle?? Did she think people were exagerating when they say childbirth was the most painful experience of their life?

She set herself up to fail by putting herself in this delusional fantasy reality treating her birth like a pre-planned event rather than the unpredicable super dangeous medical procedure it actually is. I just get such a first world problems vibe from this video. She such a control freak and narcisist that she is above things not going to plan. I get the hormones and the adrenaline and all that but she really needs to take a step back and realise that she is INCREDIBLY lucky. I empathise that obviously its incredibly scary that she didn't know if her son was alive, but bloody hell whats with the 'delayed cord clamping' shit she keeps going on about. I don't understand why she is so stressed about this one thing that is associated with minor benefits at best when it literally couldn't be done in order to save his life. For god sake, look at the bigger picture. Ugh im so mad, I'm sorry I couldn't finish the video it just irritated me so much.

I dont want to make this a 'you cant be sad because people have worse problems' but I can't help but think about the many women (literally even in developed countries) who do not have the access to the healthcare that kristi did/does. So many mothers around the world give birth in bathrooms, less than ideal housing, on the literal street in terrible unsanitary conditions, sometimes even without anyone to help or support them let alone provide medical assistance. I really dont care if this makes people mad, but if you give birth in the presense of people with the most up to date medical knowledge, with life saving equiptment available, a supportive partner, and nobody died during the experience, you are truly living the life.
All I’ll say on this is I had a traumatic first labour (ptsd and previous miscarriage along with a doctor who was a complete misogynist) so I won’t discredit any of her feelings on her son not breathing right away. That’s traumatic. But the whole idea she had of labour and delivery was about this wonderful dreamy earthy miracle and on reality birth is messy, painful and scary.
I am so thankful for modern medicine and wonderful doctors and midwives who deliver our babies safely. There are literally women giving birth in fields and dying. Kristi needs a reality check. It’s one thing being upset by a trauma during birth and another acting like not having your fairy water birth is a trauma. Trauma is losing your baby, having something go wrong or in my case a doctor preforming a procedure without my consent. Trauma is not that you were too high risk for a home birth.
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Most recent IG stories, crying because she spent so much time putting vinyl “wallpaper” up for the nursery part of the bedroom only to realize it has toxic fumes and had to rip it down. For someone who claims to do so much research, how could she not know that? Honestly I would have had no idea, but then again when doing my nursery I was looking at wallpaper from what seemed like legit sites. Don’t recall where she ordered hers from.
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Midwifery in WA (where Kristi lives) is fairly regulated, as they require licenses, yearly renewal, and 30 hours of continued education every 3 years. And the midwives at the hospital she was directed to would have been completely different midwives, and would have been certified nurse midwives. But yeah, that definitely does vary state by state. And home births were on the rise here too, so it was probably just the comfort level of the midwives she chose not allowing home birth during Covid than anything else.

I guess we just view things differently. The fact they wouldn't do a home birth during Covid and directed her to a hospital leads me to believe they weren't all that crunchy granola? Plus combining that with the fact that she dealt with one set of midwives at the birth center, and another at the hospital just again makes me think someone was likely advising some kind of intervention.

I also gave birth in a hospital that had a midwife led unit that was like what you described (I wasn't trying for natural birth, it just happens that the hospital closest to my house is midwife led labor and delivery) and so I ended up with a csection because it was them saying "hey, this isn't working, we know it's not what you wanted but for the safety of your baby we need to get her out." But that's also me agreeing to it because I wasnt tied to a fantasy birth story like Kristi obviously was. I have no idea how they would have reacted if I would have said no, I want to keep going, because again, they can't force you into a procedure even if you make bad choices.

Just her behavior throughout her pregnancy, the way her birth story was presented, and her behavior after he was born, in my eyes there's no question she's the one at fault for her son's insane birth. She, in every situation, prioritizes her wants and needs above everyone and everything.
Yeah, I think that's fair. Looking back, my midwives were amazing and were waiting for consent but I also kept saying that what mattered to me was my baby's health above all else.

