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If she wanted to open a coffee shop, she should have opened a fucking coffee shop. Not pissed about pretending to care about vulnerable women, and tied it in with feeding her massive ego. She's an absolute danger and I have no doubt that women have already come to harm because of her (people that have reached out thinking she can help, only to be ignored, or sent a purple heart).
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Velvet Hour

Chatty Member
I too am interested to find out what this Patchwork women’s house is all about. She’s not been very transparent so far, so it could literally be about anything? MH, DV, Poverty.. didn’t she also mention about freedom programs and what not? So it does sound more geared towards DV - which is odd because of the washing machine and stuff? Surely if a woman is being prevented from cleaning her clothes or whatever, her turning up at home with clean clothes will be bad? Same for being denied food, her rocking up at home with bags of food will also be bad? Maybe it’s for a mix of people? It’s all very shady so far
Sadly there are families out there who don’t have the money to put on their electric cards or are in deficit with their utilities so for every £10 they put on their card, a fiver is swallowed up for their previous debt. Some families have partners who gamble their money away leaving them with the choice of washing clothes or using what little they have for light and heat. I’m not sticking up for Rachel by any means but if the washing machine means some kids can go to school with a clean uniform then that’s a good thing . Hopefully, this is what it’s been bought for . I was brought up on a very poor estate. My parents were lovely people, but mum couldn’t work as my late sister had cerebral palsy . Money was short but my dad worked hard and they never complained. There was a women’s centre funded by local authorities where local woman could go to . Smear tests could be booked with a visiting nurse, family planning days were held and also there were a couple of older ladies who were trained counsellors . There were no lush coffees or cakes, just a kettle. What is concerning is that Rachel is just too out there with her life and vulnerable women will come along who follow her page, hoping there will be some magic wand to make their lives better ( well if Rachel can get herself out of a bedsit and into a fabulous home , take selfies all day with a guy who adores her and the kids , then become a best selling author , this could happen to me too, if I go to the patchwork centre and meet her, maybe some good luck will rub off on me too.) Her followers also see Emily as some sort of DV heroine who has beat all odds and now has a boyfriend lovely home and gets to spend her days with her son in nursery, working a few hours a week in a coffee charity and pissing about with Betsy playing ‘say it or shot it. ‘If Emily sniggers the estate agent looks like toad of toad hall, what nasty things is she going to say about the women who visit desperately looking for help?
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VIP Member
I too am interested to find out what this Patchwork women’s house is all about. She’s not been very transparent so far, so it could literally be about anything? MH, DV, Poverty.. didn’t she also mention about freedom programs and what not? So it does sound more geared towards DV - which is odd because of the washing machine and stuff? Surely if a woman is being prevented from cleaning her clothes or whatever, her turning up at home with clean clothes will be bad? Same for being denied food, her rocking up at home with bags of food will also be bad? Maybe it’s for a mix of people? It’s all very shady so far
The way she's equipped it, it could be anything, but I'm sure it will be as dodgy & as unprofessional as she is 🙄.

She's back on Instagram. Jo is in the hobbit hole and apparently had a sleepover with Rach & Josh too? That's nice💋.
Emily went to Trevi without Rach yesterday, because Rach wanted Em to go ❤. Because Em is so involved 😯.
She offered to look after her own kids!
Fuck me, this is unbelievable!
You don't fucking offer to have your own kids!!!!!
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As someone who has been into my local woman’s centre a few times.. the last thing on my mind was eating a fresh cake & a nice coffee. I wanted help & advise & support - not a flashy all dancing place just somewhere calm & peaceful where I can gather information up and think straight. I also wouldn’t be sat in a window seat either in fear on someone spotting me and following me inside.
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Well-known member
So I'm now torturing myself and listening to her bullshit sob story and she wants to make sure that neither Edie or Wilby have to suffer the trauma she went through, NO mention of Sebastian or Issac, PATCHWORK FAMILY my fucking arse 🤬
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I see Emily is now an ambassador for Trevi. What the hell?
Well we can all guess now why that has happened. So R can turn around and say Emily is qualified enough to deal with vulnerable people.
Its all dodgy as fuck and like everyone else has said, the quicker the novelty wears off the better.
I don't even think R knows what the fuck that centre is for. Sounds like a right mish mash of her dipping her hand in every pie at once
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Oooohh she’s in dangerous territory here isn’t she. This is when the chicks flee the nest. They start to go to other cities and find out that maybe just maybe Rach isn’t the be all and end all like she’s instilled in them. And also this is when they speak to people from other blended families and realise they may have been a pawn in their mother’s game and that a bit of parental alienation may have been happening. This will be especially true of the boys. Yeah Rach! Knew this would happen as that’s what happened to me and a lot of others I know. Make the most of them as I can guarantee Betsy is only the first to do this, wait until the boys and Lula do it.
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I have so many things to say about her latest stories that I don't even know where to fucking start!

