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Imagine his face when Astrid says they’re meeting them for lunch again 😁😁.

“Fuckin’ Hell Astrid , again?, why do I have to listen to that whiny old fuckwit drone on. All she does is moan and scroll on her phone and try to steal your clothes”.
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Yesterday in her video, Rachy mentioned the coffee machine, when Jo was showing us around the imaginary bar in the new launderette/cafe/ cake shop.
I wonder if she's having a proper catering size and catering quality or just a little coffee filter macnine?
I suspect it will be a top of the range catering one, which will probably have been gifted 🙄.
Do you know Rach, when abused women turn up at women's centres, they appreciate a cup of coffee or tea or just a glass of water.
Cheap supermarket value coffee and tea and powdered milk is quite acceptable too.
Along with some value biscuits occasionally.
And an old tatty mug is okay.
These women really won't be coming in for a latte, cappuccino or espresso with a lush fresh cake.
They will be coming in because they will be desperate & scared & will need help and support from trained and qualified staff.
I just thought I'd mention it to you Rach.
And for fuck sake, please do not have lurch serving the refreshments! The last thing vulnerable women want is that pervy little creep anywhere near them, even with his lush hair transplant.
Keep him away.

Edited to add, hopefully the women who do have the misfortune of stumbling upon your latest project will be redirected to Womens Aid and other more appropriate services.
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They all just look like a group of school bitches with R the head leader. Pa jo hasnt got a pair of balls so she's just the sheep who doesn't dare say anything to the top bully, as long as they aren't bullying her so is happy to go along and stabby Jo is just a desperate cling on.
Not the kind of women I would approach if I was vulnerable. Too hard faced looking for a start
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ooh its like tattle bingo today folks.

So wilby is getting a knife and fork to feed himself and the illusive mum has appeared at trego mills!

add that to her "say hurry up dad" crap the other day and shes ALMOST got a line (and not the type her cameras show being delivered at 1am).

i am shocked at the emotional blackmail shes piled on B today though. Shes so jealous of anyone being away. Shes always off for weekends and weeks touring the country and doesnt give a shit. Yet B has a few days away and R has a breakdown.

Also T finally got some attention. For bleaching her hair to look like Betsy oddly! R called her beautiful and allowed her on camera without dirty looking and scoffing at her. Looks like Queen Bs throne is unsteady.
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I had to tap on through that utter bullshit! She cares so much about every woman’s trauma apart from Seb and Isaacs mum..for which trauma she caused!!! I’m so bloody angry, you and a lying evil piece of shit Rachet!!
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I’ve said it before, the guilt tripping of B is very;

Woman dressed up for a night out with the girls

Bloke: ‘Stay home with me babe, we can get a take away and cuddle on the sofa instead’

DV advocate my arse.
I’m furious that she’s behaved that way and also put it out there on SM. When my grown up daughter announced she was leaving home, I was HEARTBROKEN! Did I guilt her? No! I encouraged her independence and she’s now living with her lovely boyfriend and being a fully fledged adult! It broke my heart and I swear I went through a very low 6 months, i felt lost! But I got past that and couldn’t be prouder! Rach has to stop using her kids as an emotional crutch/babysitter!
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The only thing she's obsessed with is anything that can be given to her for free or that she can use to her own advantage. Whether that's followers, money etc. I'm yet to see her actually do something meaningful and worthwhile for DV. Not the nonsense she actually spouts but something positive. If she was really that bothered, she would give away the stuff she receives for free to shelters or to people in need.

This influencer culture is so gross. Not one of them are actually friends, they're all just using each other to get something.
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Did she really just msg B telling her she’d like it more if she was having a shit time?
Blows my mind … I’ve always loved it when I see my son happy and enjoying his life… have I been doing it wrong all this time?! 🙄
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Who the fuck puts that as an address? Seriously, who? The postman would not deliver that. You either need the street or postcode. She's an absolute twat!! Mail goes through a machine first, that how it gets sorted. Twat, twat, TWAT!!!! No markings on it. Twat!!
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who pissed in your cornflakes?😂
Me evidently, nothing new there 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂.

The women’s centre looks to me like a drop in cafe for women. I think given the size and what they’ve done with the set up, that back room is for people in the community (therapists etc,) to rent out to see clients in. The rest of it is a coffee shop where women can go to get a drink and advice. So I expect Emily will be doing a lot of signposting women where to go if they do need proper help. I know they said they were planning to do freedom project workshops but I can’t see it being on a grand scale as there really isn’t enough space. I think it will be coffee, cake, a bit of shoulder to cry on and then passing out leaflets/ websites etc so that the women can access the correct help. The washer & drier, I suppose could help local homeless people clean up maybe??? I’m not sure what the homeless situation is in the area, but that makes sense to me.

