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Chatty Member
I have been left speechless by the latest 'stories'. To say she is an author she really does not have very good vocabulary. To use words like obsessed with trauma. Shes obsessed with making money out of it yes. I find it all such a sham. The way she exploits her own daughters 'trauma' too and yet again tells us about been abandoned at 4. She just can't help but make it all about her can she?! Total lack of empathy or compassion for the women at Trevi. I wonder would she have had more sympathy for the boys mum had she been at Trevi? Shes just a compulsive liar even when she said Hayley was shaving her hair and its down to her feet?! Then shares a pic and it's to her waist. She just cant help herself! All I got from her rant was everything is societies fault. Also shows what's wrong with society when twats like her get given a public platform claiming to rescue women and liaise with social workers daily but actually just use it to make shit loads of money with ADs. No integrity, zero credibility. When will the sheep see through this bullshit.
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Gobsmacked once again at the footage of her vanity project 'Patchwork House' 😨 I half expected her to pan the camera to a section where the PTWM gift shop will be. Where you'll be able to take selfies with the Queen, get signed copies of her shit books, buy fluffy clouds and bottles of her holy sacred tears which have the ability to cure broken hearts 💔 I am none the wiser what's going on apart from what looks like a very bad episode of Changing Rooms, I'm half expecting Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen to jump out 🤣 she thinks she some kind of interior designer 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm sure Astrid is knocking up a vile leopard print monstrosity as we speak. From what I can gather it's a launderette, coffee shop, community drop in fridge, therapy centre 🥴 will it be a female only space?! Hardly somewhere someone fleeing DV will want to go when I'm sure Josh will practically live there if thats where she is. He'll have a few bottles of red wine tucked away in the coffee bar area I'm sure. But if you're sat there and someone you know pops in for some free groceries then they tell their mate who knows the person you're fleeing from it's hardly inconspicuous. You see she could have done all this without broadcasting it if her heart was truly in the right place. The front door is signed up already and I'm sure shes already ordered a big bright neon sign to go in the window. This woman is very dangerous and no clue on the basic safe guarding requirements or what people who are in abusive relationships really need. Couldn't she have just donated all the money to Trevi instead of creating her own coffee shop? Did she even donate to Hayley after telling all her huns to? As usual Shambleton lives up to her name.
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It just goes to show that ill qualified but determined grifters can get away with whatever they want.

Emily? A director of a charity to help abused victims of domestic violence and now an Ambassador for Trevi? 🙄🙄, you couldn’t make it up.

Shame on Trevi if this it true.
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W is two in less than one month and he’s only now been bought some cutlery?! What !!!! Is she kidding??
My boy started on those ‘easy to hold’ cutlery when he was 6 MONTHS old … he’s same age as W and as he’s used them EVERY meal he now just uses standard cutlery, just a slightly smaller version. I can’t believe how much he’s held back… even basic things like feeding himself. 😳
Also, can’t find the comment to quote it now, but I too picked up on his run(waddle) and was wondering if anyone was going to mention it. (I usually just lurk!) just seems like he struggles a little bit.

As for the ‘I can’t do this’ coz her child has gone away for 2/3 days…? R goes away longer than that when galavanting around the country and she doesn’t miss her then!! She can’t deal with the fact people are going to ‘leave’ her. If she does think like that she needs to get help to deal with it, not put that burden onto B, it’s not fair on her whatsoever. It’s not in the slightest bit healthy. I hope B realises that.
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Wow they have their hands full with W don’t they, they just don’t have the patience any more do they, they are so used to all the older kids being pretty self sufficient and independent that they have forgotten how to cope with a toddler. I was also surprised that W liked sitting under that water dunking thing in the play pool, for a kid that hated and screamed at swimming the other wk that’s quite odd for him to be sitting under that thing and enjoying it 🤨 also who takes phones out in pools?
i’m surprised that she was even allowed her phone at swimming - i thought most pools don’t allow it for safeguarding?
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Chatty Member
Sorry dont want to derail, recently found out my mum passed away due to covid in February (we were estranged for a few years, its complicated and complex)
So not been around, could really do with a distraction right now, my head is not up for reading through a whole thread, so is anyone in the mood to fill me in whats been going on that is the shit show of the hambletons this week please.
PS, Life is short and precious, if you can make up with important people in your life, try and do it, or you will live with a life of regrets. (sorry)
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VIP Member
Wow they have their hands full with W don’t they, they just don’t have the patience any more do they, they are so used to all the older kids being pretty self sufficient and independent that they have forgotten how to cope with a toddler. I was also surprised that W liked sitting under that water dunking thing in the play pool, for a kid that hated and screamed at swimming the other wk that’s quite odd for him to be sitting under that thing and enjoying it 🤨 also who takes phones out in pools?
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Mrs Fudge

I found a lot of her Astrid stories a bit uncomfortable to watch. Astrid's husband made it clear that he hates bring filmed, he even turned his back on her and she carried on! It's just disrespectful, you're in someone else's house, just put your phone down and enjoy the afternoon. I can't fathom that friendship at all. As others have said, they don't seem to have anything in common, aside from Instagram, but their demographics are totally different, so what do they get out of it?
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I know this isn’t an Astrid thread, that she’s not everyone’s cup of tea and her taste isn’t to everyone’s liking.

I like a lot of what she wears and I think she’s very stylish , most of the time. She always wears cotton or linen in the summer , no cheap materials on her.

Rachel looks idiotic, nothing is ever appropriate, she must be sweating like mad in cheap polyester.
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I feel like this whole thread is sort of pointless now.

"Where's the PayPal money Rachelele?"

*Rachelele points at womens centre*
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Velvet Hour

Chatty Member
Rachel always looks a bit ‘try hard’ with the kooky vintage type look when she meets up with Astrid. She has a lovely figure and I thought the black outfit she wore for her birthday night away suited her. When I used to follow her on Facebook , there were regular posts mentioning alcohol and ‘getting shit faced’. There were posts of her still in bed saying she was hungover after nights out. I’ve read posts on here saying Rachel doesn’t like the taste of alcohol and also that she and Josh wouldn’t get drunk together in front of the kids due to their previous experience with other parents . Does anyone remember when alcohol used to feature in her posts?
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So this “day out” was actually to film an ad 😳

Oh fuck off jo, how much over time did you get to make that comment or is it part of your contract
Filming an ad seems to be the only reason they ever have days out. Rather than important reasons, like making memories with your children or getting them seeing/learning about nature and the world.
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