She's full of shit. I've never know anyone want to be a victim so much. How can she sit there talking about the women at Trevi and what they've been through and genuinely think she's been though trauma like that too? And how can she sit there talking about women that have made bad choices, had children taken away, that are lacking support etc when she has Seb and Isaac there and she feels no empathy towards their mum. I don't usually comment on the boys and their mum but fuck me, what a fucking hypocrite!

Of course she talks to social workers every week. Of course she does! Social workers that are snowed under with a huge workload, find time to call an instagrammer with no skill set, no qualifications, no common fucking sense and an over inflated sense of self importance. That's exactly what they need when they are already stretched to their limits :rolleyes:

She's also the only person I've seen that cries like Matt Hancock. She's completely lacking any sincerity.
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Not one of them comes across approachable, like the type of person you would want to open up to. They look like a group of playground mean girls
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Does anyone else feel like the way they dress is also a little inappropriate for a women’s centre? Im not personally attacking the way they choose to dress but technically they will be ‘working’ there so I’d hope they present themselves a little more professionally. When I accessed women’s centres and groups etc, all the support workers, therapists and IDVAs dressed very muted and professional. I think if I had turned up with my greasy hair, sunken eyes, crappy skin and unwashed old clothes I would have felt proper shite and embarrassed if my support worker was sporting the latest designer trainers and flashy expensive clothes! It screams that they don’t really have a fucking clue. Anyway guys I’m off down my local homeless shelter to volunteer but first let me grab my Yeezys and Mulberry bag 🙄🥴😏🤬
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Funny not funny kinda, what exactly are you trying to say, transitioning cant be easy, so not sure where you are coming from, there could be parents of/or people who have or know people that are going through this, personally I find your comment in bad taste, only my opinion though, so scroll on by.
Hmmm, I think the fact that I recognised Caitlyn as Caitlyn kinda tells you that I’m not making light of transition or in anyway transphobic. In fact I’m more than okay with the LGBTQI community. Though Caitlyn did grow her hair before her transition and found it very cathartic. It was one of changes she could do before she was ready to be honest about her gender.

Sorry if you find casual humour offensive. I don’t discriminate with my jokes, I treat every societal group the same way, including the many jokes I make about myself 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I was just thinking when my family get together we always chat about when the kids were younger and all the memories from childhood. Remember when we went on that holiday, day trip, theme park or even just a walk where something funny happened.

Well for this family I can’t see what they will have to reminisce about in the future. It will be remember when Rach made us do the advert for, when mum and dad used to go and get pissed every sat and leave us at home, left us to go visiting poor people then came back and gave us all Covid, ahh good times.
They don’t do anything as a family and hardly ever seem to be together. I’m sure that bike ride was a set up for an incoming ad.

For Wilbo it will be even worse, his childhood memories will consist of watching tv, being left in a corner while the parents drink with an overgrown rag doll and eating chocolate cake by the truck load.

It’s bloody sad how their selfishness is spoiling their kids childhoods and their greed for money and ‘stuff’
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I’d say minimum she gets would be £500-£1000 per ad and so far this month she has done 22 ads so she has probably earned at least £11k. Which is ridiculous and everything that is wrong with this insta culture.
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City girl?

Sorry is Betsy the only person from Devon who’s ever been to London??

Give it a rest woman, you sound like a lunatic
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Chocolate girl

Well-known member
This is a bold statement of me to make but I've got a funny feeling this womens centre isn't going to work out and it's going to eventually fade into the backround never to be spoken of again...
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Wasn’t it just said the other day there had been no sighting of her “toxic” mum in ages and as if by magic she appears 🤣

Was emily saying she had no patience for the kids or Rachel’s mum?

That sobfest about Betsy being away is only because rachey actually has to be a parent to the younger kids and look after wilberforce if she’s not there.
I hope Betsy fucks off as far away as she can from that shit show and doesn’t let her mum manipulate her into staying close
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They will definitely take the piss out of women that go to their coffee shop/launderette.
Those that don’t have designer trainers, will be mocked. Once out of the door I can imagine them all falling about laughing and bitching .

Looking down their chavvy noses as those less fortunate or those who don’t have hundreds to spend on shitty cardigans those whose priorities is staying alive rather than living for getting likes on Instagram.
They ooze bitchyness, from every pore.
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