The room at the back covers the community interest part of the CIC as she’s hoping the community will use it. Any money she makes of coffee and cake will be minuscule anyway. Setting it up as a CIC means that she can fundraise if they run low on cash for the staff AND she can also apply for grants etc if she wants to expand. I think the remaining PayPal Direct Debits that people still pay probably covers PA Jo & Emily’s wage. The people who still donate to that can’t be helped. If they can’t see something off now, they never will.

Looking at the expense she’s gone to with the refurb of the place, I think she’s possibly paid for a bit herself. It looks like it’s haemorrhaging money already. I don’t think any of the women are business savvy, but that’s where Jordan and Ceri come in. They are trying to build entrepreneurially. I think Rach will just try to follow them.

At first the women’s centre concerned me, but I don’t think she will have access to peoples notes or situations, unless they give her it. There’s nothing anyone can do to stop that, it’s on the person involved. However, I think she will find out quite quickly that it’s more problematic/ hard work than she has thought. She should’ve opened a florist or something 😂.

I know it seems serious, but I really think it’s much ado about not much. Like the book. Not many sales, off into oblivion.

At this point I’m only here to see how long it takes her to realise why after this little bit of success, she’s still waking up unhappy. I’m hoping it’s sooner rather than later 💪
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B had that hotel booked, hotels are hard to book at the moment. I think if she told R she was going for more than 1 night, R would have kicked off. Nothing can be done when B is already there, the girl isn't stupid!

Fair play to her, having some freedom. Not being the babysitter. All while Emily is moving as well. That's 2 babysitters down 😂😂
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He is subjected to such a weird combination of things too old and too young for him (baby bottle followed by hard lollipop), all due to their lazy parenting.
Don’t be too harsh on her, I’m sure she will wean him onto McDonald’s coke through a straw soon.
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So bloody obvious why Rachel was desperate for Betsy to return, babysitting duties were commenced the minute she got back.

I really really hope Betsy goes a long way away if she goes to university.
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I cant get my head around the womens centre layout.

If it's for vulnerable women who are experiencing DV to escape to then why the hell is the patchwork house name emblazoned all over the front door? Hardly discreet?

Then you have the front entrance/ reception
Shouldnt that just be a basic greeting point where women are met and taken to whichever room they need? Not the main bloody meeting point?

Imagine you are absolutely on your knees, your lowest moment, in an absolute state you walk in to the patchwork centre and you are met by Emily giggling and bitching over the coffee machine, Josh fake tanning in the corner, R eye fucking herself on camera as she rattles on about giving it one of them and a whole gaggle of huns taking up all the space, tagging themselves on insta giving away the location and eating all the free donated cakes...hardly a calming environment
The only actual room is the small “therapy room”. Other than that it’s just a loo with a sink where the cistern should be, 2 sinks and a washing machine and tumble dryer in the hall and a community fridge/coffee bar/seating area/kid’s book corner.

There’s no reception area or desk, nowhere for them to record who is accessing their “service” so they can keep an eye on the individuals and families they help.

What happens when there’s very quickly more demand than they can deal with? They turn people away? They have a queue for the washing machine? Or is it not a drop in any they will only accept women who were referred to them, but who is going to refer vulnerable women to them? And if they’re being referred by professional services why do they have a washing machine?

Rachel is a self-serving cunt. None of this is for anyone else but her.
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I never understand fan pages, what's the point? What is someone trying to achieve by running a page using someone else's photos to blow smoke up their arse? What do they get out of it? I have seen several for Ashley Cain's daughter that passed away, and honestly I think it's pretty disgusting to use photos of a stranger's deceased child to garner likes and follows on Instagram.
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Every ‘influencer’ does ads it doesn’t bother me that much, what bothers me with old grabby pants is the fact she can afford most of the stuff she advertises from the amount of adds she does, she could buy her own and donate the products to people who actually need it eg. Women in hostels.
Rancid's problem is that she has built her following off the back of saying that she works with charities and gets 6 women a week out of abusive situations and into refuge. She has made out that she regularly gives her last fiver to help others, whereas she's actually doing fuck all to help anyone else, the work she says she does with various charities and refuges is conveniently "behind the scenes". She sent one box to a refuge over 6 months ago, and it was full of stuff she'd been gifted that she didn't want. Given how many adverts she does every week, she could easily donate a portion of her earnings every single month to Women's Aid or whatever, and not even miss the money. THAT would make a difference, but she's selfish and greedy. She will take any advert that comes her way, and spends the money on herself.
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Astrid's husband is obviously very uncomfortable with being filmed and even tells her to stop, but she still insists on filming. She literally has no boundaries.
And Josh, you're a boring wanker aren't you?
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Just caught up on yesterday’s stories as I couldn’t face it.
That purple dress - horrific (well done emily 👏🏼)
Simon and the daughter can’t stand rachey 😂
Joyce’s teeth in that selfie 🤢
Bingo to whoever on here mentioned last week that we never see any of Betsys friends at the house anymore
And Edies awful singing again is like nails down a blackboard - stop telling her she can sing she can’t
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