Like I asked them not to weigh me because I have an ED and found it triggering. And they said, "We can do that. If it seems like you're suddenly swelling up, we probably will need to weigh you, though, to see if it's a warning sign for pre-eclampsia, but we can work out a way for you not to see it so it's not triggering" and I agreed.

I guess in the end she's definitely the architect of her own misery in most scenarios, so it makes sense that it would be the case here, too.

I'm still most mad about her claiming to be absolutely at her wit's end from stress and depression and refusing SSRIs. I'm still worried she's not vaccinating that baby, tbh.

And the vinyl wallpaper was fucking bizarre.

Adding: new video today, and I feel like another weird topic is her claiming that she's only comfortable in casual/minimal makeup and clothes post-baby as though it's some kind of Earth mother thing. And like... Kristi, is it maybe because there's a pandemic, you barely see anyone, and you moved out to the woods?

I feel like she swings wildly from "motherhood is hell and nobody warns you" to "motherhood is endless bliss and I am connected to the rivers, lakes, streams, trees and eagles in a way I never was before amen namaste."
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Did she forget that his name, birthday and a video/thumbnail of him literally coming out of her is posted on IG and YouTube? Almost 2 million people already know your sons name and probably a lot of info that he will someday wish wasn't out there.

I'm not saying she should start posting him, I am ALL for people not putting their children online for the world to see, I'm saying if this is genuinely her reason, she needs to do her due diligence to scrub his info from her platforms. It wouldn't change things obviously, but it would at least be her recognizing she made a mistake putting it out there and doing her best to rectify the situation.
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I cannot get over when she complained about only seeing smiling cooing babies with birds chirping in the background on social media... and the shock that her real life wasn't turning out like that?? Like who on Earth thinks that's a realistic picture of early motherhood, even people without children (me!) know those posts are exaggerated or straight up lies.

And weeks later... she posts her own Instagrams of smiling baby, walks outside, with gentle music in the background! SMH
Honestly she's just LYING at this point, everyone on the internet shows 'real life with babies' plus her sister has a child plus she's on youtube that has soooo much baby content plus she was a friggin doula. WHY LIE.
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Chatty Member
It’s heartbreaking for her son. He’ll grow up feeling like a burden. It’s creating such a traumatic environment for him, her constant resentment of motherhood.
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For anyone not in the parenting space right now, to be clear -- leaps are considered akin to horoscopes in terms of actual evidence. So it's like she's sitting here going, "It's so hard right now raising a Sagittarius during a Virgo moon so mama is not coping y'all!!!"

And like... I enjoy a good Horoscope but girl what. Your baby is a baby and has baby needs. Get him vaccinated, get your meds, and please for the love of God stop complaining about nothing.
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I really don’t get it, yes it’s hard when your baby wakes up early but that’s normal.You think she would know this after all those years, did she ever meet a baby?

She is so ignorant, what did she expect? That he would wake up around nine and make her breakfast in bed?

I can’t believe that someone who wanted a baby so bad knows so little about baby’s.
Maybe it’s an act? I used to really like Kristi but now she gets on my nerves.
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I'm glad this thread was linked. I was going crazy not being able to rant about Kristi putting a $1500 bassinet and a $500 carseat in her "newborn must haves" video.
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Me and my husband made the decision to let our little shih tzu go a little over a month after having our daughter last summer. He was around 12, had neurological issues, had gone blind, and he pretty much stopped responding to affection when we would pet him. Could he have lived a little longer? Probably. I know he was ready to go. It was such a hard decision (I still get emotional thinking of him), but I did not want to prolong his life so I didn’t have to grieve. That’s what Kristi is doing. She is keeping him alive so SHE doesn’t have to go through the loss and grief. She said she “knew” with Snickers or whatever the 20+ year old cat was named, but that poor cat was kept alive way longer than she should have been.
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